Chapter 392
Relying on the understanding of the plot in the previous life and the knowledge of the news in the future life.

Guo Jia took the lead and sent people to set up an ambush on the road that the emperor and the queen mother must pass, killed Zhang Rang, who was in the way, and welcomed back the queen mother and the little emperor.

However, Guo Jia did not intend to coerce the emperor to order the princes, because the power of courtiers and foreign relatives has not been eliminated.

Once Guo Jia does this, they will definitely change to a new king.

The reason why Cao Cao succeeded was because he had experienced the tyranny of Dong Zhuo and Li Jue successively. The dignitaries and dignitaries in the capital of the Han Dynasty were basically wiped out, so Cao Cao was able to succeed.

Otherwise, it would not be Cao Cao's turn to speak in the Han Dynasty.

Guo Jia was very clear about it, so he had no such plan from the beginning.

It's better to leave it to Dong Zhuo to trouble these nobles with dogs biting dogs, he'd better watch the excitement from the sidelines.

But now the queen mother and the emperor fell into his own hands, and Guo Jia had to maximize the chips in his hands.

How to maximize has become Guo Jia's primary consideration.


Xu Shu was ashamed.

He was also dazzled by happiness, and almost did something stupid.

The powerful ministers and relatives of the Eastern Han Dynasty were all very powerful. Even the emperor dared to abolish the establishment. How could he feel sorry for a prince who had not officially enthroned?


Xu Shu was convinced again.

"Next, what shall we do?"

He was once again overwhelmed by Guo Jia's caution.

How to do?
Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "Naturally, we should put them in high positions, so that we can get back the greatest benefits."

Put on a high position?

Xu Shu didn't understand for a moment.

Guo Jia narrowed his eyes.

The current Luoyang undercurrent is surging, and the forces of all parties are intertwined, each with its own plan.

But since Guo Jia has intervened, these people will not be allowed to wish.


Guo Jia suddenly said: "Immediately send a message to Luoyang City, saying that the emperor and queen mother are in the camp of our Yunzhou army, let them hurry up and come to greet them."


Soon, the news reached Luoyang City.


Hearing that the empress dowager and the emperor had been taken to Mengjin by the Yunzhou army, Yuan Kai, who was in charge of the overall situation in the palace, almost fell to the ground with a black eye.


A flash of sadness flashed in Yuan Kai's heart.

Originally, his plan was very good, he used the ten permanent attendants to get rid of He Jin, and then launched the forbidden army to attack the imperial city with lightning speed, and got rid of the ten permanent attendants.

Yuan Kai's ultimate goal is to take advantage of the chaos to get rid of the two princes, and then push them to the top of the ten permanent servants. In this way, he can establish a new king as the Taifu, and follow the old path of Chen Fan, and the Yuan family can also The power is in the hands of the government and the opposition.

But what he didn't expect was that the ten permanent servants actually coerced the prince and queen mother to leave Beijing, and finally fell into Guo Jia's hands.

In this way, Guo Jia was successful in rescuing him, and took the crown of victory lightly and skillfully.

Yuan Kui naturally couldn't tolerate this ending.

"Come here, call the three princes and nine ministers to discuss politics!"

Soon, all the officials came to Weiyang Palace.

After a night of aftermath work, the entire palace returned to normal.

The emperor died, and everyone put on white clothes.

Although they have no feelings for the emperor.

In the absence of the emperor, Yuan Kai, who was the Taifu and Shangshutai, did his part to be the principal.

"His Majesty!"

With the support of his two nephews, Yuan Kai came down to the main hall.

He was crying endlessly.

It is true that those who hear it are sad and those who hear it cry.

As a result, all the ministers and workers also shed a few tears.

"Teacher, don't be sad!"

Several ministers immediately came up to advise a few words.

It's almost on the line, it's important to get down to business.

Yuan Kai went down the donkey and wiped away his tears.

"Emperor Daxing passed away. Originally, the whole country mourned. However, a country cannot be without a king for a day. The most important thing now is to establish a new king. I wonder if you have any opinions?"


After hearing Yuan Kai's words, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Emperor Daxing died, so naturally a son would succeed him.

Liu Hong has two sons, Liu Bian and Liu Xie.

Although Liu Bian died, the whereabouts of Liu Xie and Queen Mother Dong are still unknown.

Of course, everyone has no feelings for Liu Xie, but it cannot be denied that he is the number one heir.

Now those who can be emperors are dead, as long as Liu Xie is found, it is a certainty that he will become emperor.

This Yuan Kui didn't go to find someone, but instead talked about Li Xinjun here. What does this mean?
Many people began to speculate.

He Jin fell, and the Yuan family became the biggest beneficiaries. Yuan Kai, as the grand tutor, was in charge of the civil servants. The two young men of the Yuan family, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, respectively controlled the northern and southern imperial forces.

The shy and quick-witted people have already expressed their favor one after another.

"Teacher said so!"

"That's right, a new king should be established first."

"I hope Wei Taifu will follow suit."

But there are also some stubborn ones who refuse to cater to the Yuan family.


Lu Zhi suddenly came out of the crowd.

"Prince Liu Xie and Empress Dowager Dong are still missing, I'd better find them first."

Liu Xie is Liu Hong's son, and it is natural for him to inherit the throne now.

From the bottom of his heart, Lu Zhi has already agreed with Liu Xie, the emperor.

Compared with the two, Yuan Wei is just an outsider, and it is a bit presumptuous to talk about the abolition of the establishment.


Yuan Shao suddenly came out of the crowd.

"The ten permanent attendants concealed the news of His Majesty's death, murdered the general, murdered the queen and the young master, and plotted to abolish the establishment. It is a heinous crime. The Empress Dowager Dong and the prince Liu Xie also participated in it. The humble official thinks that this person cannot be a king."


Lu Zhi said angrily: "What does the ten permanent servants' rebellion have to do with the Queen Mother and Your Majesty? How can you abolish and establish a new monarch because of an unwarranted name?"

Yuan Shao also sneered and said: "This Liu Xie was set up by the ten permanent attendants, and for this reason he murdered General He Jin and Prince Liu Bian. Could it be that we also want to be their accomplices?"

He snorted.

"Even if you agree, the [-] soldiers of the Northern Army will not agree."

Do not agree!
Outside the hall roared in unison.

"Revenge for the General!"

"Blood for blood!"

"Never surrender to Liu Xie!"

All the courtiers were shocked.

It seems that the Yuan family is determined to establish a new king.


Lu Zhi pointed to Yuan Shao: "How great is it to dethrone the emperor, but in fact, your Yuan family is the beak?"

He has an upright temper, and he can't rub any sand in his eyes.

Yuan Shao's face darkened, and he said: "Come here, take this nonsense person down for me!"

The Huben Army rushed up and pinned Lu Zhi to the ground.

"ordinary man!"

Lu Zhi said angrily: "You Yuan family is trying to usurp the throne? Lu is still alive, so naturally he won't let it go with you."

Push it out and cut it off!

Yuan Shao was furious.

He didn't have any good impressions of this stunned young man.

Now that the Yuan family is in control of power, this person dares to jump out and sing a different tune. He is really impatient.


Just when Lu Zhi was about to be beheaded, someone broke in from outside the hall.

It was the general Huangfusong riding on the left chariot!

(End of this chapter)

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