Chapter 423 The Eloquent Wang Yun

Wang Yun!

Hearing this name, Yuan Kai became very angry.

Originally, when he had isolated Huangfusong's old stubbornness and was about to take control of the overall situation, this Taiyuan Wang Yun suddenly jumped out.

This person disintegrated his own camp with a few words, and even destroyed his plan.

How dare he come at this time?

Could it be that you want to see the Yuan family's jokes?

Did you really think Yuan Wei didn't dare to kill him?
Yuan Kai's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Since the Yuan family is about to end, why should he hold back his murderous intentions?
"Yuan Yin, bring fifty knives and axemen in, this old man wants to see how brave this Wang Yun is."

Yuan Yin is also Yuan Wei's nephew, and now leads the army to protect Yuan Wei.

Yuan Yin is tall and has a loud voice.

Shaoqing, fifty knives and axes lined up outside the camp.

Yuan Kai straightened his clothes and sat in the middle tent.

Although the Yuan family was defeated, it was not something that some Xiaoxiao could judge.

This time, he wanted Wang Yun to be responsible for his words and deeds.

After a while, Wang Yunshi entered the account without even looking at the swordsman outside the account.

"Wang Yun pays homage to Master Taifu!"

After entering the account, Wang Yun saluted Yuan Wei, his expression as usual.

"You are so courageous. How dare you come to see the old man alone at this time?"

Yuan Kai didn't return the salute, but said coldly.

dare not!

Wang Yun smiled lightly and said, "I've been bold since I was a child."


Yuan Kui slapped the table fiercely.

"Aren't you afraid that the old man will be surrounded by swordsmen outside and chop you into meat paste?"


Wang Yun suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

After laughing for a while, he suddenly restrained his smile and bowed again.

"If that's the case, Master Taifu can only flee back to his hometown in Runan overnight, and spend his whole life."

Hearing this, Yuan Kai was shocked and looked at Wang Yun in surprise.

"What do you mean?"

He was a little surprised.

It seems that there is something in Wang Yun's words!
Wang Yun smiled again.

"My lord Taifu, my nephew Yuan Shao and Mengjin were defeated, and the [-] army lost a lot. Now, the Yuan family's right to speak in the court is no longer so absolute. Once the queen mother and the new king return, there will definitely be other changes in the court. Don't Master Taifu not know what is going on with the Yuan family?"

Yuan Kai was silent.

How could he not know?

The Queen Mother and Liu Xie naturally hated the Yuan family deeply. Once they return, the Yuan family will definitely be liquidated.

It would be fine if Yuan Shao had heavy troops in his hands, Yuan Kai was not afraid of them at all.

However, in the battle of Mengjin, Yuan Shao's northern army fell into the sand, and the Yuan family had lost their most powerful support.

"Isn't that what you wanted?"

Yuan Kai said angrily.

When he was about to master everything back then, but this Wang Yun jumped out and spoiled his good deeds. If it wasn't for this Wang Yun, how could Huangfusong and other stubborn old men fight against him?

Regarding this point, Yuan Wei has always been brooding.

Ha ha!

Wang Yun smiled faintly, and said: "One moment, another moment. At the beginning, the Grand Tutor had all the power, and if Yun wanted to do something, he had to stand by Huangfu Song's side. Otherwise, how could the Grand Tutor remember me, Wang Yun?" ?”

Straightforward enough!
Yuan Kai narrowed his eyes immediately.

He suddenly had some appreciation for Wang Yun.

The man made no secret of his ambition for power.

If he wanted to grab benefits from the Yuan family, which was in power at the time, he had to rely on the strength of Huangfusong and others.

Wang Yun did it.

He wisely took advantage of the loyalty and patriotism of Huangfusong and others to create difficulties for the Yuan family, thus losing the opportunity to monopolize power.

In the final analysis, Wang Yun did this not to serve the court, but for his own self-interest.

In the end, Wang Yun gained both fame and fortune, and won the support of those neutral factions.

"Since that's the case, you're already famous. The Queen Mother and the prince will not forget you as a hero when they come back. What's the purpose of you coming to see the old man? Could it be that you're really impatient?"

Yuan Kai said with a sneer.

Wang Yun smiled slightly, and said: "Naturally, I'm here to help Lord Taifu regain power."

Hearing this sentence, Yuan Kai was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing, tears streaming down his face.

When he was about to monopolize power, it was this Wang Yun who destroyed it in the middle. Now that he has lost everything, this Wang Yun actually came to help him regain power?

It's hilarious!

Wang Yun!

Yuan Kai's face darkened, and he said angrily, "Do you think this old man is a three-year-old child?"


Yuan Yin on the side said impatiently: "Don't listen to his nonsense, just cut him off with a knife."

As he said that, he was about to come forward to arrest Wang Yun.

Master Tai Tuo!

Wang Yun said calmly: "Don't you want to hear, do I have any magic tricks?"

Yuan Kai suddenly reached out to stop Yuan Yin.

He fixed his eyes on Wang Yun, who looked at him unchanged.

a long time!

Yuan Kai said: "I would like to hear the details!"

"Master Taifu is also very clear about the current situation. The Yuan family was defeated in the battle of Mengjin and lost the right to speak in the court. Now Guo Jia of Yunzhou controls everything. But he is a foreign vassal after all, and he has no foundation in the court. , It is not an easy task to gain a foothold in the capital. Your Excellency must recognize the situation, and unite all the ministers and Xiliang Dong Zhuo to deal with Guo Jia! Only in this way can the Yuan family retain their current position."

Yuan Kai was taken aback for a moment.

United ministers and Dong Zhuo?
That's all for Dong Zhuo, but all the officials have been offended by him. Now that the Yuan family has lost power, if they go to unite with them, they may not agree.

Wang Yun seemed to understand what Yuan Kai was thinking, and immediately explained: "Master Taifu, please rest assured, now that the Yuan family has lost power, and the power in the court has regained its balance. Compared with the Yuan family, all officials are more jealous of this outsider Guo Jia." .”

Makes sense!
Yuan Kai nodded in surprise.

He was dazzled by the failure for a while, and didn't think about it carefully.

Now the Yuan family lost, Guo Jia won.

The taboo of the officials towards Guo Jia is far greater than that of the Yuan family.

Besides, the Yuan family has established a century-old foundation in the court, and the relationship with the major families is also intricate, and some interests can be discussed.

Guo Jia is different!

He is simply an outsider.

Compared with an outsider, the officials still tended to the Yuan family.

As long as the Yuan family and all the officials form a group, with Xiliang Dong Zhuo as foreign aid, Guo Jia may really be unable to do anything to the Yuan family.

Hundreds of officials can be dredged up, and Dong Zhuo can be bribed. As long as they are done well, Guo Jia can still be kept out of Luoyang City.

Yuan Kai nodded involuntarily.

This Wang Yun is really not simple.

A few words can solve the disaster that the Yuan family is about to face.

"What Master Zi said is absolutely true!"

A smile appeared on Yuan Kui's face.

"Please sit down, let's have a good discussion."

Thank you, Tai Fu, Renmin University!

An imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Wang Yun's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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