Chapter 389 Picking Peaches

Zhang Rang and a group of eunuchs fled forward desperately.

Behind him was Huben Zhonglang General Yuan Shu, who led a group of confidantes in hot pursuit.

The crowd fled for a few miles, unable to hold on any longer.

"Father, Father!"

Several eunuchs complained endlessly.

Zhao Zhong even sat down on his buttocks, taking advantage of the opportunity to throw Empress Dowager Dong out.

Empress Dowager Dong suffered from pain, but dared not speak out, for fear of being abused by these eunuchs.

They are usually pampered, but now they have been exhausted after running for so many miles.

"We can't run away, so why don't we return His Majesty and the Queen Mother to them. If that's the case, maybe they won't chase them anymore."

Zhao Zhong begged.


Zhang Rang scolded: "The emperor and the queen mother are in our hands, so they are afraid of three points. Without these two amulets, you and I will die without a place to die. Besides, as long as we take the emperor and the queen mother to Guojia In the army, we will definitely be able to turn things around."

Seeing Zhang Rang's fierce eyes, Zhao Zhong shuddered.


Zhang Rang carried the little emperor on his back and urged everyone to get on the road immediately.

Everyone rushed to Mengjin along the path.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly blocked the way of the crowd, and the leader was a masked man.

"I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree. If you want to live on from now on, you will save money to buy roads."

The man shouted in a deep voice.

Everyone fell to the ground again.

Unexpectedly, this man who had just escaped the pursuit of the rebels fell into the hands of bandits again.

Today is probably doomed.

Zhang Rang was also taken aback. He knew that the big man was not peaceful, but he didn't expect that there would be robbers in Luoyang.

its not right!
Looking at these people's strength and strength, how can they be ordinary thieves?

not good!

Thinking of this, Zhang Rang's heart suddenly trembled.



The leader of the big man sneered, and suddenly drew out two iron halberds with both hands and rushed over. It was Dian Wei.

He has been waiting here for a long time.

These eunuchs were immediately killed by the tiger guards who were ready to go.

Seeing that the situation was urgent, Zhao Zhong left Empress Dowager Dong and ran away, so he didn't take Zhang Rang's words to heart.

But before he ran far, Dian Wei overtook him, and cut him in two with an iron halberd.

The rest of the eunuchs couldn't escape, they were caught by the tiger guards, took off their pants to check their bodies, and then there was a click.

Only Zhang Rang rushed to the mountain with the little emperor on his back.

Dian Wei chased after him.

He was also a little surprised.

It is really not easy for an old eunuch to carry a child on his back and still be able to walk like flying on the mountain.

"Don't the traitor run away?"

Dian Wei suddenly became competitive.

He also hid in the mountains for a while after killing someone back then, and he was familiar with the terrain of the mountains, so he chased after him with the wind on his legs.

Zhang Rang groaned secretly. Although he was good at martial arts, after running away for such a long time, his strength had already been exhausted.

Now it is also biting the bullet and going up the mountain.

At this time, Zhang Rang staggered, and Liu Xie suddenly flew out of his back and rolled into the grass.

"His Majesty!"

Zhang Rang was shocked.

The future of Heishui lies in this person. Everything he does is for this Liu Xie. At this time, he is close to the edge of success. Naturally, he cannot give up easily.

Zhang Rang stopped and turned to look for Liu Xie.

At this moment, Dian Wei chased him in a few steps.


The twin iron halberds slashed towards Zhang Rang like a whirlwind.

rub rub!
Zhang Rang was also unequivocal, and greeted him with the sword in his sleeve.


Dian Wei took another step back and looked at Zhang Rang in surprise.

"Good guy, you eunuch is actually a master of swordsmanship. Haha, you are really right this time. Come, come, let's fight for [-] rounds!"

As he spoke, he jumped up again.

He was originally good at foot combat, but now he was ecstatic to meet a master with a sword.

Zhang Rang secretly complained.

His swordsmanship is superb, and when fighting on foot, he will not show weakness even if he meets top generals, but this time he meets Dian Wei who is good at fighting on foot with two halberds and combining yin and yang, which makes him feel a bit dwarfed by comparison.

Heishui's sword in the sleeve was vulnerable to Dianwei's yin and yang halberds.

Not long after, Zhang Rang's long sword was strangled by Dian Wei, and he was kicked to the ground by Dian Wei.

After Zhang Rang fell to the ground, he wanted to turn over and stand up, but a big foot stepped on his waist, making him unable to move immediately.

"Who are you?"

Zhang Rang was a little unwilling.

Dian Wei had already received Guo Jia's advice.

"A bandit!"

As he said that he was exerting force on his feet, Zhang Rang suddenly screamed, and died of a broken spine.

A poor generation of eunuchs, Heishui's most outstanding undercover agent, just died in Mangshan.

After trampling Zhang Rang to death, Dian Wei still felt a little dissatisfied. He swung the iron halberd with his right hand and immediately chopped off Zhang Rang's head.

Liu Xie was already terrified.

He was still a child after all.

Dian Wei went up and picked him up, and returned to the foot of the mountain.

The rest of the eunuchs were all taken away by the Tiger Guards, leaving only one trembling Empress Dowager Dong.

"A good man...a good man..."

Empress Dowager Dong trembled and said, "Don't kill us, we are from the Dong family in Luoyang. As long as you send a letter to the Dong family in Luoyang, they will give you a lot of money."

She was not stupid to the end, and did not reveal the identities of the two.

it is good!
Dian Wei laughed out loud.

"I found a treasure today. Come here, quickly bring the child and the old lady up the mountain, and ask their families to bring the ransom, otherwise they will wait to serve us wine."

Dian Wei said viciously.

He was originally very vicious, but now he didn't need to pretend, he was so frightened that Liu Xie and Queen Mother Dong were out of their wits.

it is good!
The Tiger Guards applauded in unison.

It's rare for a serious leader to act back, so it's natural for subordinates to cooperate.

A group of people escorted the grandparents and grandchildren to the north.

At this time, a group of cavalry suddenly galloped up.

All white horses are very majestic.

Headed by a handsome general.

I saw him asking loudly: "Who is the person in front? Why are you marching at night with soldiers in the middle of the night?"

"Official army!"

The Tiger Guards yelled, and fled leaving behind their grandparents and grandchildren.

Where to escape!
The handsome young general immediately commanded his men to chase after him.

"General, General!"

Empress Dowager Dong was overjoyed, and scrambled to the front of the handsome young general's horse.

"Ai's family is the empress dowager, and this is the new emperor. Which general are you subordinate to?"

Hearing Empress Dowager Dong's words, the handsome young general let out an ah, hurriedly got off his horse and fell to the ground.

"The last general, Zhao Yun, is under the command of the envoy Mu Guo of Yunzhou."

Guo Jia!

Hearing this name, Empress Dowager Dong almost fainted from excitement.

She had already learned from Zhang Rang that Guo Jia had come to the capital.

This time Zhang Rang also planned to take them with him but defected to Guo Jia.

"My family, my family, this Guo Jia is the son-in-law of the Ai family!"

Empress Dowager Dong laughed from ear to ear.

(End of this chapter)

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