Chapter 428 Huge harvest
Regarding Wang Yun's arrival, Guo Jia didn't take it seriously. At this stage, he and Chi Xiao haven't had any major conflicts yet.

So the two sides quickly reached an agreement.

Mengjin's gate was opened, and Yuan Kui entered with hundreds of officials.

This time, they came to support the new king's enthronement.

Before ascending the throne, the first thing to do was to mourn the late emperor.

The group of officials had been prepared for a long time, and immediately changed into white clothes. Yuan Kai read a sacrificial oration on the spot, Liu Xie was dressed in filial piety, and all the officials also shed a few tears along with him.

With the support of Cai Yan and Cai Yu, Empress Dowager Dong came to the arena.

"Emperor Daxing passed away, Aijia, this is a white-haired man sending a black-haired man!"

The old lady cried a tearful person.

Queen Mother need not be sad!

The Cai Yan sisters persuaded in unison.

As the god-sister of Emperor Hanling, she also wore white clothes.

Empress Dowager Dong cried for a while, then wiped away her tears.

"My dear family, the country cannot be without a king for a day. The first emperor's decree ordered Liu Xie to inherit the great rule."

As he spoke, he took out a roll of yellow silk from his bosom.

In fact, whether there is a will or not is meaningless.

It's all over now, and it won't work if Liu Xie is not allowed to succeed.

Several ministers glanced hastily, then nodded in recognition.

It's okay if they don't admit it.

"Please take the new king to the throne!"

Yuan Kai took the lead and knelt down on the ground.

Soon, with the support of several eunuchs, Liu Xie appeared in front of everyone in a uniform.

"Long live Long live Long live!"

Everyone knelt down.

Originally, the succession of the new king required a set of cumbersome and rigid procedures, but at the moment both parties were not in the mood to do it, wishing that the sooner the better.

So this succession ceremony is very simple.

"Everyone is flat!"

Dong, who was promoted to the empress dowager, was full of spirits, and took Liu Xie's hand to the temporary throne.

The emperor was only nine years old, so he naturally had a harem to supervise the government. Liu Xie only had the Empress Dowager Dong as a relative, so this old lady could only supervise the government.

"Thank you, Empress Dowager and Your Majesty!"

Everyone straightened up.

Next comes the focus.

When the new king ascends the throne, he first pardons the world, and then entrusts the meritorious officials.

First of all, Liu Xie's biological mother was named Queen Mother, Liu Bian, who was killed by Zhang Rang, was named Hongnong King, Empress He was named Queen Mother, and Cai Yan was named Dachang Princess...

After conferring the imperial relatives, the next step is to enfeoff the ministers.

In addition to the position of general, the military power was transferred to generals of hussars, generals of chariots and generals of guards.

The son-in-law Guo Jia was granted the title of General of Hussars, Huangfu Song was appointed General of Chariots in charge of the Northern Army, and Dong Zhuo was appointed General of Guards, jointly in charge of military power.

In view of Yuan Shao's rebellion, the Yuan family had a duty to do so, so Yuan Kai's official position remained unchanged and he was removed from the position of Shangshuling.

Feng Liuyu, the shepherd of Youzhou, was made Taiwei, Yang Biao was named Sikong, and Wang Yun was named Situ, forming a new Sangong.

Lu Zhi was granted the title of Shangshuling, who was in charge of the Shangshutai, and Cai Yong was granted the title of Yushi Zuoshi, who was in charge of the Yushitai together with Yang Biao.

Zhang Wen was granted the title of Zhijinwu, and Zhu Jun was given the title of Lieutenant of Sili to guard the safety of the capital.

The Jiuqing Baiguan also changed slightly, and the overall balance was maintained.

As the biggest winner of this game, Guo Jia naturally asked the lion to open his mouth.

Even if the officials have opinions, they dare not say anything.

Both the emperor and the queen mother are in the hands of Guo Jia, so naturally he can do whatever he wants.

Guo Jia himself bestowed the title of Marquis of Wenxian County on Jue, made Hushi General in Jin Dynasty, opened the mansion, held festivals, added [-] food towns, and supervised the military administration of Yun and Jizhou.

