Chapter 404 Huangfusong Visits

The evil double cultivation method, the evil slave taming method, and the weird Zuo Ci.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia felt a little uncomfortable.

He has never liked this mysterious feeling, as if it has been surrounded by a cloud of fog.

"Girl, where did you get this thing?"

Guo Jia asked in a low voice.

This thing!

Cai Yu made a fool of himself, and then said with a smile, "Of course I got it from Zuo Ci."

It really is that old way.

Guo Jia's heart sank slightly.

All along, he felt that Zuo Ci was a bit weird.

It stands to reason that Guo Jia has gained a lot of benefits from others, so he should be grateful to Zuo Ci.

But on the contrary, Guo Jia is very wary of Zuo Ci.

I always feel that this old man has some malicious intentions.


Guo Jia was a little displeased and said, "When did you hook up with that old Taoist?"

Skynet is Yunzhou's top secret, except for Cai Yu, a confidant and lover, Guo Jia does not allow anyone to set foot in it.

Ouch, what a sour gas!

Cai Yu is a clever ghost, and immediately noticed Guo Jia's dissatisfaction.

She deliberately annoyed Guo Jia.

"I think this old man is pretty good. He is very humorous. Although he is a little older, he is in good shape, and the key is he is proficient in intercourse. Besides, he treats you very well. He also gives cheat books and apprentices. What do you do? Don't you have any gratitude?"


Guo Jia couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

More alert.

For some reason, he always felt that Zuo Ci was not that simple, and he would probably do something.

All right!

Cai Yu also knows that some jokes are harmless if they are played, but if they are really passed, it will be a bit ugly.

"I stole this cheat from Zhang Ning."

The girl whispered in Guo Jia's ear.

Hearing this, Guo Jia also laughed, unexpectedly, this girl has the ability to sneak around.

There are a lot of magical methods in the room recorded in this thing, and Zhang Ning used them to demonstrate to Guo Jia at the beginning.

She stole Zhang Ning's Taiqing Danjing probably to help her sister win favor.

this girl!
Guo Jia couldn't help shaking his head.

Huiniang who lost the Taiqing Danjing should be very anxious.


Guo Jia thought about it again, and suddenly realized that something was unreasonable.

Since when did Cai Yu care about these miscellaneous things?
This girl must have some purpose in stealing the Taiqing Danjing.

Could it be...

Guo Jia's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood.


He suddenly guessed what Cai Yu was thinking.

why are you laughing?
Cai Yu was a little shy, as if the two were having an affair for the first time.

Guo Jia suddenly stretched out his hand to embrace her in his arms, stroking her skin movingly.

"Girl, are you a bit lonely by yourself? Come back to me and leave this work to others."

Hearing Guo Jia's words, Cai Yu trembled slightly, and said forcefully, "Whoever is lonely is considered lonely, and some men come to serve me. No one cares about you."

is it?

Guo Jia knew that this girl didn't mean what she meant, so she smiled and said, "Then why did you steal the Taiqing Danjing? Could it be that you are also a little impatient when you see that Zhang Ning has given birth to a son?"

Hearing that Guo Jia exposed her thoughts, Cai Yu felt a little ashamed.

It is said that Guo Jia also had many women, but Zhang Ning was the only one who gave birth to him a son these years. The rest of the women, including Cai Yu, have been silent. Cai Yu always thought that the problem appeared in this book, so he did not hesitate to All the price was stolen.

But after stealing it, I studied it for a long time and practiced it with Guo Jia, but it was still not the right way, which made Cai Yu very depressed.

What made her even more embarrassed was that she accidentally slipped her mouth today, allowing Guo Jia to gain insight into her own thoughts.

At this moment, Cai Yu couldn't hold back anymore.

"Who's in a hurry, do you have a son, none of my business?"

Cai Yu pushed Guo Jia away, quickly put on her clothes and fled.

It was rare to see this girl blushing once, Guo Jia was very excited, when he was about to catch up with this girl and imagine his life, Xu Shu suddenly walked in hurriedly.

"My lord, Huangfusong is outside the pass with his entourage."

Huangfu Song!
Guo Jia was stunned for a moment.

What is this foolish guy doing here?
Could it be that the friendship between the two made him release the little emperor and the queen mother?

This is impossible!
Besides, the two don't have any friendship.

But for this Huangfusong, Guo Jia still admires him very much.

This man can be regarded as a rare general in the great Han Dynasty. He basically put down the entire Yellow Turban Rebellion, and what is even more rare is his unwavering loyalty to the court.

Guo Jia likes loyal people the most, but it is a pity that Huangfusong is loyal to the Han Dynasty, otherwise he would also want to poach this talent.

After all, there are not many people who are loyal these days.

"Do you want to take him back!"

Seeing that Guo Jia was in a bit of trouble, Xu Shu reminded him cautiously.

never mind!

Guo Jia waved his hand.

Now that he is here, he cannot be driven away, but it is impossible to see the queen mother and the emperor.

Before Guo Jia made a plan, no one would even want to see the queen mother and the emperor.

"Please, General Huangfu come in!"

Guo Jia straightened his appearance and ordered.

After half an hour, a tall figure came to the handsome tent led by Dian Wei, it was Huang Fusong.

"Master Guo, are you safe?"

Huangfu Song clasped his fists and said.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

He was not a tactful person originally, but for the sake of the overall situation, he still showed a smiling face, but the smile was forced.


"General Huangfu!"

Guo Jia stood up with a smile, and gave a slight salute.

In terms of official position, Huangfusong is a left charioteer, higher than Guo Jia's left general. In terms of position, Huangfusong is a Sili school lieutenant extending power center, and he is much stronger than a Mushou.

No matter from which aspect, Huangfusong would not salute first.


A moment of helplessness flashed across the corner of Huangfu Zhuo's mouth.

Now both the queen mother and the prince Liu Xie are in the hands of Guo Jia, if they want to welcome them back smoothly, they have to bow their heads.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then sat down as the guest of honor.

When you say sit down, you actually kneel down.

There are no chairs in this era. Guo Jia was not used to it at the beginning, but after a long time, he began to follow the Romans.

Guo Jia brought up the past and praised Huangfusong.

When the two were neighbors, the relationship was relatively harmonious.

Huangfusong had a need for others, so naturally he was obedient and dealt with it for a while.The topic was changed to the current form several times, but Guo Jiadong always turned it back.

"Master Guo!"

Huangfusong was a little anxious.

He didn't come here to talk to Guo Jia.

"A country cannot be without a king for a day. The emperor of Daxing dies, and the new king has not yet been established, and a hundred wastes are waiting to be revived. If Lord Guo Hou sends the queen mother and prince Liu Xie back to the palace, it will be a great achievement. At that time, it will be a great achievement to be appointed as a marquis and worship a general." Just around the corner."

Huangfusong paid homage again.

(End of this chapter)

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