Chapter 418
The elite of the Han Dynasty belonged to the Forbidden Army, and the elite of the Forbidden Army was the Northern Army.

The Five Schools of the Northern Army, the collective name of the commanding officer of the Fifth Battalion of the Northern Army in the Eastern Han Dynasty, is used to refer to the Fifth Battalion of the Forbidden Army.In the Western Han Dynasty, there were originally eight schools of the Northern Army. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, officials were streamlined, and only five school lieutenants were formed.That is, the Provincial Zhongbai Battalion, retaining the five battalions of Tunqi, Yueqi, Infantry, Changshui, and Shesheng.The original Huqi camp was merged into Changshui, and the Huben camp was merged into Shesheng camp.

The fifth battalion school lieutenant ranks more than two thousand shi, the official position is idle, and most of them are from the heart of the royal family, and the Northern Army Zhonghou with a rank of six hundred shi, supervises the five battalions and bans soldiers.Each school lieutenant has a Sima under him, with a rank of a thousand stones.

Tun cavalry battalion is an arm with Han Chinese cavalry as the main source of soldiers.

Yue cavalry battalion, the main source of soldiers is the cavalry attached to the Yue people.

The infantry battalion and Northwest material officers are the main source of soldiers.

Changshuiying, a unit that uses longbows and crossbows as its means of attack.

Shooting battalion, lightly armed crossbowmen.

To put down the Yellow Turban and Xiliang Rebellions, the Fifth Northern Army School made great efforts, but at the same time suffered a lot.That's why Yuan Shao had to rely heavily on the strength of the local soldiers to consume the strength of the Yunzhou Army.

When Bao Xin and Wang Kuang's troops were almost exhausted, Yuan Shao's Northern Army finally entered the field.

This time, in order to eliminate Guo Jia, Yuan Shao transferred all the five schools of the Northern Army out of Luoyang.

The [-] Northern Army set up a formation, with the infantry battalion in front, the firing in the middle, and Changshui behind.The remaining [-] Tuenqi Yueqi surrounded Yuan Shao.

They are already the last cavalry of the Han Dynasty.

The infantry lieutenant let out a loud roar, followed by his sword and shield, and slowly approached.

They are all experienced fighters, with a stable military spirit and a murderous look.

Changshuiying followed closely behind.

This battalion has the smallest number of people, but it is equipped with a large longbow, which is extremely lethal.

The Shesheng Battalion followed closely behind the Changshui Battalion. The soldiers of the Shesheng Battalion were not only equipped with powerful crossbows, but also equipped with heavy ballistas. They had hundreds of ballistas, and under the cover of infantry, they quickly entered the fighting position.

not good!

After seeing the enemy's formation, Gao Shun showed a nervous look on his face.

Whether it is a longbow or a crossbow, they are all weapons exclusive to the Guards, and the local army has never seen them before.

"General Yu, request for long-range strikes and increase the number of catapults."

Gao Shun said immediately.

He knew that these people must not be allowed to approach. Once they approached, the entire city would be within the attack range of the opponent's long-range crossbow.

It is a good idea to deploy large-scale catapults.

Yu Jin also saw it.

But he was not in a hurry, because there was still the killer artillery unit of the Yunzhou Army in the city.

Neither the Shesheng Battalion nor the Changshui Battalion are opponents of the artillery of the Yunzhou Army.

"All defensive, conservative attack!"

Yu Jin suddenly issued such an order.

Gao Shun was stunned for a moment, and looked at Yu Jin with some puzzlement.

Conservative attack!

The range of the bows and crossbows at the head of the city is far less than that of the longbows and powerful crossbows of the guards. Once they are brought into the attacking range, wouldn't they be slaughtered?
He opened his mouth, but finally closed it.

As a general, the most important thing is to respect military orders.

Yu Jin was Gao Shun's boss and the commander in chief of this war, so Gao Shun naturally obeyed his orders.

Even if it is wrong!
Gao Shun immediately ordered to strengthen the defense, and dispatched swords and shields and heavy armored soldiers to protect the city.

