Chapter 388

Yuan Kui, who is also a minister, is Lu Zhi's boss.

"The old man has found the late emperor's body from Weiyang Palace. He has been dead for many days. Shi Changshi and Dong Zhong are ambitious, so they pressed the news and kept silent. We have been kept in the dark!"

Yuan Kai wept bitterly.

At this time, the Southern Army stopped talking.

If this was the case, General Wei Dong Zhong would have more than deserved to die.


Lu Zhi said again: "Where is the queen mother? Where are the two princes? A country cannot live without a king. The first emperor died, and the princes should be allowed to succeed."

At this time, Yuan Shao, covered in blood, brought people to Weiyang Palace.

"Teacher, my lords. The ten permanent servants killed Empress He and Prince Liu Bian, and escaped from the palace with Empress Dowager Dong and Prince Liu Xie."

Hearing this question, all the civil and military ministers looked at each other in blank dismay.

At this time, everyone discovered a serious problem.

Emperor Hanling, Empress He, and Prince Liu Bian were all dead, and the whereabouts of Prince Liu Xie and Empress Dowager Dong were unknown, and there was no one in the entire palace who could be in charge.

"Aren't you looking for it soon?"

Yuan Kai pretended to be furious.

Yuan Shao responded.

"But Ben's going to take care of a few things."

He waved violently.

"Arrest these generals of the southern army. Dong Zhongshi's ten regular servants conspired against each other. The evidence is solid. You should all be punished."

The Confederate Army was consciously at a loss.

They were also implicated by Dong Zhong.

But Dong Zhong rebelled, they really don't know.

So I didn't do anything, but chose to catch it with nothing.

very good!

Yuan Shao's expression darkened.

"Cut off!"

Brush brush!
Countless heads fell to the ground, and Yuan Shao's confidants were not vague at all.

Seeing Yuan Shao kill someone, everyone couldn't help being surprised.

The generals of the southern army were even more furious.

"What does Dong Zhong's rebellion have to do with us? We never rebelled."

"That is, you said that Dong Zhong rebelled, is there any evidence?"

"Yuan Shao, if you hadn't killed Dong Zhong hastily, how could you have caused the southern army and the northern army to fight."

Everyone argued.

shut up!

A murderous look flashed across Yuan Shao's eyes.

"Those who are in chaos will be killed! Collaborators, kill without mercy!"

There are only three military forces in Luoyang. At this moment, he has already mastered the northern army. As long as he severely injures the southern army, he must have no opponent in Luoyang.

As for that good old man Huangfusong, he was naturally not placed in Yuan Shao's hands.

Yuan Shao killed so many generals of the southern army, the southern army was naturally unwilling, seeing that the two sides clashed again.


Huangfusong suddenly roared, and said: "The late emperor passed away, and the prince is living outside, how can a subject feel at ease?"

He suddenly shouted.

"Who is willing to go out of the city with the old man to find His Highness and Queen Mother?"

Huangfusong had already seen the problem.

Yuan Shao wanted to drive out all the generals of the southern army.

Huangfusong is a good old man, so he is naturally willing to see this kind of scene, so he called everyone out of the city to look for the prince Liu Xie.

"Let's go!"

The remaining surviving generals of the southern army responded loudly, and they reacted quickly, and immediately followed Huangfusong out of the palace.

After Huangfusong left, the southern army also left, so that only the northern army under Yuan Shao's command remained in the entire palace.

Although Yuan Shao wanted to catch them all, Huangfu Song had no choice but to stop him, so he could only sulk secretly.


Yuan Wei who was on the side suddenly said: "It is serious to find His Highness quickly!"

Yuan Shao responded, and then he came to his senses.

If Liu Xie is really found by the Southern Army, their Yuan family will almost be in vain.

So we must kill Liu Xie before the Southern Army finds him.

Yuan Shu!

Yuan Shao prayed in his heart.

You must not disappoint the high expectations of the Yuan family!



A figure walked out of the cave first, it was Zhang Rang.

He took advantage of the chaos and fled the palace with the little emperor and Queen Mother Dong.

There is a secret road in the rockery of the palace that runs through the entire Luoyang City, and the exit is in the area of ​​Mangshan Mountain.

This is also the life-saving method handed down from the ancestors of the Liu family.

It is precisely because of this way that Zhang Rang and others were able to escape from the heavily besieged palace smoothly.

Zhang Rang walked out of the cave, followed by the little emperor Liu Xie, followed by the other members of the ten servants, Zhao Zhong, Song Dian, and the paralyzed Empress Dowager Dong.

A group of eunuchs, together with old and weak women and children, naturally couldn't run fast.

On the way, he was overtaken by Yuan Shu's pursuers.

Only half of the ten servants were left, and this half was fast except for Zhang Rang, and the slow ones had already been hacked to death by the pursuers.

Naturally, He Jin's subordinates didn't have a good impression of them, and the fate could be imagined.

Finally, Zhang Rang and others escaped by taking advantage of the fork in the secret road to block the pursuers.

"Get up and take the queen mother and majesty to Mengjin."

Zhang Rang urged.

Right now, He Jin's subordinates are all around, only Meng Jin is occupied by Guo Jia.

Although Guo Jia may not have the same heart with Zhang Rang, Zhang Rang is also desperate at the moment.

Something went wrong with Heishui's reinforcements, and they didn't arrive around the capital on time.


Zhao Zhong turned his head and glanced at the limp Empress Dowager Dong with disgust on his face.

In other words, he ran all the way with the old lady on his back, so why did he almost be caught up by Yuan Shu?

He really didn't want to carry this dead old guy on his back.

"It's better for us to be quiet!"

Zhao Zhong quietly made a cutting gesture.


Zhang Rang suddenly slapped Zhao Zhong to the ground.

Empress He and Liu Bian are dead, and Empress Dowager Dong is the only person who can confirm Liu Xie's identity. Once they are killed, they really can't tell.

So this old lady must be taken with her, and she must live.

"If the Empress Dowager makes the slightest mistake, the old man will kill you alive!"

Zhang Rang said viciously.

Even so, he didn't bother to flirt with these guys anymore.

Yes Yes Yes!
Zhao Zhong nodded in fright.

He had been an eunuch in the same hall for so many years, and it was the first time he saw Zhang Rang's extraordinaryness.

Kill He Jin, kill Queen He, and kill Liu Bian.

Compared with Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhongke is far behind.

"Don't dawdle!"

Zhang Rang greeted the rest of the people and started on their way.

A group of people walked crookedly into Mang Mountain.

After walking another half mile, there was a commotion from behind.

"Don't leave Zhang Rang! Your Highness, the Empress Dowager, this minister is Huben Zhonglang General Yuan Shu, who was ordered by the Grand Tutor to welcome the two of you back."

A loud voice came from behind
It was Yuan Shu who led his men to catch up.

He pursued all the way, and caught up with Zhang Rang and others in the secret way, and after killing the ten permanent attendants, he continued to catch up.

Liu Bian is dead, and Liu Xie is still alive. For the great cause of the Yuan family, Yuan Shu naturally cannot relax.

After killing Liu Xie, the Yuan family can justifiably establish a new monarch.

In this way, the Yuan family can gain power, and he, Yuan Shu, can also be reused.

Everyone's face changed drastically, and they had to hurry on their way desperately, fearing that they would be left alone.

Once it falls into the hands of these people, life will be over.

(End of this chapter)

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