Chapter 393

Huangfusong came to the hall with great strides, he looked straight at Yuan Shao.

"Lu Shangshu is well-known in the country, what did he commit, you can't help but want to kill someone?"

For the Yuan family, Huangfu Song hated it.

When he pacified the Yellow Turban, the Yuan family did not make small moves behind.

Seeing Huangfusong's eyes, Yuan Shao was slightly uncomfortable.

Huangfusong is now a lieutenant of Sili, he has many soldiers and horses under him, and many generals of the southern army have also taken refuge in him.

"This person sympathizes with the prince Liu Xie, so he should be killed!"

Yuan Shao said coldly.

Ha ha!

Huangfusong smiled faintly, and said: "Just because you are a small Marquis of the Northern Army, you can be sentenced to death for the court official?"

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Shao was a little speechless.

Although he controls the Northern Army, but at the moment his identity is only the Northern Army Zhonghou, the Northern Army Zhonghou is only two thousand stones, and this Shangshu is also two thousand stones.It is indeed a bit inappropriate for a civilian officer with two thousand shi to be a military officer at the same level.


Another general also came in, it was Zhu Jun, the prefect of Hanoi. He sneered and said, "Your Yuan family has no power yet? Now you can't wait to take Lu Shangshu to the knife."

The three joined forces to quell the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and their relationship is naturally extraordinary.

Hearing that Lu Zhi was humiliated, the two brought people here immediately.

Huangfusong was the lieutenant of Sili, with more than a thousand soldiers under him. Zhu Jun was the prefect of Hanoi and brought many soldiers to Beijing.

Although Yuan Shao controlled the Northern Army, the two were happy and fearless.


Yuan Kai, who hadn't spoken all this time, suddenly said: "Release Lu Shangshu quickly. Although his words are a bit fierce, they are also for the sake of the government."

Yuan Shao didn't dare to insist any longer, so he had to order his subordinates to release Lu Zhi.

Yuan Kui narrowed his eyes and landed on Huangfusong.

At present, Luoyang's military power is divided into three, and Huangfusong can be regarded as a force that should not be underestimated. He himself is very prestigious in the military circle, and with the support of Hanoi prefect Zhu Jun, if he makes trouble, Yuan Shao will definitely not be able to handle it alone. .

However, Yuan Kui knew Huangfusong very well. He was a foolish and loyal man with no ambitions. As long as he gave reasons for serving the country and the public, Huangfusong would not object.

"Yi really came just in time!"

Yuan Kaisi said calmly: "Now the emperor has passed away, the crown prince Liu Bian was killed, and Liu Xie's whereabouts are also unknown. The old man is going to discuss with you to establish a new monarch as soon as possible. Only in this way can the name be justified."

Since you can't start a fight, let's win over.

Anyway, the Yuan family couldn't swallow such a big cake by themselves.

A look of envy flashed in everyone's eyes.

Yuan Kui wanted to discuss with Huangfusong, that is to give credit to Huangfusong.

Once a new monarch is established, Huangfusong, like Yuan Kai, has the merit of supporting him.

This is great wealth.

Huangfu Song smiled lightly, and said: "Teacher is joking, is Your Highness staying in the Yunzhou military camp with Empress Dowager Dong?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Liu Xie and Queen Mother Dong entered Guo Jia's barracks.


It's the first time they've heard of it.

Huangfu Song!
Annoyance flashed across Yuan Kai's eyes.

In fact, the Yunzhou army came to report the news early in the morning, but Yuan Kai pressed the message, but was stabbed by Huangfusong unexpectedly.

Yuan Kai didn't make a sound.

Nephew Yuan Shu jumped out.

"General Huangfu means to make a man who kills his father and brother his emperor?"

He first put a big hat on Liu Xie's head.

Killing father and brother?
Huangfusong smiled slightly, and said: "You said that His Majesty killed his father and brother, but did you have any evidence? Things without evidence are insignificant."

Huben Zhonglang general Yuan Shu said angrily: "Why is there no evidence, the corpses of His Majesty and Empress He are placed in the palace? Could it be that your Huangfusong is blind?"

Hearing Yuan Shu's rude words, Huangfusong was not angry, but said indifferently: "Your Majesty died of illness, Empress He was also killed by Zhang Rang, what does it have to do with the Prince's Association? Besides, the prince Liu Xie is His Majesty's only blood and blood, inheriting the great line Reasonable and legal."


Yuan Shao couldn't help it either.

He drew his sword angrily.

"Liu Xiehuo and Shi Changshi Dong Zhong conspired to kill General He Da. Even if he is young and ignorant, our Northern Army soldiers will not forgive him. We will not support a murderer as the emperor."

"Blood for blood!"

"Revenge for the General!"

The soldiers of the Northern Army outside the hall roared in unison.

Ha ha!

Zhu Jun on the side smiled slightly and said, "Is it the Northern Army? What a huge formation."

His face suddenly darkened, and he said: "Soldiers, some people want to threaten them with numbers, do you agree or not?"

Do not agree!
As soon as the words fell, a burst of overwhelming voices sounded.

Yuan Shao and others did not change their colors.

He immediately came outside the hall.

Soldiers all over the mountains and plains blocked the surrounding area of ​​the palace, including the soldiers of Sili Xiaowei, Liangzhou Army, and Hanoi County Soldiers.

The leading general was Dong Zhuo, governor of Xiliang.

Dong Zhuo looked at Yuan Shao coldly, a flash of hatred flashed across his eyes.

"Are you going to rebel?"

Yuan Shao's heart trembled a little, and he said forcefully.

dare not!

Dong Zhuo said coldly: "We are a foreign army, and we follow the imperial court's will. When the emperor dies, there will naturally be a prince to succeed him. This is an even more ancient truth. Establish the emperor, our good men from Xiliang will not agree."

Do not agree!
The Xiliang army roared in unison.

A majestic general rode his horse galloping left and right. It was the fierce general Lu Bu.

It turned out that Li Ru persuaded Dong Zhuo to send someone to negotiate peace, and was willing to help Huangfusong fight against the Yuan family.

Although Huangfusong didn't like Dong Zhuo's behavior, he had no choice but to agree for the sake of the overall situation.

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu glanced at each other, their expressions were ugly.

Although the army in the hands of the two of them has nearly ten thousand people, the army gathered outside the palace is indeed several times as many as theirs.

If there is a conflict, they will definitely not get cheap.

Yuan Kai's eyelids twitched.

He never dreamed that Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun and Dong Zhuo would join forces to deal with him.

Really some mistakes!

Now it is very unfavorable to the Yuan family, Yuan Wei can't insist on it anymore, if he persists, it may be dangerous.

Thinking of this, Yuan Kai immediately expressed his opinion.

"In that case, all my colleagues will go to Mengjin with me to welcome His Highness and the Queen Mother back to the palace."

Although he failed to establish another new emperor, Yuan Kai could also coerce the emperor to make the princes. Anyway, the little emperor has no foundation, and all government affairs are still in the hands of his grand tutor.

Everyone responded in unison, and went out of the palace to meet the little emperor, fearing that they would be one step behind.

Things are really dramatic today.

First, Yuan Kai wanted to establish a new king, then Huang Fusong and others opposed it, and finally the two forces confronted the palace.

Yuan Kui finally made a concession and agreed to go to Mengjin to meet the emperor.

In this way, who will be in power in the future is another matter?

Many people are glad that they didn't stand in line too early, otherwise it would be really bad.

(End of this chapter)

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