Chapter 391 Soldiers and Black Water


Black Shadow suddenly stood up.

"Now that you've been defeated, you should leave Luoyang as soon as possible!"

The strategist's plan had failed completely, and it would not be safe for Sima Fang to stay here any longer.

I see!
Sima Fang nodded.

"I'm just a little worried about Zhongda!"

The second son, Sima Yi, left a letter and disappeared in Wen County.

Sima Fang was very worried.

The eldest son, Sima Lang, is dead, and Sima Yi has become the No. 1 of the younger generation of the Sima family. This son is talented and intelligent, and Sima Fang also values ​​him very much.

Ha ha!

The man in black smiled slightly, and said: "Zhongda has a calm and tenacious personality. Naturally, there is a reason for his disappearance, and nothing will happen."

Hearing the relief from the man in black, Sima Fang felt relieved.

"Did Guo Jia go to Wen County by accident, or for another purpose?"

Sima Fang was puzzled.

Not only Sima Fang couldn't understand this matter, even the mysterious man in black was also a little puzzled.

Looking at this posture, Guo Jia came prepared, otherwise he wouldn't have destroyed the military's lair in one fell swoop.

The military family has disappeared for hundreds of years. As the only successor of the military family, the Sima family is very low-key.

How did Guo Jia find out?

"Did the news leak from the door?"

Sima Fang couldn't give up.

"Maybe there is such a possibility!"

The man in black nodded.

With so many people in the military family, no one can guarantee that there will not be a traitor.

If it is a traitor who informs, this matter is easy to explain.

"After going back, the old man must strictly investigate."

Sima Fang showed murderous intent.

If this is the case, he will definitely not let this spy go.

"Jiangong, I have something to tell you."

The man in black suddenly said something.

what's up?

Sima Fang asked puzzledly.

"Chi Xiao has shown up!"

The man in black said slowly.


Sima Fang couldn't help standing up.

Military strategists have disappeared for hundreds of years since the Warring States Period. Although they were hidden underground during this period, they did not give up their pursuit of power.

But the pursuit of power is dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will be exposed to the enemy.

Therefore, military strategists changed their form and appeared on the stage of history in the form of an organization.

This organization was later known as Blackwater.

As soon as the black water came out, the world was turned upside down.

Soldiers have the ability to control the situation of the battle.

The leader of the black water can mobilize all the power of the clan, and it is now in the hands of the man in black in front of him.

Chi Xiao is a vertical and horizontal organization.

Military strategists and Zongheng were originally a pair of contradictions.So Heishui and Chixiao were destined to be rivals from the moment they were born.

"Liu Hong was killed by Chi Xiao. The new beauty Wang is from Chi Xiao."

The man in black lowered his voice.

Sima Fang was dumbfounded again.

Although he is a member of the military family, Black Water is the top secret of the military family.

"The old man investigated this beauty Wang and found that she entered the palace as a beauty offered by the Huns. And the person who sent her to the palace was Guo Jia."

Guo Jia!

Sima Fang trembled, gritted his teeth and said, "So, Guo Jia is from Chi Xiao?"

This is a good explanation.

Chi Xiao and Black Water cannot live together.

It was only natural for Guo Jia to take action against the Sima family.

Quite the contrary!

The man in black shook his head.

"According to the eyeliner I buried in the palace, this beauty Wang and Guo Jia are not of the same mind, but are always making things difficult for Guo Jia. The old man thinks it might just be a coincidence."

Zhang Rang is a pawn buried in the palace by Heishui, so he is very clear about the grievances between Wang Meiren and Guo Jia.

Isn't Guo Jia from Chi Xiao?

Sima Fang was a little confused again.

The man in black suddenly said: "It doesn't matter which side Guo Jia is on. This time Heishui lost the opportunity, so he can only choose to endure again. Therefore, you must leave Luoyang!"

I understand!

Sima Fang nodded.

Although a little helpless, he still had to obey the leader's arrangement.


Let's say that Zhao Yun brought Bai Ma Yicong to escort the queen mother and the little emperor to Mengjin, and Guo Jia had already brought all the soldiers to welcome him out.

It was just dawn.

The Yunzhou army rested all night and was in high spirits.

"I will pay my respects to the Empress Dowager, Your Majesty!"

Guo Jia prostrated himself to the ground with all his subordinates.

Originally, he was an official in the presence of a big man, and it was nothing to pay homage to the queen mother and the emperor.

However, Guo Jia, who is the soul of later generations, doesn't like this way of meeting, so he rarely puts on the armor.

Being in armor and not being able to fully salute can be regarded as an excuse.

"All the generals are flat!"

Empress Dowager Dong said with a smile.

The strong and powerful Yunzhou Army gave her a great sense of security.

"Guo Jia and all the officers and soldiers have made great contributions to saving him. The Ai family discussed with the emperor, and each will be rewarded after returning."

"Thank you Queen Mother!"

Thank you Guo Jia.

Empress Dowager Dong's eyes immediately fell on Guo Jia.

In other words, it was the first time she saw this godson-in-law.

"Empress Dowager, Your Majesty, I have prepared everything, and I invite the Empress Dowager and Your Majesty to go down and rest."

A woman greeted her with a smile, it was Cai Yan.

Nominally, she is the goddaughter of Empress Dowager Dong, the imperial highness of the imperial court. Now that the godmother arrives, she will naturally come to greet her in person.

"This is my daughter. Tsk tsk..."

Empress Dowager Dong narrowed her eyes, with a smile on her face.

Now she is very fortunate that she believed Cai Yan's daughter at the beginning, otherwise no one would come to rescue her today.

Soon, Cai Yan led Empress Dowager Dong and Liu Xie to rest.

The soldiers of the Yunzhou Army naturally dispersed and what to do.

At this time Xu Shu came to Guo Jia and fell to the ground.


He excitedly said: "Xu Shu is only now throwing himself at the five bodies you admire."

This is the emperor!

With this master in hand, wouldn't the Yunzhou army do whatever they wanted?
is not that right?

There are so many ambitious people in the capital, and a palace change has been tossing all night, but the biggest advantage was taken by Guo Jia.

If these people knew that the emperor had come to the camp of the Yunzhou Army, most of them would be so angry that they would vomit blood.

They have been busy for so long, all for Guo Jia's wedding dress.

"My lord, without delay, let's go back to Yunzhou immediately."

Xu Shu said excitedly.

Rely on the Son of Heaven to command the princes.

As long as the Yunzhou Army holds Liu Xie in its hands, Yunzhou will surely become the final overlord.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia couldn't help but smile.

Xu Shu is still very politically minded, and he also knows how to coerce the emperor to make the princes.


A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Guo Jia now is a little different from Cao Cao at that time.

After Dong Zhuo and Li Jue's massacre, the powerful officials and nobles of the Eastern Han Dynasty were almost dead, so Cao Cao could easily control the government.

But Guo Jia can't.

Those people in the capital would not let Guo Jia coerce the emperor to order the princes so easily.

What Guo Jiaqian was sure of was that if he brought Liu Xie back to Yunzhou, that old guy Yuan Kai would immediately establish a new king.

At that time, I will be on the contrary.

(End of this chapter)

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