Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 429 Cai Yong returns to court

Chapter 429 Cai Yong returns to court
A horse-drawn carriage arrived at Mengjin.

The car stopped, and an old man and a young man got off.

"Thank God, I never thought that I, Cai Yong, would be able to return to Luoyang in my lifetime!"

The old man sighed.

He is Cai Yong.

It has been more than ten years since he was framed and forced to leave by the ten permanent servants, and Cai Yong spent more than half of these ten years in exile.

What left home was that Cai Yu had only just started babbling, and now she has grown into a big girl.

The woman on the side was Cai Yu, and she curled her lips.

"Thank God for what God has given you. The reason why you can come back is thanks to your daughter."

She has never been angry with this pedantic old man.

Not bad!

Cai Yong smiled kindly, and said: "I really want to thank Wen Ji and Feng Xiao, without them, I'm afraid I will be charged with crimes in my life."

The new king ascended the throne, amnesty the world, Cai Yong's crimes were naturally written off, and he was also ordered to serve as a censor, which can be regarded as the end of all hardships.

Wen Ji and Feng Xiao?
Cai Yu snorted and said with a sneer, "You are wrong. It is not my sister and Guo Jia who asked you to come back, but my daughter."

Cai Yong was stunned for a moment, and looked at his second daughter in puzzlement.

"Girl, are you serious?"

Cai Yu said indifferently: "I begged the Empress Dowager to let you continue to compile Hanshu. Why, it's all right now!"


Cai Yong laughed out loud.

"Good daughter, it seems that you still understand as a father."

He only gave birth to two daughters and no sons in his life.

Cai Yan has become His Royal Highness, and his son-in-law Guo Jia is also a famous figure in the world, and the two of them can be regarded as successful.

The only thing that makes him regret is the second daughter Cai Yu.

Originally, Cai Yong had already found a place for Cai Yu to belong to, and the Taishanyang family was considered a good family, and she would not have a bad life when she married.

But this daughter is unwilling to live or die, and insists on breaking the marriage.

This is nothing more than ruining the marriage, but she has an affair with her brother-in-law Guo Jia again, which makes Cai Yong a little angry.

So during this time, the father and daughter did not have any contact.

However, a month ago, Cai Yu suddenly wrote to him, saying that the imperial court had forgiven his charges, and most likely he would be reactivated.

Hearing this news, Cai Yong was naturally overjoyed.

He didn't care about high-ranking officials and rich salary, he just wanted to compile the Later Han Book, and his name would go down in history.

This opportunity finally came.

But what he didn't expect was that this opportunity was actually given by his second daughter?
Seeing that the old man was cheerful, Cai Yu was also a little happy.

Hanshu is the old man's lifelong painstaking effort, and the old man may not be happy without him for the rest of his life.

At this time, a group of people came in a hurry, and the leader was Guo Jia.

He also just received the news that Cai Yong came from Yunzhou.


Guo Jia got off his horse and bowed.

"Your old man is here!"

For this son-in-law, Cai Yong is very satisfied with nine points, the only point of dissatisfaction is his relationship with his second daughter Cai Yu.

But it's hard for him to talk about it as a father-in-law.

"I heard the call from the imperial court, so I dare not not come!"

Cai Yong said with a smile.

In fact, he was more eager to come here.

There is something here that he can't let go of.

"Wen Ji is currently accompanying the Empress Dowager in the palace, and I'm afraid she won't be back until tomorrow. My son-in-law has already prepared his residence. My father-in-law has been exhausted all the way, so let's rest here tonight. Yuan Zhi, you lead the way first."

Xu Shu stood up immediately.

"Old sir, this way please!"

it is good!
Cai Yong nodded and left with Xu Shu.

Cai Yu was about to follow when Guo Jia suddenly stood in front of her.

"What are you doing, good dogs don't get in the way!"

The girl said angrily.

Guo Jia was not angry either, but just looked at her with a half-smile.

"Girl, do you really want to stay?"

Of course!

Cai Yu said angrily: "Liu Xie has taken a fancy to me and wants me to be the empress. To be an empress is one person under ten thousand people, who cares not to be confused with you?"

is it?

Guo Jia smiled lightly and said: "Then I will tell Mrs. Dong and Liu Xie that you are my Guo Jia's woman. If they dare to marry you into the palace, I will immediately lead my troops to destroy them."

After hearing this, Cai Yu's heart felt warm.

She knew Guo Jia well, and she was Guo Jia's Nilin. If Liu Xie and Dong Shi dared to make up their minds, he might really wipe them out.

Cai Yu said forcefully, "Who is your woman?"


Guo Jia laughed a few times, and said: "Girl, since I saw you again at Cai's house, I made up my mind to get you. You are my Guo Jia's in this life, and no one can take them away. If anyone dares to rob, I will destroy him all over the house."

As he spoke, he held Cai Yu in his arms without hesitation.

At this moment, Guo Jia is already the most powerful man in the Han Dynasty, and it is also domineering to say these words.

Cai Yu felt sweet in her heart.

This man really cared about her, no matter how big the sacrifice was, it was worth it.


She has a reason to be in Luoyang.

"Bong Xiao..."

Cai Yu raised her face and said seriously: "I know you are doing it for my own good, but I must stay in Luoyang."

Guo Jia covered her little mouth again.

"You don't need to say it, I know."

He took a deep breath and said, "Girl, remember, you don't need information, you don't need credit, but you must protect yourself."

Hearing this sentence, Cai Yu's heart trembled, realizing that Guo Jia had guessed her mind.

Indeed, she stayed in Luoyang because of the Cai family and because of Skynet.

Since Cai Yan married Guo Jia, the Cai family did not contribute anything, but the Xu family of the Zhen family helped Guo Jia a lot.

Although everyone didn't say it, they somewhat looked down on the Cai family.

For the stability of Cai Yan's status, for the honor of the Cai family, and for better access to information, Cai Yu took the risk and stayed in Luoyang.

"Girl, have you made your decision?"

Guo Jia looked at Cai Yu seriously.

Cai Yu also nodded seriously.

She had thought about this idea for a long time, and sent someone to bring Cai Yong back to Mengjin.

Guo Jia looked at her carefully for a while, and then slowly said: "Well, Jizhou is already our territory. Yuanzhi is stationed in Ye County. If there is anything wrong, you can ask him for help immediately."

I know!
Cai Yu nodded slowly.

This is also in her consideration.

In addition...

Guo Jia suddenly said, "I'm sending you a bodyguard."

He said and clapped his hands.

A big man appeared in front of Cai Yu, it was the tiger idiot Xu Chu.

He came from Yunzhou day and night under Guo Jia's order.

"Second miss!"

Xu Chu grinned, and said: "From now on, a certain family will follow you. Don't worry, a certain family will protect you and Mr. Cai. Don't ask things you shouldn't ask, don't talk about things you shouldn't say, my lord. It has already been explained."

Cai Yu's heart trembled, and she suddenly didn't know what to say.

Tiger Chi is Guo Jia's Tiger Guard General, and Dian Wei is Guo Jia's closest guard, and now Guo Jia sent him to protect him without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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