Chapter 402 The Sudden Meimei Cai
Yuan Kai paid a full visit to Dong Zhuo for help, and Wang Yun was not idle, he came to Huangfusong and others' camp that night.

"Master Zi is doing well!"

Seeing Wang Yun coming in, Lu Zhi stood up first.

Today's situation is very dangerous. If Wang Yun hadn't stepped forward, the Yuan family might really attack the city.

"Brother Zigan is overrated, and Wang Yun is just doing his best for me."

Wang Yun said modestly.

No, no!
Lu Zhi waved his hand and sighed: "In the past, the ten-time attendant was in charge, and my biggest concern was to get rid of these traitors, and return the big man to a bright future. Now that the ten-time attendant is gone, the Yuan family has started to make trouble again. Fame and fortune It’s not easy to hurt people, Yuan Wei is already the head of civil servants, and he still wants to monopolize the power. This... When will it be a head!"

He finally understood that even if there is no Yuan family, there will be Zhang family and Wang family who will jump out.

Power goes all the way, and there is no contentment.

Lu Zhi suddenly became disheartened.

He felt that everything he had learned was meaningless in the end.


Zhu Jun also let out a long sigh.

Like Huangfusong, he was generally a great hero in the pacification of the Yellow Turban, but now he is sent to a county to be a prefect.

Not to mention sad.

But so what?

Hearing that the court was in trouble, he rushed over as soon as possible.

The extermination of the ten permanent attendants made Zhu Jun very excited, but what also came was still a fight for power and profit.

"You two are a bit negative!"

Wang Yun asked knowingly.


Huangfusong laughed a few times: "Wherever you go, you are fighting for power and profit. This is the case with He Jin, and so is this with Yuan Kai. Forget it, don't talk about such a sad topic, what's the matter with Master Zi coming here?"

He knew that Wang Yun didn't come here to listen to the three of them complaining.

Wang Yun nodded and said, "Yun really has something to ask the three of you."

Hearing this, the three of them were shocked.

They are good at fighting wars, but they are much worse in political struggles.

This Wang Yun calmly made Yuan Wei, a political tumbler, ashamed, and he must have some means.

Now the three of them are struggling to deal with Yuan Kuizheng.

Wang Yun came, but he was a good helper.

"I heard that General Huangfu has a good personal relationship with Guo Jia?"

Wang Yun lowered his voice and said.


Huangfusong hesitated for a moment. In fact, he didn't have any friendship with Guo Jia, he just gave some gifts to Guo Jia when he got married.

But it's not a bad thing to talk about!
"That's it!"

He nodded.

Compared with others, Huangfusong is still good.

That's good!

A smile appeared on Wang Yun's face.

"In this case, I would like to ask General Huangfu to take the trouble to meet Guo Jia in person, and ask him to enter the court as General Zuo to assist the government."

Huangfu Song was taken aback.

Although it is true that Guo Jia is General Zuo, that is just a false title. How can Wang Yun let him enter the court to assist the government?

Besides, Guo Jia's foundation is in Yunzhou, so he is definitely unwilling to let him leave Yunzhou and enter the dynasty.

As if seeing Huangfusong's worry, Wang Yun said in a low voice: "General Huangfu is also aware of the current situation. The Yuan family controls the government and military power. Even if the prince and queen mother are ushered in, it will be Yuan who will be in power at that time. family. Now only Yunzhou and Liangzhou can contend against the Yuan family. But Dong Zhuo is also very clear to everyone, he must be unreliable."

Not bad!

Huangfu Song thought so deeply.

He knew Dong Zhuo very well, and he also knew that the reason why this guy would support his side was entirely because they couldn't get a hand in the government affairs, so he had to rely on his side's strength.


Huangfusong was still a little worried.

"Guo Jia...he..."

He hesitated.

Guo Jia's loyalty to the imperial court was very low, and Huang Fusong was deeply touched by this.

Dare to besiege the barracks without a glance, how could this be done by a courtier?
If he is allowed to assist the government, wouldn't it be that if he monopolizes power, it will lead the wolf into the house?
"General Huangfu!"

A smile appeared on Wang Yun's face.

"It is better for two tigers to fight each other than for one tiger to dominate."

A few words made Huangfusong wake up.

He immediately clasped his fists.

"Leave it to the old man!"

Soon, Huangfusong rushed to Mengjin overnight with his entourage to ask Guo Jia to see him.


Yunzhou military camp.

After a tiring day, the queen mother and the little emperor had already fallen asleep.

Cai Yan also breathed a sigh of relief, and came to Guo Jia's camp exhausted.

Guo Jia had already given up his residence to the queen mother and the little emperor, and lived in the camp with his generals.


When they arrived at Guo Jia's camp, Dian Wei suddenly stopped her.


Cai Yan looked at Dian Wei strangely.

In Yunzhou, she was under one person and above ten thousand, and she had never been notified when she entered or left Guo Jia's room.

This big black guy never stopped her.

Somewhat weird!

Cai Yan immediately became alert.

Could it be that Guo Jia is doing something shameful in it?

Thinking of this, Cai Yan's face darkened.

"Step aside!"

Dian Wei's complexion had turned the color of a pig's liver.

He was ordered to stay outside and no one could come in.

But this Cai Yan is among everyone.

It seems that the lord still respects the lady very much.

If Dian Wei rejects this lady, he will suffer in the future. If this lady is cautious and gives him small shoes to wear, Dian Wei will not be able to bear it and walk away.

But at this moment, he really couldn't let it go.


Dian Wei cried: "Don't embarrass a certain family!"

The big fool also has the wisdom of the big fool.

His voice was loud, as if reminding Guo Jia inside.

Ma'am here!

"Is it Wenji?"

Guo Jia immediately walked out of the tent.

"Wen Ji, haven't you rested so late?"

This guy greeted him with a smile, not showing any surprise at all.

Cai Yan nodded.

Her gaze froze suddenly, there was actually a hickey mark on Guo Jia's neck.

This bastard!

Cai Meimei was a little annoyed immediately.

She worked tirelessly to help him appease the queen mother and the little emperor, but this bastard actually steals incense and jade behind her back?
It really makes no sense!
Even though Cai Meimei looked at it openly, she was very angry at the moment.

Women are always jealous.

"Why, did you disturb your good business, Mr. Guo?"

Cai Meimei asked coldly.

Hearing this, Guo Jia's heart suddenly rose, and he said with a little anticipation: "Wen Ji, how can there be..."

In fact, he has ghosts in his heart.

As a top secret agent in his previous life, Guo Jia has seen the romantic scene, but the enchanting sister-in-law actually trained Yu Linglong out, which made him very excited.

Especially after tasting this Yu Linglong, Guo Jia was a little bit unwilling to eat.

So taking advantage of no one's time, she brought the dog slave back again.

Sure enough, she was very docile, which surprised Guo Jia, and secretly admired Cai Yu's strength.

But just when he was most carried away, Cai Yan suddenly came.

How could Cai Yan notice this kind of thing?
So Guo Jia hurriedly hid Yu Linglong and came out alone to meet Cai Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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