Chapter 421 Great Rout

"Retreat, hurry up and retreat!"

Yuan Shao also panicked, and only then did he realize the power of these secret weapons in Yunzhou.

In just a short while, the arrow array of the officers and soldiers has turned into a sea of ​​flames.

No wonder Xun You and Cao Cao were very cautious about each other.

This thing really cannot be resisted by human beings.

Ding Ding Ding!
Mingjin sounded, but the two battalions of Shesheng and Changshui were already engulfed in flames, and it was not easy to withdraw.

Countless people dropped their bows and crossbows, took off their armor, and ran out of the fire, crying.

"Want to run, isn't that easy?"

Yu Jin sneered.

"The artillery adjusts the angle and fires explosive shells!"

Whoosh whoosh!
A hundred artillery vehicles roared, and one crock bomb after another exploded on the heads of these deserters.

As the future general of Yunzhou, Yu Jin also worked hard on the range of the cannon and the power of the shells.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles!

Now artillery has become Yunzhou's trump card and the main force in future wars.

Even the tactics of warfare changed around artillery.

If you want to make good use of this killer tool, you must first be familiar with their performance.

The flames soared into the sky, and rubble and rubble scattered out, harvesting the lives of these defeated soldiers.

Where have the officers and soldiers seen such a thing, they were naturally defeated, and they all hated their parents for not having two legs.

Soon, those who were burned to death and those who trampled on each other, the city became a Shura hell.

The tragic situation of Changshui Battalion and Shesheng Battalion immediately affected the infantry battalion at the top of the city, and they were also stunned.

If these things fall on his head, where is his life?

Many people began to retreat.

Morale is actually a very delicate thing. Once discouraged, the combat effectiveness will immediately drop.

Gao Shun, who was the first to bear the brunt, immediately noticed the change in his opponent.

"The official army was defeated, the official army was defeated, and the brothers drove them off the wall."

The defenders at the top of the city cheered up and gradually regained the initiative.

At this moment, Yu Jin's voice sounded.

"The heavy armored army is dispatched to clean up the city."

Boom boom boom!
With the sound of dense footsteps, the most elite heavy armored infantry of the Polu Army appeared.

Although there were only a few hundred of them, they were wearing heavy armor and holding long knives, and they rushed to the city slowly.

They wear masks, and their entire bodies are wrapped in armor. They don't even blink when ordinary bows and arrows fall on them.

The official army, which had lost all morale, was no match for the heavily armored soldiers, and they were defeated in a single battle.

"Hold on, hold on!"

Holding a steel knife in his hand, Bao Xin shouted loudly.

He wanted to work hard to gather troops and hold the top of the city.

But it has been to no avail.

"Where will the thief go?"

Gao Shun rushed to Bao Xin with a long knife in his hand.

He had noticed the general a long time ago.

Killing one is enough money, killing two earns one!
Bao Xin also disregarded life and death at this moment, and fought Gao Shun with a long knife in his hand.

Although Gao Shun was not good at force, he was still in the second class, and he was more than enough to deal with Bao Xin.

There was a big difference in martial arts between the two, but now Bao Xin was exhausted, so Gao Shun was no match for him.

Soon, Bao Xin was hacked to the ground by Gao Shun, and then he was decapitated.

As soon as Bao Xin died, the former army was defeated across the board.

Yu Jin saw it clearly, and immediately asked the defenders below to open the city gate and let the cavalry out of the city.

At this time, he was about to rush over to expand the results of the battle.


Ready to go, Zhao Yundianwei rushed out of the city gate with Bai Ma Yicong.

Cavalry killing infantry, especially infantry without fighting spirit, is a massacre.


"Array, array, don't let these defeated soldiers overwhelm the Chinese army."

Cao Cao's face changed drastically, and he immediately reminded Yuan Shao.

That's how he suffered at the beginning.

"Quickly spread out, quickly spread out!"

Yuan Shao didn't have any ideas in the first place, but now he's a bit confused.

But why would the defeated soldiers pay attention to his orders?

Soon, the defeated army of the official army poured into the Chinese army and immediately overwhelmed Yuan Shao's Chinese army.

Kill it!

Zhao Yundianwei followed closely behind with the cavalry, and easily overwhelmed the Chinese army.


Cao Cao let out a long sigh. As soon as the Chinese army collapsed, the official army was completely defeated.

"Block it, stop it for me!"

Yuan Shao said in panic.

He also didn't expect that the battle that had the upper hand would turn into a complete defeat in an instant.

"Come here, protect General Yuan to the cavalry camp!"

Cao Cao shouted.

"I will not leave, I will die with the Chinese army."

Yuan Shao yelled, but Cao Cao and his men forcibly took him away and withdrew from the central army.

The infantry was finished, but fortunately there were still Yan Liangwenchou's cavalry, but after the new defeat, the two were in no mood to fight again, so they had to protect Yuan Shao and retreat first.


Zhao Yun and Dian Wei led the cavalry in hot pursuit of Yuan Shao's defeated army.

Fifty thousand officers and troops fell here and there, and the two battalions of Shesheng and Changshui suffered heavy losses. Even if they were not completely destroyed, all the sharp weapons such as longbows and crossbows were destroyed in the fire.

He is no longer as brave as before.

The last elite of the big man was lost in Yuan Shao's hands.

Since then, the Great Han Imperial Army has existed in name only.

With Yuan Shao's withdrawal, the official army completely declared defeat.

The [-] army trampled countless people on each other, and weapons and armor were thrown all over the ground. Naturally, the Yunzhou army won a complete victory.


Yuan Shao was defeated, and the bridge of the left army was ashen-colored, so they immediately retreated ten miles to prevent being chased by the Yunzhou army.

The elite of the official army was defeated, how could his local army dare to regret the sharpness of the Yunzhou army?
Besides, after seeing the mysterious weapons of the Yunzhou Army, Qiao Mao was so frightened, how dare he provoke the Yunzhou Army again?

Fortunately, the energy of the Yunzhou Army was all on the Northern Army, and they didn't even notice the existence of the Dongjun Army.

Qiao Mao secretly rejoiced.


With a wave of Dong Zhuo's hand, the Xiliang army also retreated [-] miles to avoid confrontation with the Yunzhou army.

He originally planned to fish in troubled waters, but Yuan Shao's defeat also aroused Dong Zhuo's vigilance.

The secret weapon of the Yunzhou Army is really powerful.

If Dong Zhuo were to change places, he might suffer a crushing defeat as well.

Guo Jia must not be messed with, this is already the consensus of the Xiliang Army.

Right now Dong Zhuo is thinking of sending someone to Guo Jia's camp to make friends with him?


The event is settled!

Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, and Lu Zhi looked at each other with joy on their faces.

In Mengjin's battle, the Yuan family's military advantage was completely gone.

The power of the imperial court was balanced again.


Huangfu Song frowned.

Will Guo Jia really send back the Queen Mother and Liu Xie as he said?

No one would let this opportunity pass by.

Lu Zhi was also worried.

This loyal veteran was very worried.

"Let's go!"

Zhu Jun didn't think so much.

"There should be a mess in the rear right now, let's hurry up and clean up the mess."

Said to flatter the horse and go away.

Huangfusong and Lu Zhi also deeply agreed.

Yuan Shao was defeated, the position of the Yuan family was shaken, and Yuan Kai probably lost the confidence to speak in the court.

This is the time for them to come forward.

(End of this chapter)

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