Chapter 425
"General Huangfu, Lu Shangshu, Lord Zhufu!"

A general caught up with them panting.

"Yuan Taifu called a group of ministers to hold a meeting in the rear army tent to discuss important government affairs."

The three of them were taken aback, and couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay.

A big defeat in Mengjin City completely ruined the Yuan family's future. This old guy doesn't want to think about how to escape, but what kind of meeting is he having here?

Is there some conspiracy?
To go or not to go?
The three looked at each other and nodded slowly.

Although I don't know what conspiracy Yuan Kai has, but the Yuan family's vitality has been seriously injured, and they have no absolute strength.

go with!
The three of them immediately turned their horses' heads and brought their men down to the rear army tent.

Just in case, Zhu Jun was left to lead the troops, while Huang Fusong and Lu Zhi walked into the camp alone.

"General Huangfu, brother Zigan, I'll be waiting for you."

Seeing the two coming, Yuan Kai immediately greeted them with a smile.

Huangfusong and Lu Zhi looked around for a few times, and suddenly found that all the courtiers had gathered except them.

Situ Yang Biao, Sikong Liu Hong, Taiwei Ma Ribei, Jiuqing gathered together, and some of them were even specially invited from Luoyang by Yuan Kai.


Seeing Huangfusong and Lu Zhu sitting at the table, Yuan Kui then took the main seat.

"Your Majesty's sudden death, ten permanent attendants Dong Zhong rebelled and killed General He Jin, and the palace was in chaos, so that the Queen Mother and the prince were left home. This is really a disaster for me. I, Yuan Kai, am also ashamed of my trust in the late emperor."

Then he burst into tears again.


Lu Zhi sneered.

Now that the Yuan family has lost power, you, Yuan Kai, know that you have lost your trust in the former emperor. When you were arguing to abolish the establishment, why didn't you see that you were ashamed?

Huangfusong also had the same thought.

In the battle of Mengjin, Guo Jia defeated Yuan Shao's army, and the Yuan family had already been defeated. It may be too late to put on airs now.

"Yuan Shao, the rebellious son, falsely passed on a military order to attack Mengjin, which disturbed the holy car. Fortunately, God favored him and prevented his plot from succeeding. Otherwise, my Yuan family will be confined to a land of disloyalty and filial piety."

Yuan Kai said sadly.


Lu Zhi almost laughed out loud.

I have seen shameless, never seen such shameless.

Meng Jin suffered a major defeat, which shattered the Yuan family's dream of monopolizing Chao Gang.Yuan Kui wanted to pour dirty water on Yuan Shao's head, so as to clear the Yuan family.

But without Yuan Kai's nod, would Yuan Shao dare to attack Meng Jin?
Besides, Yuan Shao couldn't cover up such a big crime.

Huangfu Song also looked contemptuous.

Even at this time, this Yuan Wei still thinks that he has not given up his delusions, he is really the best.

Do all the officials remember Yuan Kai's ugly appearance?

It's too late to clean up now.

But to their surprise, no one came forward to accuse Yuan Wei.

The two looked at each other, and they both saw each other's doubts.

Something is wrong!

Not bad!

Situ Yang Biao also stood up.

"Teacher, you don't have to blame yourself. We all know what you are. Yuan Shao is rebellious and has nothing to do with the Yuan family."

A raccoon dog!
Lu Zhi pouted.

Yang Biao's wife is Yuan Wei's niece, so Yang Biao is Yuan Wei's junior and the Yuan family's son-in-law, so he naturally speaks to Yuan Wei.

Yang Biao is Situ. After he finished speaking, Sikong Liu Hongtai Lieutenant Ma Ribei also stood up and interceded for Yuan Wei.

The two of them also have some relationship with the Yuan family.

After Sangong finished speaking, Jiuqing followed.

I don't know what method Yuan Kai used, Jiuqing also spoke for the Yuan family.

"Mr. Yuan, don't be sad. We also know that this is Yuan Shao's conspiracy and has nothing to do with the Yuan family."

"Master Taifu is loyal to the country, and everyone can see it."

"Yuan Shao's arrogance is really too much. The official has already issued an approval document. Even if he escapes to the ends of the world, he must be arrested and brought to justice."

Everyone excused Yuan Kai one after another.

Huangfusong and Lu Zhi looked at each other again.

Only then did they discover Yuan Kui's method.

The Four Generations and Three Dukes really weren't built by the cover, and the officials were settled in just half a day.


The two sneered in their hearts, not all the officials in the court are echoes of your Yuan family.

So the two looked at Wang Yun with hope.

At this time, they had already regarded Wang Yun as their hope against Yuan Kai.

They are very good at fighting, but they are not as good as Wang Yun in political matters.

Last time, when the Yuan family was about to reach a conspiracy, it was Wang Yun's sharp tongue that destroyed their plan.

Wang Yun also stood up.

"Teacher don't need to be sad! The fourth generation and third son of the Yuan family must have no problem with their loyalty to the big man. The loyalty of the Taifu is obvious to all. The world is not perfect, and the Yuan family is so big, it is understandable to have one or two rebellious sons Yes. You needn't be sad."

Hearing Wang Yun's words, Huangfusong and Lu Zhi almost fell to the ground.

Teacher Wang!
Lu Zhi is a straightforward person.

"How can you talk like that?"

He said angrily, "What benefit did Yuan Kai give you?"

Huangfusong was also very surprised.

He definitely would not have thought that the strongest force on his side would suddenly turn to Yuan Kai's arms.

"Lu Shangshu!"

Wang Yun clasped his fists and said: "The next official is just discussing the matter. Yuan Shao's rebellious attack on Mengjin was defeated by Governor Guo, and he has already fled to other places. The Taifu didn't know about this matter. Now the Taifu decided to lead all the ministers to support the new king to succeed in Mengjin .Isn’t this also what you two wished?”

He suddenly took a step forward, and suddenly lowered his voice.

"You two, what's the point of pursuing the Yuan family's responsibility? Since he is willing to give in, why don't you two just go downhill. It's better to let the queen mother and the new king return to Beijing smoothly. There are long nights and dreams, and you can guarantee it." Will there be any surprises?"


Huangfusong and Lu Zhi were speechless.

Naturally, their greatest wish is to take the queen mother and prince back to the palace and restore normal court order.

As for Yuan Kai's shamelessness, they really didn't take it to heart.


Huangfu Song hesitated for a moment.

In this way, I feel sorry for Guo Jia.

Back then, he met Guo Jia in person and reached an agreement with him.

"Don't worry, you two!"

Wang Yun said confidently: "Where is Guo Jia, the next official is willing to go there in person to persuade him."

Huangfusong and Lu Zhi were completely speechless.

But Lu Zhi said angrily: "Master Wang, I never thought you would be such a villain."

Although he agreed with Wang Yun's persuasion, Lu Zhi didn't like Wang Yun's character.


Wang Yun smiled lightly, but didn't take it seriously.

The reason why he did this also has his own purpose.

For this purpose, what's the point of being willing to be a villain?


Seeing Huangfusong and Lu Zhi nodding their heads, Yuan Kai couldn't help laughing a few times.

"In this way, the old man can rest assured, we will send people to Mengjin."

Master Tai Tuo is wise!

Everyone flattered in unison, a group of harmony, where is there any dissatisfaction?

(End of this chapter)

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