Chapter 417 Tragic Consumption

"Continue to siege the city!"

Yuan Shao is in a hurry!

After fighting for a long time, Meng Jin didn't suffer any losses, but his former army suffered heavy losses.

Although he didn't like these cannon fodder troops, Yuan Shao still urged them to go all out.

How can glory and wealth be obtained so easily?
One will succeed and all bones will be destroyed!

The successful ones stand up on the corpses of countless cannon fodder.

The retired former army rushed to the city under the leadership of Bao Xin and Wang Kuang.

Cannon fodder is cannon fodder!

The army of the two has been consumed almost.

"Brothers, go ahead!"

After Bao Xin dispatched the last reserve team around him, he rushed forward with his guards.

In half a day, thousands of people were lost, but the city still hadn't been conquered, which made Bao Xin feel a little embarrassed.

At the beginning, he patted his chest and boasted in front of Yuan Shao that he wanted to go to the city and behead Guo Jia to make a contribution.

Now Guo Jia has not seen a single hair, and his army has been killed and wounded.

His pioneer is also a bit misleading.

In the end, I had no choice but to fight to the death.

"The crossbowmen are ready to cover General Bao's siege!"

Wang Kuang yelled and directed his men to suppress the bows and crossbows at the top of the city.

He was born as a civil servant, and he was not good at fighting, but the military law was ruthless, once he was defeated, he would not be able to escape Yuan Shao's punishment.

Therefore, he has to go forward desperately.


"This Yunzhou army has some skills!"

Dong Zhuo watched all this in surprise.

Although Bao Xin's subordinates were a bit rubbish, his command was quite satisfactory, so there was nothing to talk about.

Three thousand Taishan soldiers, five thousand crossbowmen, and dozens of catapults fought for a long time without climbing the city wall.

If it was the Xiliang Army who came to fight, Dong Zhuo might not have done better than Bao Xin.

Of course, the Xiliang Army has more cavalry and is better at field battles, and doesn't like attacking tough things.

So Dong Zhuo has been standing still.

"The Yunzhou army still has some combat effectiveness!"

Lu Bu on the side also nodded.

In the first battle in Wen County, the [-] Bingzhou Army was defeated by the [-] Yunzhou Army.

In addition to those mysterious weapons that can glow and ignite, the combat effectiveness of the Yunzhou Army is also very powerful.

Lu Bu was well aware of this.

"Fortunately, we didn't act rashly!"

Dong Zhuo was a little terrified.

If he rushed to attack the city at the beginning, he might end up in the same situation as Wang Kuang and others now.

The Yunzhou Army is a tough nut to crack.

This is the consensus of the Xiliang Army.


Dong Zhuo suddenly said: "This Guo Jia is powerful, with such a strong army, and with the Queen Mother and the little emperor in his hands, do you think he will succeed?"

The success of his mouth is naturally the monopoly of power.


Li Ru hesitated.

As a member of Chixiao, he naturally didn't want Guo Jia to succeed.


Li Ru suddenly lowered his voice.

"The Yunzhou army is strong in combat, and with the queen mother and the little emperor in hand, we should be friends."

Not bad!
Dong Zhuo nodded immediately.

It is better to be friendly with Guo Jia than to be hostile.

He immediately ordered: "When the battle is over, immediately select a few good horses and send them over."

Several subordinates responded.

As expected of Lu Bu's adoptive father, both of them were carved out of the same mold.


Not far away, Lu Zhi Huang Fu Song Zhu Jun watched the battle, and thousands of soldiers and horses gathered behind them.

"What a Yunzhou army!"

Huangfusong sighed quietly: "When in danger, it is not chaotic and well-organized. No wonder it can beat the Southern Xiongnu like a mouse. I heard that the Yunzhou Army has 3 soldiers. If the rest of the army is as strong as these [-] people, then it must be the strongest army of the Han Dynasty. .”

He is a man of knowledge, and he highly appreciates the overall quality of the Yunzhou Army.

Zhu Jun didn't speak, just nodded.

He was not familiar with Guo Jia, and it was his first contact with the Yunzhou Army.

What a pity, what a pity!
Lu Zhi shook his head.

Guo Jiakong has such a strong army, but he doesn't have the slightest thought of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. This is a great pity for Lu Zhi, who is loyal to the great man.

If Guo Jia is willing to support the Han Dynasty, no one in the world will be dissatisfied.

It's a pity that Guo Jia held the queen mother and prince hostage in an attempt to obtain greater benefits.

"Yuan Shao probably kicked the iron board!"

Zhu Jun said gloatingly.

For the Yuan family, the veteran did not have any good impressions.

Ha ha!

Huangfusong reached out and stroked his beard.

"It's not the first time he kicked the iron board. The last time he was in Jizhou, he was beaten to pieces by Guo Jia, and the entire [-] army was wiped out. If Yuan Kai didn't help him cover him, his head would have fallen to the ground long ago when he came back."

is it?

Zhu Jun heard of it for the first time.

"And this thing?"

This Guo Jia is too outrageous!

Lu Zhi frowned, and said: "When I was stationed in Guangzong, I heard that he killed the governor of the Governor's Mansion in order to rebel. If it weren't for the Yellow Turban Army, I would have sent troops north."

At that time, Lu Zhi had [-] elite soldiers, so it was no problem to deal with a small prefect.

Fortunately, Zigan did not go north!

Zhu Jun smiled and said, "Otherwise, there would be no one to help us out today."

The three of them looked at each other, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Who would have imagined that now they would let a disloyal person come to rescue them?


Lu Zhi suddenly said: "What do you think of Wang Yun?"

Wang Yun!

Huangfu Song was stunned for a moment, and said: "He is a loyal minister!"

At this time, standing with them and supporting the Han Dynasty is naturally a loyal minister.

The teacher is good!

Zhu Jun also nodded.

His impression of Wang Yun is still good.

is it?

Lu Zhi narrowed his eyes.

He is a literati and knows a little about Wang Yun.

The reason why Wang Yun was able to rise to the top was not due to anyone else, but the general He Jin and Tai Fu Yuan Kui.

In other words, He Jin and Yuan Wei are Wang Yun's benefactors.

Now Wang Yun suddenly jumped out to fight Yuan Wei, which made Lu Zhi a little puzzled.

Confucianism pays most attention to one status. Since Yuan Wei is Wang Yun's promoter, Wang Yun can also be regarded as Yuan Wei's disciple.

As Yuan Kui's disciple, he wanted to oppose Yuan Kui. Wang Yun was not a loyal minister, but he had other plans.

Is he a loyal minister or does he have other plans?
Lu Zhi didn't know for a while.

Just like he couldn't see through Guo Jia.

Is this person loyal or traitor?
Lu Zhi's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Whether they are loyal or traitorous, he, Lu Zhi, will loyally support the court and support the new king.

At this time, the war drum sounded again.

"Yuan Shao is going to play the main force!"

Huangfusong pointed to the battlefield ahead and said.

The eyes of Zhu Jun and Lu Zhi were immediately attracted.

Previously, the main attackers were some local troops, and the Northern Army in Yuan Shao's hands has been standing still.

"The battle is only now beginning!"

Huangfu Song whispered.

As the former commander-in-chief of the Northern Army, he still has great confidence in the strength of the Northern Army.

The fifth school of the Northern Army has always been the elite of the Han Dynasty.

Who is the strongest, the Northern Army or the Yunzhou Army?
The Mengjin battle not only related to the prestige of the two armies, but also related to the official careers of Guo Jia and the Yuan family.

(End of this chapter)

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