Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 410 Zhao Yun Fights Wen Chou Again

Chapter 410 Zhao Yun Fights Wen Chou Again



The soldiers on both sides yelled.

The two were full of energy, and the weapons in their hands were flying up and down.

This Fang Yue is not in vain, and the spear in his hand has some skills, and he is evenly matched for a while.

After fighting for [-] rounds, there is no winner or loser.

Zhou Cang suddenly turned his horse's head, turned around and fled to the main formation.

Fang Yue yelled: "The thieves are gone, leave their heads behind!"

As he spoke, he patted his horse and chased after him.

After fighting till now, how could he let the enemy escape?

Beheading the opponent's head is a great achievement.

Ha ha!

Zhou Cang sneered again.

This Fang Yue is a technical general, and the two of them are equally divided, and they may not be able to tell the winner if they continue to fight.

So Zhou Cang had to use a trick.

Fang Yue chased after him, stabbing Zhou Cang in the back with a gun.

At this moment, Zhou Cang suddenly soared into the air, the handle of the knife pushed aside Fang Yue's spear, his legs suddenly exerted force, and he jumped up from the horse's back. He was in mid-air, and the long knife drew an arc, turning the horse Bao Zhong cut it into two sections.

This is the trick taught by Guan Yu - Flying Dragon in the Sky!
Guan Erye's unique move is of course not trivial. Although Zhou Cang barely exerted [-]% of his power, it was more than enough to kill Fang Yue.

Fang Yue screamed, her body was cut in two obliquely, and fell to the ground.

The general is mighty!

The sound of Yunzhou army drums is loud!
Even beheading two generals, Zhou Cang was a little tired, but he still got on his horse and pointed his long knife obliquely at the officers and soldiers.

"Who else is going to die?"

Is it awesome?

Is there any leakage of domineering side?
The tiger is not at home, and the monkey is king.

Zhou Cang, who has been abused in Yunzhou, can be regarded as elated now.


Ha ha!

Guo Jia on the top of the city had a smile on his face.

Bao Zhong and Fang Yue are only third-rate generals, so when they meet Zhou Cang, a second-rate general, they are naturally no match.

But enough is enough, Yuan Shao still has a few generals under his command.

"Zilong, it's evil, go and replace Zhou Cang! lest this guy get too hot-headed and do things beyond his control."

Zhao Yun and Dian Wei, who were ready to go, responded, and went out with their entourage to stabilize their position.



Xiliang Army Formation.

Dong Zhuo laughed happily.

"This Yuan Shao's strength is not very good? He is not an opponent of our Xiliang army at all."

From this battle, he had seen Yuan Shao's reality.

Whether it is the formation of troops or the level of generals, it is incomparable with the Xiliang Army, which is capable of conscripting and fighting.


Lu Bu said proudly: "Yuan Shao is just a young master, where did he fight any battles? In these years of fighting in the South and North, the elites of the Southern Army and the Northern Army have almost died. They can't compare with my Xiliang Army."

After recognizing Dong Zhuo as godfather, Lu Bu quickly adapted to his identity, and regarded himself as the young master everywhere.


Hearing Lu Bu's words, Dong Zhuo was even happier.

That being the case, why should he submit to Yuan Shao?


Dong Zhuo suddenly asked, "What do you think?"

During this time, Li Ru has been a little absent-minded.

He was arrested inexplicably, and then released inexplicably, he has never figured out what happened.

But no matter what happened, he confessed that Chi Xiao's internal affairs in the capital had violated Chi Xiao's taboo. Once this matter is exposed, his life may be difficult to save.


Seeing that Li Ru didn't reply, Dong Zhuo raised his voice again.

"How do you think my Xiliang Army compares to the Forbidden Army?"


Li Ru will come back to his senses now.

"My Xiliang army has experienced hundreds of battles and is naturally much stronger than the forbidden army."

he said in a low voice.

very good!

Dong Zhuo nodded, and his eyes fell on Yuan Shao again.

"Since this is the case, why should I listen to your Yuan family's orders? Fengxian, prepare to go to war, and let these courtiers see what it means to be an elite in a hundred battles."

He had long been dissatisfied with Yuan Shao's command.

Seeing Yuan Shao's virtual command, Dong Zhuo no longer wanted to listen to Yuan Shao's command.

Just siege!

The Xiliang army is even better at it!

As long as Meng Jin is defeated and the queen mother and the little emperor are captured, Dong Zhuo can also become a great hero, and the power will be in the hands of the court and the public is just around the corner.

Hearing Dong Zhuo's words, Lu Bu was full of energy and was about to lead his army to charge up.

Wait a minute, my lord!

Hearing that the Xiliang army was going to attack the city, Li Ru suddenly panicked.

He had always suspected that the mysterious woman who arrested him had something to do with Guo Jia. If it was really Yunzhou who did it, then he would have the handle to fall into their hands.


Dong Zhuo was a little puzzled!
Li Ru calmed down, and immediately said indiscriminately: "Yuan Shao put the guest army in front because he wanted to use these people to consume the strength of the Yunzhou army. The lord's attack on the city now is exactly what Yuan Shao wants, so it's better for us to wait and see what happens to preserve our strength. "

He naturally did not dare to encourage Dong Zhuo to attack Guo Jia.

Not bad!

Dong Zhuo slapped his thigh.

"It's Wenyou's thoughtful thinking. Didn't we help Yuan Shao by beating him? Let's not fight, just wait!"

Said to wait patiently.

Hearing that Dong Zhuo would not send troops, Li Ru felt relieved.

His gaze fell to the top of the city again.

Guo Jia!

A flash of fear flashed through Li Ru's heart.

What is this man going to do?

After losing the two battles, Yuan Shao's face was dull.

He let Bao Xin and Wang Kuang take the lead, but he also had some calculations.

Siege is a war of attrition, and the early consumption will naturally need these local soldiers to act.Besides, these two people are not his confidantes, and they don't feel bad when they die.

Cannon fodder is cannon fodder, without much ability, the first battle made people feel ashamed and affected the morale of the officers and soldiers.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shao suddenly said to Wen Chou beside him: "Go, kill that black servant, and boost morale."

Wen Chou cupped his fists.

The Chinese army moved out of the way, and Wen Chou rushed out with a hundred cavalry.

"The thief will leave, and Wen Chou will come!"

Yan Liang and Wen Chou are two of Yuan Shao's generals. They are highly skilled in martial arts and have won Yuan Shao's trust.

Seeing Wen Chou coming, Zhou Cang was shocked and was about to rush up to fight.

At this time, Yiqi suddenly stood in front of him, and the white horse with the silver spear was Zhao Yun.

"General Zhou take a break first, let this battle be handed over to Yun. This person is Yun's old acquaintance, and he once played against each other regardless of victory or defeat. Yun has also felt deeply regretful for these years, and now that he meets again, it is natural to split up. Victory comes."

Zhao Yun said tactfully.

Regardless of victory or defeat with Zhao Yun?
Zhou Cang's back was sweating immediately.

In Yunzhou, who doesn't know that Dianguan Zhang Zhao is a top general?

Wouldn't it be easy for someone who could draw with Zhao Yun to abuse Zhou Cang?
Zhao Yun is not fighting for him, this is saving his life!

Thinking of this, Zhou Cang hurriedly cupped his fists and went down.

He's not the kind of person who doesn't know what's good and what's wrong.

Wen Chou is not something he can handle.

Since you know that you will die but still stand up, you are a fool.

Isn't Zhou Cang a fool?

(End of this chapter)

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