Chapter 395
This is Chuan Guo Yuxi!
Guo Jiarao looked at the jade-like seal in his hand with interest.

Congratulations, my lord!

Xu Shu was so excited that he couldn't speak.

Chuan Guo Yuxi: referred to as "Chuan Guo Xi", it was engraved by Li Si, the prime minister of the Qin Dynasty, with He Shibi at the order of the first emperor, and it is the certificate of the orthodox emperors of all dynasties in China.

It has a radius of four inches, with five dragons at the intersection of Shanghai and New York. The front is engraved with eight seal characters written by Li Si, "Ordered by heaven, long life and eternal prosperity", as a token of "imperial power granted by heaven, orthodox and legal".

After the Qin Dynasty, the emperors of all dynasties took this seal as a symbol of auspiciousness, and enshrined it as a rare treasure, and it was also an important weapon of the country.Getting it symbolizes that it is "destined by the sky", and losing it means that it is "exhausted".

Now that it has fallen into Guo Jia's hands by chance, it will be of great benefit to Yunzhou's future hegemony.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia just admired it for a while, then put it back into the box again, and never looked at it again.

My lord, you are...

Xu Shu was a little surprised.

This thing is hard to come across, and it is a great chance for ordinary people to see it. Now Guo Jia is not moved at all, but it is really weird.


Guo Jia suddenly said: "Do you think you can become an emperor with this thing?"

Xu Shu woke up immediately.


He was ashamed again.

Although Yuxi is good, it cannot be kept without strength.

Isn't the grandson of Empress Dowager Dong an example?
If a jade seal can command the heroes, how could they go to Mengjin to seek their own asylum.

These days, Yuxi is nothing but fiction, and real strength is real.

"My lord said so!"

Xu Shu took a deep breath and laughed at himself, "This subordinate is a little bit carried away."

Ha ha!

Guo Jia didn't care either.

Chuan Guo Yuxi is still very attractive to an ordinary person, but it is of no value to him who has died once.

It can't be said that it has no value, at most it has only a little collection value.

It's a pity that Guo Jia can't collect it now.

Once he swallows this thing, it will definitely cause a backlash from many forces, which is not beautiful.

Yu Jin strode in.

"My lord, Yuan Kui has led a group of officials to the fifty miles of Mengjin, accompanied by the imperial guards and cavalry from Xiliang."

Good to come!
Guo Jia's eyes lit up, and he said: "The whole army is on alert, let them hang out for a few days before we talk about it."

Yu Jin took the order and soon went out again.

As the number one general under Guo Jia's command, and leading Zhongshan's most elite infantry to defeat the captive army, Yu Jin naturally took on the task of guarding the pass.

The Mengjin pass is narrow and easy to defend and difficult to attack, and with the assistance of Gao Shun, Zhou Cang and others, Yu Jin is confident that he can stop the imperial army here.

"My lord really doesn't intend to stay in Luoyang?"

Xu Shu asked in a low voice.

Now that Guo Jia has the power to rescue him, and has an army of [-] in his hands, he can completely replace He Jin as the new relative.

But Guo Jia gave up this opportunity and planned to return to Yunzhou to develop again. Xu Shu felt a little sorry for Guo Jia's plan.

Stay in Luoyang?

Guo Jia played with Yuxi a lot.

He also wanted to stay in Luoyang.

If he stays in Luoyang this time, it will take three to five years to clear all the influence of foreign relatives and courtiers, and another three to five years to completely control the government.

In this way, the world of Dahan is also at your fingertips.


A wry smile appeared on the corner of Guo Jia's mouth.

In this kind of game, he is at most Cao Pi or Sima Yan, and there is no challenge at all, and he doesn't want to just clear the end as soon as possible.

Since God gave him a new life, he will build a stable territory for eternity.

Besides, the confidant of the Han Dynasty lies in the grasslands and those nomadic peoples, not the warlords of the Three Kingdoms and Two Jins.

During the Rebellion of the Eight Kings in the Western Jin Dynasty, the Hu people in the north took advantage of the Yellow River and caused the greatest catastrophe in the history of the Han people - Wuhu Luanhua.

Guo Jia came across, so naturally he would not let this kind of thing happen again, so when he chose the base area, Guo Jia chose the place where there are five people in the border county.

He had already made up his mind to eliminate such an unstable factor.

Only by eliminating the internal troubles of the Wuhu, can the Han people's country be permanent for thousands of years.

But Guo Jia didn't intend to tell Xu Shu about this kind of thing, even if he did, he wouldn't understand.

After all, it will take more than 100 years for the era of Wuhuluhuahua to come.


Let's say that Yuan Kai and others came to Mengjin after a long journey.

Accompanied by Yuan Shao's cavalry, Yuan Shu stayed in Luoyang in case of accidents.

They had no choice but to come to pick Liu Xie back.

"Listen, guards!"

Yuan Shao led his army to Mengjin Pass.

"This general is the Marquis of the Northern Army, escorting the Grand Tutor and other ministers to welcome the Queen Mother and the Prince Xie back to the palace."

He did not recognize the emperor supported by Zhang Rang and others.

To Yuan Shao's embarrassment, after he finished shouting, there was no movement at Mengjinguan.

Guo Jia, you bastard!

Yuan Shao was furious, but it didn't happen for a while.

At this moment, Yuan Kui shouted loudly: "All officers and men of Yunzhou. This old man is Yuan Kui, the current Tai Fu. Hearing that the Queen Mother and His Highness are here, I came here to welcome you. You have done a great job in saving me, and this old man will never forget it. "

As expected of being a treacherous and cunning person, he took credit for it as soon as he came up.

But what surprised everyone was that.

There was still no movement at Mengjinguan, and no one stood up to say a word.

Yuan Kui pondered for a while, and said, "Send someone to pass the letter."

Yuan Shao nodded.

A subordinate Pegasus came to Guanxia!

"I am the court's messenger, and I sent a letter to Guo Jia."

The man raised the letter in his hand.

He yelled two or three times in succession.

There is still no movement at the Mengjin checkpoint.

The man was in a hurry.

"I'm the court's messenger, get Guo Jia out quickly."

As soon as the words fell, countless bows and arrows were fired from the city gate, shooting this man into a hedgehog.

The man didn't hum, and fell to the ground dead.

At this moment, he knew what it means to say that misfortune comes from the mouth.

darn thing!

Yuan Kui was furious.

It seems that the Yunzhou Army does not intend to hand over the queen mother and emperor easily.

This is better!

He quietly winked at Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao understood immediately.

"Teacher, the Yunzhou army dared to treat the ministers of the court as nothing. It is really audacious. This subordinate will let people attack the city."

As he said, he was about to wave and attack the city.

Siege is false, killing Liu Xie while in trouble is true.

With Liu Xie dead, the Yuan family's wishful thinking of setting up a new monarch can be fought again.

Yuan Shao immediately commanded the army to charge forward.

However, he seems to have overestimated his ability and the combat effectiveness of the Northern Army.

As soon as these soldiers rushed over, they were shot off their horses by a rain of arrows from the top of the city.

The Yunzhou army defending the city did not hesitate at all.

They were all fought along the way, and their psychological quality and loyalty were naturally not as tough as usual.

(End of this chapter)

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