Not only that, Guo Jia also recommended Xi Zhong to succeed Yunzhou Mu, and Xu Shu to succeed Jizhou Governor.

Zhao Yun made great contributions in rescuing Jia, and he was named General Zhenbei and Marquis of Guannei.

Yu Jin was the general who broke the captives.

Dian Wei is General Huwei.

Gao Shun, Zhou Cang and others are all school lieutenants.

The civil servants and generals who stayed in Yunzhou also received rewards, and everyone was happy.

Long live!

After the reward, all the ministers thanked him.

Grand Tutor Yuan Kui, Sikong Yang Biao, Situ Wangyun, Cheqi Huangfusong, General Wei Dong Zhuo led the guards to protect Liu Xie and returned to the palace in a mighty way.


"Congratulations, my lord, for being promoted to the position of Hussar General!"

Back in Mengjin, all the generals couldn't wait to come to Guo Jia's side.

Originally they were a little puzzled by Guo Jia's journey to the capital, but now they managed to rescue him with a clever plan in exchange for so many benefits, which made everyone laugh.

Although the Hussar General is not as good as the Great General, his status is also higher than that of the San Gong.

In addition to Yuan Kui, a Taifu who has no name, the current Guo Jia can be regarded as No. 1 in the dynasty.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia accepted the congratulations from his subordinates with a smile.

In fact, this is what he had planned long ago.


Xu Shu stood up, and now he has been promoted to governor of Jizhou.

The land bordering Jizhou and Yunzhou is fertile, rich in products, and has a large population. Guo Jia has long coveted it.

Once Jizhou is captured, the food problem in Yunzhou can be completely solved.

Now that he had the opportunity, Guo Jia naturally annexed it unceremoniously.

In this way, Guo Jia already has two states and a population of millions.

"This subordinate has something unclear, and I hope the lord will enlighten me!"

Xu Shu said respectfully.

"Ding Yuan died at the hands of Lu Bu. At this moment, Bingzhou is also without a leader. Why don't we take the opportunity to take it?"

At the beginning, he suggested that Lian Bingzhou be taken together, but Guo Jia rejected it, and only wanted a piece of land in Jizhou.

This is what Xu Shu didn't understand.


Guo Jia smiled slightly.

Bingzhou in the Eastern Han Dynasty was actually a place where all the Huns gathered. The first to settle down was the Southern Huns. Later, the Xianbei Qianghu also gradually came to Bingzhou, forming a multi-ethnic gathering place.

At the beginning, these people still submitted to the Han Dynasty, but after the Han Dynasty declined, the forces of all parties became somewhat obedient.

There are only a few big cities in the areas that the government can control, and the rest are insufficient.

Therefore, it is a hard job to be the governor of Bingzhou.

The first governor of Bingzhou to take office was Ding Yuan, who was of mediocre ability.

As a result, since the last years of Emperor Ling, Dingxiang, Yunzhong, Wuyuan, Shuofang, and Shangjun all fell into the hands of Qianghu one after another.

Then Dong Zhuo pacified Xiliang, and the court appointed him as the shepherd of Bingzhou, but he refused to accept it. The chaos in Bingzhou is evident.

Now that Ding Yuan is dead, Bingzhou has become a mess.

Guo Jia didn't want to join in the fun?

Besides, Bingzhou borders Liangzhou. Once Bingzhou is annexed, it will definitely arouse Dong Zhuo's vigilance.

Dong Zhuo, the General of Wei, was proposed by Guo Jia.

He knew the man's ambitions.

In order to fight against Guo Jia, the courtiers united again for the first time.In order to break this situation, Guo Jia deliberately placed Dong Zhuo, a dangerous element, in the court.

At this time, the aristocratic families around the capital are still very powerful.

Guo Jia intends to use Dong Zhuo to wipe out the Guannei family!

Interrupting Dong Zhuo's progress at this time is not worth the loss.

In short, this place of Bingzhou is tasteless, there is no meat to eat, but it is delicious to discard.

Letting it be chaotic is in line with Yunzhou's strategy.

That's it!

Hearing Guo Jia's explanation, Xu Shu suddenly realized.

Compared with Bingzhou, a tasteless place, swallowing Jizhou is the most important thing.

(End of this chapter)

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