The Forbidden Army under the city stepped into range in an orderly manner.

"All the crossbowmen retreated into the bunker."

When the enemy entered the attack state, Yu Jin gave another order.

Gao Shun was in a daze again.

Crossbowmen are the biggest support for the defenders of the city, and they are also the nightmare of the attacking party. If they withdraw, wouldn't the enemy be like entering a no-man's land?

Gao Shun couldn't bear it anymore.

"Excuting an order!"

Yu Jin said in a deep voice.

Gao Shun hesitated for a moment, but still ordered loudly: "All crossbowmen retreat into the bunker."

Following his order, the crossbowmen at the top of the city were withdrawn, leaving only the swordsmen and heavy armored soldiers with outstanding defenses.

very good!

Yu Jin nodded.

He glanced back, but seeing that Guo Jia didn't express anything, he immediately said: "Let the artillery prepare. When the enemy's arrow rain stops, immediately set up the artillery carriage and prepare to attack."

Zhou Cang in the back responded, and ran down in a hurry.

The officers and soldiers quickly moved to the attack distance.

Captain Changshui roared first.

Whoosh whoosh!
Thousands of longbows were fired together, turning into streaks of sharp light, falling from midair, covering the entire city.

This is the sharp weapon of the imperial guards of the Han Dynasty - the longbow, which has a range far beyond ordinary crossbows, and the arrow branches are also longer than ordinary crossbows.

The Sound Battalion followed suit.

Their ballista and crossbow roared at the same time.

Although it cannot be thrown, its range is higher than that of the longbow, and it is also very powerful if it is shot flat.

duh duh!
Countless arrows rained down on the top of Mengjin Pass immediately.

This wave of feather arrows is extremely lethal.

Even if the city is full of sword and shield players and heavy armor soldiers with good defense, they still can't stop the damage of this wave of arrows.

The two school lieutenants took turns commanding.

Wave after wave of arrow rain enveloped the city.

"Retreat the injured, make up for the uninjured, and don't leave a gap. The medical team, wait for the opportunity to save people."

Yu Jin said in a deep voice.

One military order after another was passed on.

Even in the rain of arrows from the opponent, the formation of the Yunzhou Army still maintained a complete posture.

Gao Shun was very moved.

Even though all the soldiers left behind on the city walls were swords, shields and heavy armors, there were still a lot of casualties.

Fortunately, all the crossbowmen of the Yunzhou Army had withdrawn from the city, otherwise half of the crossbowmen would have been killed by this wave.

What a terrifying lethality!

Is this the strength of the Great Han Imperial Army?
Gao Shun was secretly vigilant.

He was born in the Bingzhou Army, and the Bingzhou Army bordered the Xiongnu. The two sides fought each other, and it was considered a relatively capable army.

But it was the Bingzhou Army who could fight that was defeated by the Yunzhou Army in Wen County.

It was only then that Gao Shun realized that the Bingzhou Army was not the strongest, and the combat effectiveness of the Yunzhou Army was even higher than them.

After surrendering to Guo Jia, Gao Shun had a great understanding of the combat effectiveness of the Yunzhou Army. He believed that the combat effectiveness of the Yunzhou Army was already at its peak, but he did not expect that the Central Forbidden Army would not give in too much.

It is indeed the elite of the big man!

Guo Jia, who was watching the battle from the top of the city, nodded slowly.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse!

Although the guards of the big man have declined, their fighting power is still enough to be proud of the world.

Guo Jia suddenly said indifferently: "The era of Bunu has passed."


Xu Shu nodded.

Now it is the world of gunpowder bombs of the Yunzhou Army.

For reasons of secrecy, Yunzhou did not play much in the battle.
Use gunpowder with great fanfare.

But this time is different.

The Yunzhou army wants to stand up.

The infantry crossbow of the Janissaries happened to be an object of prestige.

From then on, the entire Han Dynasty will know the majesty of the Yunzhou Army.

(End of this chapter)

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