Chapter 401 The Cunning Dong Zhuo

"Why didn't uncle take the opportunity to get rid of those thorns?"

After returning to his camp, Yuan Shao was a little puzzled.

Now, the Yuan family has enough troops to eliminate those opposing voices one by one.


Yuan Kai's face darkened.

"Do you want to push everyone to Guo Jia's side?"

Yuan Shao's expression changed drastically.

Yuan Kai sneered, and said: "Guo Jia, that bastard, has no good intentions in letting us hang here. He is deliberately making us internal friction, so as to take advantage of the fisherman. How can I let him do what he wants?"

He walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, and said solemnly: "Although Huangfusong and others are against the old man, they have no foundation in the court, and they are not a threat at all. Even if they obey them and take Liu Xie back to the palace, The old man is inside, and your brothers are outside. This court still belongs to our Yuan family. Not to mention Guo Jia, he is just a foreign vassal, at most it is a separatist regime. But..."

At this point, Yuan Kai's eyes flashed with suspicion.

Wang Yun's jumped out suddenly, making him vigilant.

This man has a good official voice, won the support of Shilin and Qingliu, he is not a martial artist like Huangfusong.

If he wants to fight Yuan Wei, it will be a little tricky.

Simple Wang Yun is nothing, once he joins forces with the foreign domain...

Thinking of this, Yuan Kai suddenly became worried.

Now Guo Jia and Dong Zhuo are the two major foreign feudal clans. Once the two form an alliance, the Yuan family will completely lose control of the power.

They must not be united.

Yuan Kai suddenly took a deep breath, and said word by word: "At first, bring some gold, silver and jewels to Dong Zhuo, and promise him a high official and generous salary, as long as he is willing to stand by our side. This person is greedy, so it's easier to deal with. "

Yuan Shao responded and was about to turn around and leave.

Yuan Kui suddenly said: "The old man should go in person!"


Yuan Shao was suddenly taken aback.

Yuan Kui to go in person?
Wouldn't that be giving Dong Zhuo too much face?
"Why must uncle be so humble?"

Yuan Shao said indignantly: "Dong Zhuo is just a man from Xiliang, tomorrow our army will arrive and we will surely kill him."


Seeing that Yuan Shao was still so inexperienced, Yuan Kai felt a little sad.

Is it really okay to entrust the future of the Yuan family to these two brothers?
"You know how to kill, kill, kill? Kill a thousand and lose eight hundred, so what if you beat Dong Zhuo? What about the other foreign feudal clans? Can you kill them?"

Yuan Kai said in a stern voice.

The core of the struggle is to unite others and isolate opponents.

To put it simply, it is pulling and hitting.

No matter how powerful an individual is, he is not an opponent of thousands of people.

Therefore, those who can unite people are the most powerful.

Yuan Shaodu is over 30 years old and has not yet comprehended this truth. He is really as stupid as his grandma.

Uncle calm down!
Seeing that Yuan Kai was angry, Yuan Shao hurried to make amends.

never mind!

Yuan Kai shook his head.

This is the experience he summed up in his decades of official career, and it is understandable for Yuan Shao not to know.

After all, not everyone is born a genius.

"Restrain your subordinates well during this time, and don't let them cause trouble."

Yuan Kai gave a few words of warning, and led the people out of the camp.

Uncle go!

Seeing Yuan Kai leave, Yuan Shao raised his head slowly, and a flash of resentment flashed across his eyes.



A few happy and a few sad!
Over there, Yuan Shao sulked at being scolded, but Dong Zhuo's hearty laughter came from the Xiliang military camp here.

"This Wang Yun is quite interesting. He actually proposed to let the old man lead the army in the name of the former general. If it is approved, then we will have a place in the imperial court."

Dong Zhuo said with a smile.

"The righteous father is invincible, and Wang Yun is also an eye for talent!"

Lu Bu agreed.

What kind of Lu Bu has become Dong Zhuo's confidant, and everyone echoed when he spoke.

"Master is mighty!"


Hearing the flattery from his subordinates, Dong Zhuo was very happy.

His eyes suddenly fell on Li Ru who was silent at the side.

"Wenyou, what's the matter with you, are you feeling a little uncomfortable?"

Dong Zhuo asked with concern.

For Li Ru, he valued it very much.

The Xiliang army has many generals, but Li Ru is the only one who can make suggestions.

Hearing Dong Zhuo's question, Li Ru was startled at first, then clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for your concern, my lord, Ru is just a little unacceptable."

He was not acclimatized, but he was kidnapped by Cai Yu in the middle of the night.

After extorting a confession through torture for a while, he was released again.

Thinking of the situation at that time, Li Ru shuddered a little.

Yu Linglong rebelled and bit out his existence, and Li Ru couldn't resist Cai Yu's means, so he had to tell what he knew, and only then did he get his life back.

What Li Ru didn't expect was that after he confessed, he was immediately released by Cai Yu, as if nothing had happened.

However, this kind of provocation made Li Ru even more worried, lest the matter would be revealed that day, and Chi Xiao's internal affairs would not let him go.

"Wenyou, tell me, what's going on?"

Hearing that Li Ru was fine, Dong Zhuo was relieved, and then began to ask questions.


Li Ru was a little absent-minded, and didn't hear clearly what Dong Zhuo said?
I was a little dazed for a while.

Dong Zhuo frowned, and said loudly: "Wang Yun suggested that I be allowed to enter the court as a former general. What do you think, Wen You?"

Wang Yun!

Hearing this name, Li Ru's face changed slightly, and his heart almost jumped out.

My lord must not!

He blurted out suddenly.

Everyone in the camp was surprised.

Dong Zhuo looked at Li Ru in confusion.

This Li Wenyou is usually very steady, what happened today, how reckless?
Only then did Li Ru come to his senses, and couldn't help wiping the cold sweat off his forehead.

He organized his words and said in a low voice: "At present, the Yuan family is still the strongest in the imperial court. Entering the court to rule is tantamount to challenging the Yuan family. What Wang Yun said is nothing more than wanting to put the lord on the fire and fight to the death with the Yuan family. He wants to reap the benefits of the fisherman."

Makes sense!
Dong Zhuo nodded.

Wang Yun was not related to him, and he must have no good intentions in supporting Dong Zhuo's entry into the court.

Not bad!

After hearing Li Ru's explanation, everyone nodded in unison.

Sure enough, their brains for reading are good. If Li Ru didn't wake them up, they would still be grateful to Wang Yun.

What a sinister fellow!

Dong Zhuo sneered, and said: "He wants the old man to fight Yuan Kai, but the old man won't be fooled. Tomorrow I will make peace with the Taifu and deal with Guo Jia together."

At this moment, someone outside the door suddenly reported.

"My lord, Grand Tutor Yuan Kui asks to see you!"

Dong Zhuo laughed again.

"What do you really want? Please hurry up, no, the old man will pick it up in person!"

As he spoke, he led the crowd out.

Li Ru was stunned for a moment before he realized it.


He suddenly despaired and said, "What have I done?"

It was too late to dissuade Dong Zhuo.

(End of this chapter)

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