Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 411 Panlong Spear Vs Pear Blossom Spear

Chapter 411 Panlong Spear Vs Pear Blossom Spear

"The thief will leave!"

When Wen Chou came to the front of the formation, Zhou Cang had already retreated. When he was about to catch up, a majestic general rode his horse and stood in front of him. It was Zhao Yun.

"General Wen, are you safe?"

Zhao Yun asked with a smile.

Zhao Yun still appreciates Wen Chou.

Although the two do not belong to the same camp.

After all, it was also the first evenly matched opponent he encountered.

Zhao Yun!

Seeing Zhao Yun's figure, Wen Chou shrank his eyes and pupils, and immediately recognized that this person was the young silver spear general who had fought him for fifty rounds in the Nine Palaces.

Everything three years ago is as vivid as before.

Wen Chou is also a strong general of the generation. He has debuted for many years. Except for his brother-in-law Yan Liang, the others rarely meet opponents.

But three years ago, in the battle of Jizhou, he was first tied by a young silver gun general, and then he was wounded internally by a red-faced man with three swords.

The arrogant Wen Chou felt it was a shame.

So for the past three years, he has been practicing martial arts hard, just to avenge his shame.

Unexpectedly, the enemy was soon delivered to him.

"So, you're still alive!"

Wen Chou said coldly.

each other!

The smile on Zhao Yun's face remained unchanged.

"Your Excellency is not dead, how dare Yun die first?"

Since ancient times, literati have looked down on each other, and this warrior is the same, especially this kind of evenly matched opponent.

"Without further ado!"

Wen Chou swung his spear horizontally.

"In the first battle three years ago, it was a pity that we did not decide the winner. Now that we have met, let's settle the old and new scores together!"

As he spoke, he took off his cloak, revealing the armor inside.

Wen Chou is Yuan Shao's confidant, commanding the Habayashi cavalry, and the Habayashi cavalry is the imperial army, so pay attention to your appearance.

This cloak is a must, and it looks very majestic when worn.

But Wen Chou knows that this thing is just a good-looking thing, and has no use value on horseback. Not only that, but it will also affect his movements.

If it's just an ordinary opponent, it's fine, Wen Chou can deal with it if he asks himself.

It was different for evenly matched opponents like Zhao Yun. This cloak became a life-threatening talisman when worn on the body.

Therefore, Wen Chou first lifted these constraints.

It can also be seen from the side that this person attaches great importance to Zhao Yun.

The two confronted each other for a while, and suddenly came to each other.

Double guns at the same time!

Jingle Jingle!

The two competed again three years later, and they used all their strength as soon as they came up.

This time not only to decide the outcome, but also to decide life and death.

Since the Battle of Jizhou, Wen Chou has been hit one after another. Only then did he realize that there are people beyond the sky, and he once again settled down to practice martial arts.

In the past three years, he has made great progress, and now he meets Zhao Yun, just in time to display the spear skills he has painstakingly practiced.

"watch out!"

Wen Chou's spear technique changed and became erratic, the red tassel on the tip of the spear kept shrinking, as small as a pear blossom.

20 years of pear blossom gun, invincible in the world.

Wen Chou's spear skills had already been ranked among the top experts, and now he practiced hard for three years, and finally controlled Hongying within the range of Lihua.

If you can control the tip of the gun within the range of the pear blossom, you can basically point and shoot wherever you want.

In other words, Wen Chou has almost reached the top of the spear.

It's a pity that Wen Chou always felt that he was still a little short of perfection.

It was this line, but he felt that it was always far away.

it is good!
Zhao Yun also secretly praised.

He is also a master of spear skills and knows the power of the pear flower spear.

Although Wen Chou has not yet reached the state of doing whatever he wants, it is still no small matter.

"Unexpectedly, you have worked very hard in the past three years, and you have almost mastered the pear flower gun. It's a pity that your killing heart is too strong, and your competitive heart is too strong. You can't get out of this circle, so you can't comprehend the perfect state of spearmanship. .It's a pity, a pity!"

The spear in Zhao Yun's hand guarded against the wind and rain.

Hearing Zhao Yun's words, Wen Chou was also taken aback.

This opponent actually saw that his spear skills were not perfect?
The Pear Blossom Spear is Wen Chou's ancestral skill, and it is impossible for others to know about it.

How did the boy in front of him know?
As everyone knows, martial arts all over the world lead to the same goal through different routes.

Zhao Yun's spear skills originated from Tong Yuan, the spear king of Liaodong.

Tong Yuan was a top spear master in the late Han Dynasty, and his spear skills were invincible in the world.

Zhao Yun is Tong Yuan's closed disciple. When he came out of the mountain, he had already learned a lot of his master's skills. After several years of training, he had already mastered his school's Hundred Birds and Phoenix Spear.

But after learning Tong Yuan's marksmanship, he is at best the second Tong Yuan, and he still cannot escape the shadow of his master.

If you want to go to the next level, you must jump out of this shackles and find another way.

The gathering of fierce generals in Yunzhou gave Zhao Yun a lot of convenience. He kept looking for masters to learn from each other, and added his own things to the Hundred Birds Chaofeng spear technique.

After so many years of hard training, Zhao Yun finally created his own spear technique - the Seven Detector Panlong Spear.

the student surpasses the master.

Therefore, the young Zhao Yun is in a class of his own in spearmanship.


"What a majestic boy!"

Dong Zhuo, who was watching the battle, was also attracted by the wonderful martial arts of the two.

Although Dong Zhuo has a bad reputation, he is also a person who loves talents, otherwise he would not value Lu Bu so much.

Dong Zhuo had seen how powerful this man was when the Xiliang Army fought with Yuan Shao.

Yan Liangwen Chou is Yuan Shao's trump card and a top fighter.

Dong Zhuo believed that in the Xiliang army, only Lu Bu could match him, and Hua Xiong, who was second in martial arts, paled in comparison.

Unexpectedly, someone in the Yunzhou Army could draw with this Wen Chou, and he was still so young.

"Who is this person?"

Li Ru was also a little moved.

Although he knew that the soldiers in Yunzhou were as strong as the clouds, what he saw with his own eyes was very shocking.

"This person's surname is Zhao Mingyun, and he is the captain of the cavalry under Guo Jia's command."

Lu Bu said lightly.

Dong Zhuo nodded.

"Then how is his martial arts compared to mine?"

Lu Bu's eyes suddenly flashed sharply.

Under the city of Wen County, during a contest between the two sides, Zhao Yun shot him in the shoulder.

Although Lu Bu was one against two at the time, strictly speaking he still lost.

That was also the first time he was singled out and injured.

"Haierbi can kill him."

Lu Bu said confidently.

Originally, his martial arts were a level higher than Zhao Yun's, but now that he has the Chituma, his combat power has soared directly.

If the two met again, Zhao Yun would probably not be Lu Bu's opponent.


Hearing Lu Bu's words, Dong Zhuo laughed happily again.

He was once again proud of the measure of accepting Lu Bu as his godson.

With this peerless general by his side, Dong Zhuo can sleep peacefully!
The Zhao Yun in the field is also good, but I don't know what he likes.

Dong Zhuo also made up his mind that he must recruit this young general.

With Lu Bu on the left and Zhao Yun on the right, Dong Zhuo couldn't help but smile when he thought of this.

With two people by my side, who in the world is my opponent, Dong Zhuo?

(End of this chapter)

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