Chapter 387

Cai Yu looked at Yu Linglong with great interest.

Cai Yu is no stranger to beautiful women.

Guo Jia is a womanizer, and all the women in the family are stunning.

Even Cai Yu herself is a rare beauty.

However, it is not as good as this Yu Linglong.

This woman is one of the most perfect women Cai Yu has ever seen.

In terms of pure appearance, I am afraid that only Diao Chan, who has not yet grown up, can fight.

Beauty is a woman's weapon.

With this exquisite appearance, how could she do such a simple thing like sneaking into the military camp and drugging her?
This is simply overkill.

Cai Yu was very puzzled and couldn't figure it out.

Her eyes fell on Yu Linglong's body. According to those women, this woman had more than one wound on her body.


Cai Yu suddenly reached out and tore off her clothes, revealing a beautiful body.

Yu Linglong didn't blink her eyes, as if she didn't feel anything at all.

"This is a sword wound!"

She recognized it immediately.

Before entering the barracks, this Yu Linglong was injured.

Not only that, but the woman also had marks left by arrows on her body.

These arrows were spikes specially used by the Southern Army guarding the palace in Luoyang City, Cai Yu could tell at a glance.

The woman fought with the guards of the palace and was injured.

Cai Yu pondered for a while.

This woman is certainly not a nobody.

If she enters the palace, she will definitely become the new favorite of the harem.

Why did she fight the Southern Army?
Thinking of this, Cai Yu suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"I remember!"

Cai Yu slapped his head fiercely, with surprise on his face.

"At the beginning, the Southern Huns gave Guo Jia a stunning beauty. They said it was a spoil for him. This guy was originally a hungry ghost, but he didn't know that there was something wrong that day, so he rejected it in public. So that beauty was taken by this I changed hands and sent it to the imperial court. Isn't that right, Beauty Wang!"

Hearing the words Wang Meiren, Yu Linglong's body trembled, her eyes showed a look of fear.

The previous incontinence stimulated her too much.

Now she still hasn't recovered.


Cai Yu laughed a few times before suddenly realizing.

That's it!

That's it!

No wonder the hungry and perverted Guo Jia would give up the beauties of the Huns.

No wonder this woman escaped from the palace with spike scars on her body.

No wonder she hated Guo Jia so much.

All of this was unraveled from her identity.

At the beginning, Guo Jia must have discovered the abnormality of this beauty from some aspect, so she gave it to the emperor.

No, maybe Guo Jia also has other plans.

Ever since, this beauty came to Beijing and became the emperor's new favorite.

In three years, she consumed Emperor Han Ling's life bit by bit.

In the end, the palace was in chaos, and the beauty took the opportunity to escape. Originally, she had completed her mission and could get a full rest.But for that Chi Xiao, the [-] Yunzhou Army was still a huge threat, so she personally took action against Guo Jia.

It's a pity that he was smashed by himself in the end, and this was a failure.

Ha ha!

Having figured out this section, Cai Yu was very relaxed.

She also became contemptuous of this Yu Linglong.


Cai Yu's face darkened.

"It turns out that you have been eyeing Guo Jia for a long time. You must have contributed to my sister's incident!"

Three years ago, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty called Cai Yan into the palace. Guo Jia almost capsized because of this incident.

Cai Yu accompanied him all the way, so he was naturally impressed.

Yu Linglong was still at a loss.

Cai Yu suddenly pulled out a whip.

"For a slut like you, there is only one way, and that is to tame!"

Soon there was crackling and Yu Linglong's terrified screams came from the tent.


In Luoyang City!

A fight broke out between the Northern and Southern armies.

He Jin died at the hands of Shi Changshi, and General Wei Dong Zhong died at the hands of the Northern Army. The conflict between the two sides was difficult to resolve, and a big scuffle broke out.

The battle lasted all night.

"Stop, stop!"

Just as the two armies of the North and the South were fighting happily, a loud voice sounded.

The tall figure of Sili Xiaowei Huangfusong appeared in the palace.

It's General Huangfu!
After seeing Huangfusong coming, some old soldiers recognized him immediately and stopped their hands one after another.

"Brothers, brothers!"

Huangfu Song held up his hands, and said sadly: "Whether the southern army or the northern army, they are all the imperial guards of the great man. They are all His Majesty's personal soldiers. As an imperial guard, I don't want to guard the capital, how can I fight myself?"

He was heartbroken.

General Huangfu!

The soldiers of the Northern Army said in unison: "The Southern Army has killed General He Jin, please General Huangfu to uphold justice!"

At this time, the Southern Army also said in unison: "The Northern Army has killed General Wei Dong Zhong, please General Huangfu to uphold justice."


The soldiers of the Northern Army said angrily: "Obviously you killed General He Jin first."

The soldiers of the southern army also said angrily: "General He Jin was killed by Shi Chang's attendant, and he did our shit. Our Wei General Dong Zhong was indeed killed by you."

The two sides chattered endlessly, if it wasn't for the suppression of Huangfusong and others, they might start fighting again.

Huangfusong was also a little confused, he turned his head to look at Lu Zhi.

"Brother Zigan, what's going on?"

After Huangfusong returned to Beijing, he immediately became the captain of Sili.

Lieutenant Sili was the third armed force in the capital besides the Zhonghou of the Northern Army and the Lieutenant of the Southern Army, and he had a prisoner army of more than a thousand under his command.

He Jin and Huangfusong were not on good terms all the time. In order to prevent Huangfusong from getting in the way, he sent Huangfusong away on the grounds of civil unrest in Henan.

Do not commit suicide!

If Huangfusong was in the capital, things would naturally not go to this point.

Hearing about the change in Beijing, Huangfusong rushed over overnight, along with Shangshu Lu Zhi and General Zhu Jun riding on his right chariot.

The three had quelled the Yellow Turban Rebellion and had great prestige in the Northern Army.

After they entered the palace, they quickly stabilized the situation and separated the northern and southern armies that were still fighting each other.

Lu Zhi is the Minister, so he explained the matter immediately.

Shi Changshi killed He Jin, and Yuan Shao, the Marquis of the Northern Army, killed General Dong Zhong of the Wei Army.

"Your Majesty, where is Your Majesty?"

Zhu Jun suddenly said in surprise.

The news of Emperor Han Ling's death is still sealed in the palace.

At this time, Yuan Kui came in a hurry with someone.

"The late emperor, the late emperor has already passed away!"

With a sad face, he wept bitterly.

The first emperor!

When Huangfu Song, Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun heard this, they all fell to their knees.

The Southern Army and the Northern Army stopped fighting.

The emperor is dead, what else are they fighting for?
"How did His Majesty die?"

Lu Zhi wiped his tears and asked suspiciously.

All the officials have been silent all this time, so how can you say that if you die, you will die?
(End of this chapter)

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