Chapter 424 Rebalancing


Yuan Kai coughed and said, "As you said, how should my Yuan family survive this calamity safely?"

Very simple!
Wang Yun stretched out two fingers.

"Keep the ministers inside and Dong Zhuo outside. With the connections of the Yuan family, it is not difficult to convince the ministers again. Dong Zhuo is a villain. As long as the Tai Tuo is willing to spend money, Dong Zhuo will definitely work. With a group of ministers With Dong Zhuo's support, Guo Jia has nothing to do with the Yuan family."

Makes sense!
Hearing this, Yuan Wei was also very happy.

If this is the case, the Yuan family's calamity can be considered safe.


Yuan Wei still has some concerns.

"Huangfu Song and Lu Zhi..."

These two people, as well as Zhu Jun, have always been on the opposite side of Yuan Kai. If they object, things will be difficult.

Don't worry, my lord!

Wang Yun is confident: "Although Huangfu Song, Lu Zhi, Zhu Jun and others have martial arts strategies, they have no literary skills. Your Majesty Taifu can follow their wishes first, and wait until the Queen Mother and the prince enter Beijing. After everything is ready, Master Taifu It doesn't seem to be a problem to deal with the three unscrupulous people. Besides, they may not trust Guo Jia. If the Tai Fu is willing to lower his body to show his righteousness and move his affection, the three people will have no problem. "

Yuan Kai laughed heartily at what he said.

Indeed, it is naturally not difficult to deal with the political Xiaobai Huangfu Song Lu Zhi with Yuan Kai's skills.

In this way, the matter of Huangfu Song and Lu Zhi was settled.


"But the Yuan family attacked Mengjin, the queen mother and the prince must hold a grudge, what if they come back to find something behind?"

This is what Yuan Wei is most worried about.

If he was in power, he would definitely not take a poor emperor seriously, but now that the Yuan family's power is gone, he doesn't have much confidence.

This is also easy!
Wang Yun smiled and said: "Master Tai Tu can find a scapegoat and put the crime of attacking Meng Jin on him. Even if the queen mother and the new king come back, they can't say anything to the Yuan family. Besides, everyone should work together When dealing with Guo Jia, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, and everyone will not see the Yuan family in trouble."

The words immediately alerted Yuan Kai.

This matter is not difficult, as long as the Yuan family is taken out, it is natural to think about it for the dead ghost, that is Yuan Shao.

It's just right for this guy to go to Hanoi with a guilty conscience.

He immediately stood up and gave a deep bow.

"Master, thank you! This time the Yuan family was able to escape, the old man must remember your kindness."

Don't dare, dare not!
Wang Yun immediately returned a gift.

The two looked at each other and smiled, everything was silent.

Thank you, Master Zi!
Yuan Kui said gratefully, "My master needs something, and the Yuan family will definitely agree."

After a while, Wang Yun came out of Yuan Kai's tent.

Yuan Kui personally came out to send him away.


Yuan Yin was a little puzzled.

"What did this guy say? Why did you just let him go?"

When the two were discussing, he was always excluded, so he was not clear.

Ha ha!

A rare smile appeared on Yuan Kai's face.

"This Wang Yun is not simple! If he hadn't intervened in this way, our Yuan family might really be doomed."


Yuan Yin was a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

Yuan Kui didn't speak, just squinted his eyes and looked at Wang Yun's back.

"Uncle, the rear army has been able to withdraw to Luoyang, let's start as soon as possible."

He stayed here also to protect Yuan Wei.

go back?

A mysterious smile appeared on Yuan Kai's face.

"Don't go back to Luoyang now, you send someone to take my post now, and invite San Gong and Jiu Qing to come and discuss the matter!"


Dong Zhuo Barracks!

Li Ru anxiously walked up and down in his tent.

The Yunzhou army won and completely disrupted Chi Xiao's deployment. Now it is even more difficult for Dong Zhuo to ascend to the pinnacle of power.

In addition, Li Ru was more worried about himself.

That night, he was tricked out by Yu Linglong in a daze, and confessed to Chi Xiao's person in charge in the capital, and in the end he was released in a daze.

So far, Li Ru doesn't know who is the one who is arresting him?
But Yu Linglong's last place before she disappeared was Mengjin, which was the territory of the Yunzhou Army. Li Ru always suspected that she was captured and rebelled by mistake.

This bitch!

Li Ru snorted.

If it weren't for her rebellion, she would not have been captured, and naturally she would not have revealed Chi Xiao's secrets.

In this way, he was also implicated by this woman.

Was it the Yunzhou side who did it?

Li Ru himself is not sure, after all, nothing has happened so far.

But one thing he can be sure of is that once the organization finds out about his betrayal, he will die without a burial.

At this moment, there was a sound of flapping wings outside the camp.

It's homing pigeons!
Li Ru's heart immediately hung up.

The Akasaka Organization uses carrier pigeons for communication.

Li Ru took down the letter from the carrier pigeon's feet.

There is only one line of small print on it.

"At midnight, see you at the old place!"

It's him?

Li Ru's heart sank immediately.

The owner of this letter is Chi Xiao's person in charge in the capital.

During the period of confidentiality, the two had no contact.

It was the first time that the person in charge had contacted him proactively.

Could it be that his own affairs were exposed?
Li Ru was in shock, his first thought was to run away.

But where can he go as a scholar?
Maybe it's an emergency!
Li Ru comforted himself, and when the appointed time came, he quietly left the barracks.

Arriving at the agreed place, Li Ru saw a man in black standing there with his hands behind his back.

This man in black is exactly the person in charge Chi Xiao placed in the capital.

"Little brother has seen senior brother!"

He bit the bullet and stepped forward.

"You're late!"

The man in black said without looking back.

Li Ru thumped in his heart, but said in his mouth: "The inspection in the barracks has delayed some time."

The man in black snorted, very dissatisfied.

"How is the mission going?"

Hearing this, Li Ru breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that he was not exposed.

"Everything is normal, my younger brother has persuaded Dong Zhuo to join forces with Yuan Kai."

After receiving the secret order from the man in black, Li Ru immediately persuaded Dong Zhuo to cooperate with Yuan Kai to deal with Guo Jia.

very good!

The man in black nodded slowly.

"Chi Xiao's hope is pinned on Dong Zhuo, you have to be careful."

Li Ru naturally didn't dare to say anything.

"Any news from Linglong?"

The man in black still cared a lot about this junior sister.

Li Ru's heart hung up again.

"No, she was seriously injured last time, and she might find a place to recuperate. Linglong is so smart, she will be fine."

He said cautiously.

I hope so!

The man in black nodded, and whispered a few words to Li Ru before leaving in a hurry.

Seeing the man in black leave, Li Ru let out a sigh of relief, and his entire back was soaked in cold sweat.

Yu Linglong!
Li Ru smiled wryly, "You have made me suffer."

(End of this chapter)

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