Chapter 403

"Come on, I think you are getting more and more confused. Ma'am, you dare to stop me, do you still want your head?"

Guo Jia immediately changed the subject and began to criticize Dian Wei.

Change the subject!

This guy is the most proficient.

So Dian Wei became a scapegoat.

Dian Wei felt aggrieved, and felt very dissatisfied.

It is you who co-authored to let a certain company get in the way, but it is you who does not let a certain company get in the way.

Can you be willful if you are the master?

If he hadn't risked his life to block Cai Yan, maybe the lady would have seen something?

But he didn't dare to say this, and he could only slander a few words in his heart.

Guo Jia educated Dian Wei righteously, then turned his head and smiled at Cai Yan: "Wen Ji, don't be angry. This guy must be drunk and confused, and dare to block you out, making a fuss It seems that I have done something shameful. You have a lot of adults, so don't take it to your heart!"

Dian Wei rolled his eyes.

I despise this lord very much.

He's quit drinking a long time ago!

is it?

Cai Yan naturally didn't believe Guo Jia's rhetoric.

Dian Wei is a fool, he doesn't have any scheming, his thoughts are all written on his face?
Something must be hiding from her.

Cai Meimei pushed Guo Jia away and walked into the tent.

This camp is Guo Jia's special command tent, which is very spacious inside, with the office in the front and the rest in the back.

Without saying a word, Cai Yan walked towards the resting place.

The resting place is covered with a curtain, and if anyone is there, they can only hide there.

Seeing that the matter was about to be exposed, Guo Jia hurriedly grabbed Cai Yan's hand.

"Wen Ji, what are you doing? Don't you believe me?"

He said sadly.

Right now, the inside is a mess, Yu Linglong is still inside, if Cai Yan goes in, she will see everything.

Ha ha!

Cai Yan sneered, and said, "I can trust you for other things. But this is the only thing..."

She paused, and said word by word: "From the day I met you, I knew you couldn't be trusted."

A man is reliable, a sow can climb a tree!
Especially about other women, Cai Meimei never believed it.

Wen Ji, Wen Ji!

Seeing this situation, Guo Jia panicked. He wanted to catch Cai Yan, but he was afraid that she would ignore him after she got angry.

But if you let her in, it will definitely damage your image.

When Guo Jia was hesitating, Cai Yan suddenly got rid of him and walked in.

The moment she entered the tent, she suddenly let out an ah, and then walked out blushing.


Guo Jia felt powerless for a while.

There is a saying that a wife is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than a thief.

Cai Meimei is very strict in sex, except for the occasional flute, everything else is serious.

Let Guo Jia's life be boring!
In this respect, younger sister Cai Yu is different.

This girl is very open-minded, and the two almost tried many tricks together.

What made Guo Jia even more excited was that this girl had trained Yu Linglong.

This is a new thing, Guo Jia has never tried it in his previous life, and now he can't let it go easily
This kind of thing cannot be seen by the decent Cai Yan. Once seen by a famous lady like Cai Meimei, Guo Jia's personality in her heart will definitely collapse.


Cai Meimei came to his side with a blushing face.

"Wenji, I'm sorry!"

Guo Jia wanted to make amends, but he didn't know where to start.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Cai Meimei looked ashamed, and said in a low voice: "Accompany her well these few days. I won't bother you."

Said to leave in a hurry.

Guo Jia was a little dumbfounded!
What is this with what?
Why is there something wrong with your feet?

After watching Cai Meimei leave, Guo Jia didn't have time to educate Dian Wei, so he turned around and returned to the handsome tent.

When he walked in, he was also taken aback.

There was a woman lying on the bed of the handsome tent, with long hair scattered, sleepy eyes, and a pair of white and tender arms exposed, who is it not Cai Yu?
The dog slave Yu Linglong has long disappeared.


Guo Jia felt relieved.

Only then did he understand why Cai Yan retreated after one glance.

Because it was her younger sister Cai Yu lying inside.

Originally, as a sister, she had some regrets about Cai Yu's affairs.

Cai Yan is also a little embarrassed now that she broke through her younger sister's affair with Guo Jia.

But she still hopes that the two can live in harmony.

Then he told Guo Jia to accompany Cai Yu well, and disappeared immediately, so that his sister would not feel uncomfortable seeing him.

"Sister is gone!"

Hearing Guo Jia's footsteps, Cai Yu suddenly opened his eyes with a playful look.

"Girl, you are so timely!"

Guo Jia immediately stepped forward and hugged Cai Yu for a big kiss.

His persona, his image, are preserved!
Seeing that this guy was getting excited, Cai Yu couldn't help but push him away.

"You are really bold, you actually brought Yu Linglong out behind my back, aren't you afraid that she will harm you?"

After returning, Cai Yu found out that Guo Jia had taken Yu Linglong away, and immediately raised her heart.

Under her supervision, this Yu Linglong was considered docile, but once she left her, she was not sure what she would be like.

After chasing all the way, he happened to see Guo Jia and Cai Yan, so he hurriedly rescued Guo Jia from danger.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled embarrassedly.

At that time, some sperm were on their brains, so how could they manage so much.


Cai Yu suddenly felt helpless.

"Come out!"

Her voice turned cold.

Yu Linglong's figure turned from behind the tent, her eyes were still in awe.

Her psychology and physiology were tamed by Cai Yu.

"From now on, without my permission, you are not allowed to approach Guo Jia!"

Cai Yu said coldly.

Yes, Master!

Yu Linglong said docilely.

Get out!
With a wave of Cai Yu's hand, Yu Linglong's figure immediately disappeared in front of the two of them.

So majestic!

Guo Jia on the side was stunned.

It seems that this girl is more powerful than I imagined.

But here comes the problem, she is the second miss of the Cai family, where did she get so many tricks?

Seeing Guo Jia's puzzled eyes, Cai Yu regained his energy immediately, and the girl suddenly took out a booklet from her bosom and shook it in front of Guo Jia's eyes.

"Want to know? It's all in this Taiqing Danjing."

Taiqing Danjing!

Guo Jia was stunned for a moment.

This name is very familiar, it seems that I have heard of it somewhere, and after thinking about it, I suddenly realized that it turned out that Zuo Ci practiced it.

Guo Jia's double cultivation method also came from Zuo Ci's hands. As for whether it is something from the Taiqing Danjing, Guo Jia himself does not know.

However, no matter how Guo Jia looked at this exercise, it seemed a bit evil.

Now seeing Cai Yu's methods, he realizes that the evil spirit is not just his double cultivation method.

The entire Zuo Ci faction is somewhat evil.

(End of this chapter)

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