Chapter 409

It took only half a day for Yuan Shao to gather an army of 5 troops outside Mengjin Pass.

He is also well prepared.

The main body of this army is the Dahan Guards.

The front army was dominated by Bao Xin's Taishan soldiers and Wang Kuang's five thousand crossbowmen, while the central army was the main force of the imperial guards, the Huben Guard and the Habayashi Guard, commanded by Yuan Shao himself.

Qiaomao's county soldiers are the right army.

Dong Zhuo's soldiers from Xiliang were the left army.

The entire force adds up to [-] people.

Everything is ready.

Bao Xin, the pioneer, came out applauded.

"Listen to the people on the top of the city, quickly release the queen mother and prince, or break the city and leave no one behind."

Mengjinguan city head!
Zhou Cang cursed: "The traitor Yuan Shao, the Queen Mother and Your Majesty are in the city, not only do you not get off your horse and go out to meet you, but instead entangle your forces to attack the city, it is really unreasonable. But let's see how my Yunzhou army will deal with you gang of thieves. "

This guy has been a thief for half his life, and it has only been a few years since he became a full-time official, and he actually claims to be orthodox in the court without shame.

darn thing!

Bao Xin was furious!
A general next to him shouted: "Hei Si, come down and fight for [-] rounds, what kind of hero do you think you are on top?"

It was Bao Xin's younger brother Bao Zhong.

Bao Zhong Kongwu is powerful and is Bao Xin's right-hand man.

Hei Si?

Hearing this, Zhou Cang was also a little annoyed.

He is not fake, but he is not so black as to be inhumane. Is Dian Wei even darker than him?
"Three hundred rounds!"

Zhou Cang said contemptuously: "Just you?"

When he was in the Yellow Turban Army, Zhou Cang was also one of the best generals, but when he came to Yunzhou, Zhou Cang's military power was not ranked at all. Any general in Yunzhou could torture him to the point of doubting his life.

Especially Dianguan Zhang Zhao!
Those are definitely awesome fighters.

Sometimes Zhou Cang himself has some doubts, is it true that all the fierce generals in the world have come to Yunzhou?

Zhou Cang sneered.

He can't be assigned a number in Yunzhou, but outside of Yunzhou, he hasn't been afraid of anyone.

Can't beat these perverts in Yunzhou, and can't beat you bunch of drunks and rice bags?

Generally, before a battle starts, there are several rounds of general fighting, firstly to warm up, and secondly to boost morale.

Naturally, Yu Jin did not refuse. He was still very confident in Zhou Cang's force.


Yu Jin came to Guo Jia, who was watching the battle, and Zhou Cang who was eager to try.

Guo Jia smiled faintly, and said, "I've said it before, you are the commander in chief in this battle, and everything will be in your command, including the cavalry and artillery."

He intended to make Yu Jin a military commander in his own right, so he let go of the war.


Yu Jin was overjoyed and cupped his fists.

"Zhou Cang, go down immediately and fetch the general's head!"

Zhou Cang turned around excitedly and left, he was already a little impatient.

"Boy, wash your neck and wait. Your Grandpa Zhou will fetch it right away."

As he said that, he was about to take his men out.

With a bang, Meng Jinguan's small door opened, and Zhou Cang rushed out with three hundred soldiers.

Zhou Cang is dressed all over his body and holds a long-handled sword.

"Hei Si gives the head!"

"Where did the rebel go?"

The two didn't talk to each other, and rushed over immediately.

Beat the drums and cheer!

Bao Xin was shocked.

His younger brother has been very strong since he was a child, and he often played with calves. When he was an adult, he could lift a millstone and use a sledgehammer.

So when recruiting troops, Bao Xin was the first to recruit his younger brother.

Zhou Cang is an unnamed general in Yunzhou, and he is definitely not his younger brother's opponent.

As long as the younger brother kills Zhou Cang, he will definitely make the first contribution.

The drums of the officers and soldiers were like thunder, and the soldiers shouted one after another.

Two horses cross each other.

Long knife vs sledgehammer!
Both arms went numb at the same time.

So much strength!
The two were surprised at the same time.

I didn't expect this match to be a tie.

Eat me again!
Bao Zhong was a bit ignorant, so he beat him with a hammer.


The two clashed their weapons again, and they still won't win or lose.

Come again!

The two fought several times one after another, but they couldn't do anything to each other.

So boring!
Bao Zhong felt a little timid.

These three hammers are his ultimate move.

When he was in Taishan County, no one was the enemy of his three hammers. Generally, if he went down with three hammers, his head would be cracked. Even if someone blocked him, he would run away immediately.

Zhou Cang was able to catch him with three hammers, which has exceeded Bao Zhong's expectations.

Ha ha!

Zhou Cang sneered a few times after learning about the truth of his opponent.

The opponent in front of him is just a little brute force. He is average in martial arts and doesn't know how to borrow horsepower.

"Turtle, look at Grandpa's sword skills!"

Zhou Cang yelled, rode his horse and rushed up, the long knife in his hand changed a few tricks.

Fighting is not only about strength, but also skill.

When he was in Yunzhou, Zhou Cang also asked the generals for advice, especially Guan Yu, who also used the big sword, and his martial arts also made great progress.

Seeing Zhou Cang approaching, his big sword was flying, very dazzling, Bao Zhong was a little flustered, he blocked it a few times, and then he showed his flaws.


Zhou Cang swiped the big knife in his hand, first knocked Bao Zhong's sledgehammer flying, and then swung the knife to chop Bao Zhong off the horse.

Although strength is necessary, technique is also very important.

"The general is mighty!"

The spirit of the Yunzhou army was greatly lifted, and they responded one after another.

After beheading Bao Zhong, Zhou Cang got off to a good start, making his first contribution to the Yunzhou Army.

oh oh oh!
Zhou Cang rode his horse and raised his sword, roaring a few times.

Who else?
After beheading the enemy general, he suddenly gained confidence.

Being abused by those perverts in Yunzhou, it's time to find some pleasure in these people now.

In other words, he was abused miserably in Yunzhou.

This time it was easy to let out a bad breath.


Bao Xin's eyes were about to burst.

After all, he was born of the same mother, now that Bao Zhong's head is separated, his elder brother is naturally very sad.

But the battle between the two armies was fair and aboveboard, and if they lost, it could only be said that they were not good at learning skills, no wonder anyone.

Although Bao Xin wanted to avenge his younger brother, as a striker, he couldn't act rashly, so he had to set his sights on Wang Kuang who was at the side.

"General Bao, don't worry, I have a famous general in Hanoi, Fang Yue, who will definitely kill Zhou Cang and avenge the little general."

Wang Kuang understood and nodded to the generals beside him.

The latter galloped out and took Zhou Cang directly. It was Fang Yue, a famous general in Hanoi.

"Where is Heisi going? Watch me, Fang Yue, avenge General Bao."

Said the prancing horse came with a gun.

Fang Yue!

Hearing this name, Zhou Cang froze for a moment.

He seems to have heard of this man, who seems to be a famous general in Hanoi County, who once fought against the Yellow Turban Army.

Come and come, who is afraid of whom?

Zhou Cang snorted and patted his horse to meet him.

Killing Bao Zhong doubled his confidence, and he didn't take Fang Yue very seriously.

With a bang, the two fought together.

One gun and one knife, one black and one white, they are a perfect match.

(End of this chapter)

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