Chapter 396 Formation of Skynet
"I didn't see that this old boy can bear it!"

Guo Jia said to himself.

He originally thought that Yuan Kai would let go and attack the city.


Xu Shu said confidently: "It's obvious, he wants to use the Lord's hand to wear down the patience of his political opponents."

Makes sense!
Guo Jia nodded.

The situation outside the customs is very delicate. On the one hand, there are supporters like Huangfu Song, Lu Zhi, and Zhu Jun, and on the other side are Yuan Kai, the abolitionist faction.

The two sides continued to game on the emperor's abolition and establishment.

Huangfu Song, Lu Zhi, and Zhu Jun were all loyal ministers, and they were determined to support Liu Xie to inherit the throne.

Originally they were not the opponents of the Yuan family, but Dong Zhuo's sudden joining gave them a fight.

As expected of the Demon King of Troubled Times, Dong Zhuo's sense of smell is also very sensitive.

Due to Guo Jia's intervention, Dong Zhuo lost his best chance to enter the court, but this person didn't seem to give up, but kept waiting for the opportunity.

"My lord, this subordinate thinks it's better to summon them to enter the customs as soon as possible!"

Right now, Huangfusong and the others are patiently waiting. If it takes too long, they will probably lose their patience.

Once the people outside lost their patience, it would be difficult for Guo Jia to control the situation.

Not busy not busy!

Guo Jia shook his head.

It was after careful consideration that he let these people hang out for a few days.

In fact, if they attacked the city, Guo Jia would welcome it even more.

If these guys don't know how to praise, Guo Jia can show them the combat effectiveness of the Yunzhou Army.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia suddenly turned around and left the room, and walked into Cai Yu's tent.

It's said that he hasn't seen this girl for a few days, and he really misses her a little.

In the tent, Cai Yu lay leisurely on the soft couch, while Yu Linglong knelt beside her, gently pinching her feet.


Guo Jiadeng was a little surprised.

It seems that the style of painting is a bit wrong!
Yu Linglong is the top spy trained by Chi Xiao, she is not afraid of death, and now she is being taken care of by her sister-in-law Cai Yu.

Looking at it like this, even if Cai Yu asked her to do something, she would not frown.

"Girl, okay!"

Guo Jia came in front of her and couldn't help but give her a thumbs up.

"I admire you!"

Such skills can be learned.

Seeing Yu Linglong's tame look, Guo Jia couldn't help giving her a thumbs up.

This sister-in-law is indeed a monster.

"You came!"

Cai Yu opened her eyes and glanced at Yu Linglong.

The latter immediately exited the tent obediently, giving them a private space.

"This is what she told me!"

Cai Yu smiled and took out a scroll and handed it to Guo Jia.

Guo Jia opened it and only glanced at it, and was a little shocked.

Chi Xiao was really amazing.

There will be their presence in every chaos.

What shocked Guo Jia even more was that Zhang Rang, the ten-time attendant, was actually from Heishui.

"As soon as the black water comes out, the world will be turned upside down!"

Cai Yu said in a low voice: "From Yu Linglong's explanation, this Black Water is an organization of a military strategist, one of the various sects. It should have a lot to do with the Sima family you captured in Wen County."

Another mysterious organization!
Guo Jia couldn't help feeling a little headache.

The end of the Han Dynasty was originally a pool of muddy water, and his arrival gradually cleared the muddy water.

That's all for Chi Xiao, and now another black water has emerged.

Heishui even extended his tentacles into the palace.

Guo Jia praised it sincerely.

It turns out that there are so many secrets buried in history.

If Yu Linglong hadn't pried open Yu Linglong's mouth, he would never have been able to penetrate these secret things in his life.

It seems that the various schools have been secretly active.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded, and his eyes once again fell on the docile Yu Linglong beside him.

To control a person, one must first control her spirit.

Guo Jia destroyed her self-esteem, and Cai Yu simply shattered her reason.

Right now, Yu Linglong might not be able to escape Cai Yu's grasp for the rest of her life.

Although I don't know how Cai Yu did it, it did help me a lot.

Guo Jia is still a little worried about this mysterious organization Chi Xiao.

This genre with hundreds of years of background is not so simple.

In time, it will definitely be a serious problem for Guo Jia's confidant.

Now that Yu Linglong has been caught, it is an excellent breakthrough.

Guo Jia can definitely get Chi Xiao's secret from her.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles.

"How did you tame her?"

Guo Jia was a little curious.

It seems that this Yu Linglong was not someone who was recruited so easily.

It's a secret!
Cai Yu said with a smile, but did not elaborate.

Guo Jia nodded.

This sister-in-law was born a monster, and she probably used some disgraceful method.

At the same time, he was also a little worried. The development of this sister-in-law seemed to be a little off track.But fortunately, he can still control it.

Heishui and Chixiao!
Guo Jia frowned gradually.

As the cocoons were peeled off, these underground forces were gradually exposed.

It seems that it is not so easy to unify the country.

Although there are visible enemies, there are also invisible enemies, and these invisible enemies are even more terrifying.

Guo Jia!

Cai Yu raised her eyebrows proudly.

She suddenly whispered in Guo Jia's ear: "Actually, don't look at her bewitching the emperor for many years in the palace, she is actually very clean. She is still a virgin now? Do you want to try something new?"


Guo Jia almost spit out.

Why is this sister-in-law becoming more and more like a devil? Could it be that she really learned from herself?
Thinking of this, Guo Jia was secretly vigilant.

This girl's psychology is a bit perverted, and she must not be allowed to develop, otherwise it may be a little bad.

"Girl, do something for me."

Guo Jia said seriously.

He is now wary of Cai Yu, and he dare not bring this sister-in-law down again.

This sister-in-law is born with the potential to be a devil, if the quantitative change turns into a qualitative change, Guo Jia will be very worried in the future.

what's up?

Cai Yu frowned slightly, tilting her head to look at him.

Guo Jia coughed and said, "Although Heishui and Chixiao have been hiding underground, their strength cannot be underestimated. Now, I will entrust you with the investigation of these two organizations, and you will do your best to find out the truth of these organizations." Secret, when necessary, you can use all the resources of Yunzhou."

He has already learned from the matter that Military Academy and Zongheng became Heishui and Chixiao.

These two organizations are similar to the secret service organizations of later generations, with a strict organizational structure and high efficiency.

To deal with these invisible organizations, Guo Jia must first set up a similar organization.

Cai Yu's intelligence network is very suitable, which is also the main purpose of Guo Jia's coming to find her.

He wants to form Yunzhou's own spy organization.

And this leader is naturally none other than my sister-in-law Cai Yu.

"no problem!"

Cai Yu said with a smile.

She likes this task very much.

In other words, this girl likes to do things that hide in the dark the most.

This task was quite to her liking.


Cai Yu suddenly remembered something.

 Seeking everyone's opinions, are these two chapters poisonous?It has been changed!

(End of this chapter)

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