Chapter 422 A Great Victory
"My lord, Yu Jin is lucky to live up to his fate! The enemy army has been defeated now, and the specific casualties are still being counted."

After leaving Gao Shun, Zhou Cang and others to clean up the mess, Yu Jin immediately came to Guo Jia and handed over the command flag.

"well done!"

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

Throughout this battle, Yu Jin responded calmly, commanded well, and the timing of the artillery attack was also very appropriate, eliminating the most threatening bow and crossbow array in one fell swoop.

Even if Guo Jia personally directed it, it would be nothing more than that.

"Win this battle, Wen Ze should take the lead!"

Guo Jia praised.

Ha ha!

Xu Shu on the side also laughed and said: "It is easy to get a general for the three armies, but it is hard to find a general. In this battle, Wen Ze's name will surely become famous all over the world."

"My lord and the military advisor are so amazing!"

Yu Jin hurriedly said: "This is all the soldiers using their lives, how dare Yu Jin take credit for it?"

When it's right!

Guo Jia smiled, reached out and patted Yujin's shoulder.

"From now on, Wen Ze will be the chief general of Yunzhou, and I can rest easy."


Yu Jin burst into tears of excitement.

Scholar die for the confidant!

The military generals in Yunzhou are like clouds, Dianguan Zhang Zhao, Xu Jagao Liao, all of them are peerless fierce generals. Compared with these people, Yu Jin's martial arts are nothing.

But he has always been valued by Guo Jia, and he has grown from an ordinary general to an independent general step by step.

Now in Yunzhou, it can be considered that one person is under one person and over ten thousand people
All this was given by Guo Jia.

Wen Ze please start!

Guo Jia helped Yu Jin up with a smile.


Gao Shun also stepped forward in front of the crowd.

"Our army killed [-] people and injured more than [-] people. The enemy army killed about [-] people. There were nearly [-] people in the corpses outside, and there were countless wounded. General Zhao and General Dian are chasing. The situation has not yet been calculated.”

Did two thousand die?
Guo Jia felt a pain in his heart.

These 5000 troops are all the elite of Yunzhou, and nearly [-] people have been lost after the two wars.

The war was indeed tragic.

"Have you ever captured the longbow and crossbow of the army?"

Guo Jia is most concerned about this.

When Sheshengying and Changshuiying showed up before, Guo Jia was really shocked.

He never expected that the Imperial Army had such sharp crossbows.

If it is a field battle, the Yunzhou army will probably be caught off guard.

"Not many, basically all destroyed by fire."

Gao Shun shook his head.


Guo Jia was a little heartbroken.

These longbows and crossbows are probably the most elite equipment of the imperial court.

Although the Yunzhou Army has gunpowder projectile technology, it cannot be used around the clock due to the impact of production and weather.

Once it hits a rainy day, we still have to rely on primitive methods to fight.

Therefore, the assistance of bow and crossbow is also essential.

Although there are quite a few crossbows in Yunzhou, their accuracy and lethality are far inferior to those of the court's longbows.

If it can be equipped with the court's longbow and crossbow, then Yunzhou's step crossbow will definitely be able to improve to a higher level.

"However, we captured many wounded from the Changshui Battalion and the Shesheng Battalion. They were more or less injured and had no time to escape. There were also many craftsmen repairing equipment."

Gao Shun brought good news.

Bows and crossbows are precision instruments and are easily broken. Therefore, the two battalions of the Northern Army Commander Shui Shesheng always have craftsmen in case of emergencies.

These people also went to the battlefield with the army, but they were usually placed in the last queue, so when the two battalions suffered disaster, most of them ran out.

Hearing this, Guo Jia jumped up excitedly.

A craftsman who repairs bows and crossbows is a rare talent.Especially the craftsmen who can repair the bows and crossbows of the two camps.

"Quickly, quickly, let the military doctor go to treat them, and they must be cured."

Guo Jia shouted excitedly.

Gao Shun agreed, turned around and went down.

Very good!
Xu Shu clapped his hands and said, "As long as these people are brought back to Yunzhou, our Yunzhou army can also equip the court's longbows and crossbows."

As Guo Jia's right-hand man, he still understood the lord's intentions very well.

It seems that the protagonist wants to keep whatever good things he sees for himself.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia laughed happily.

Originally, he was very dissatisfied with the crossbow configuration of the Yunzhou Army, but because he was completely unfamiliar with the crossbow, it was difficult for him to instruct craftsmen to make a more powerful crossbow.

Now the capture of the craftsmen of the two battalions of the Northern Army has completely solved Guo Jia's worries.

Longbows and crossbows paired with artillery, who is still the opponent in the world?


"Teacher, Tutor, it's not good, Yuan Shao is defeated, and the cavalry of the Yunzhou Army has already chased him."

Yuan Yi ran back in a panic.


Yuan Wei, who was sitting at the back of the town, heard the news, his face suddenly changed, and his body suddenly shook a few times.


Yuan Yi at the side suddenly supported Yuan Kai.

Yuan Kai's face was also very ugly, as if he couldn't believe the result.

With [-] government troops and local troops to help, why didn't they fight [-] Yunzhou troops?
This is all over, and the century-old career of the Yuan family is also over.

Without this army, how could he, Yuan Kai, use his power to overwhelm the government?
Thinking of the bastard Yuan Shao ruining his own affairs one after another, Yuan Kai hated his teeth itching.

"This rebellious son, what about others?"

"After the defeat, I didn't dare to come back to see you, so I led the army to Hanoi."

Yuan Yi said contemptuously.

He also didn't have a good impression of this cousin Yuan Shao.

He was originally an ignorant guy, but he has a good skin, which is deeply loved by Yuan Kai, the head of the Yuan family.

"Idiot, idiot, this is wronging my Yuan family!"

Yuan Kai said sadly.

He was completely disappointed in Yuan Shao's actions.

If you lose a lot, you just bring people back and stick to the capital.Guo Jia has few people, so he will definitely not attack Luoyang.

Are you running like a bird?
This stupid thing is so maddening!
Yuan Kui couldn't help but swear.

"Immediately tell Chunyu Qiong and Bao Hong to lead the rest of the army back to Luoyang, and never let Guo Jia in."

Yuan Kui immediately ordered the rear army to retreat to Luoyang.

Yuan Yi didn't dare to be numerous, so he immediately went out to deliver orders.


Yuan Kui sat down on the ground.

This time, the Yuan family was completely finished.

It is still unknown whether the Yuan family will be able to survive what power is pouring into the government and what is a century-old plan?

How to do?
There are only two paths before Yuan Kai.

One is to withdraw to his hometown in Runan and wait for an opportunity, and the other is to stay in the capital to bear the humiliation.

It would be safer to withdraw to the hometown of Runan, where is the territory of the Yuan family, but in this way, the Yuan family completely lost the right to speak in the court, and became a local tyrant.

But staying in the capital is extremely dangerous, and if they agree, they will all be destroyed.

Should he stay in the capital or return to his hometown of Runan?

Yuan Kai was a little at a loss.

In all fairness, he didn't want to withdraw to Runan.

But the soldiers and horses in Yuan Shao's hands were ruined, and the Yuan family didn't have the confidence to speak up in the capital, and they might be eaten by others.

Go or stay!

It is a difficult problem that Yuan Kai urgently needs to solve.

Just when Yuan Kai was a little hesitant, someone came to report and Wang Yun asked to see him.

(End of this chapter)

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