Chapter 43 Destruction
Let's say that Guo Jia won a complete victory and captured nearly [-] private soldiers, including armored weapons and horses.

After this battle, the Zhang family is finished.

After getting rid of this thorn in the flesh, the prefect was naturally very happy, and immediately decided to reward the whole army.

Over there, Lunu City is bustling, but here it is a bit desolate.At this moment, he was running wildly with a group of defeated soldiers.

Because a cavalry was chasing after him.

The cavalry stuck behind them unhurriedly.

This time Zhang Kai was finished, he brought out [-] private soldiers, and now there are only a thousand people around him, and these thousand people are still being harvested by the cavalry behind him.

When they reached the area of ​​Wubao, there were only a hundred confidantes left among the thousand people, and the rest were taken up by the cavalry.

Being overtaken by the cavalry, these people have only two fates, one is to die and the other is to be captured.

The reason why Zhang Kai was able to escape was entirely due to stepping off this Dawan horse. This horse can travel thousands of miles a day and [-] miles at night. It is a rare horse.

His confidants are also cavalry, so he was able to run back.

Seeing Wubao close at hand, Zhang Kai was overjoyed.

After being chased for so long, he still came back.

The Wubao castle is tall, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It has stored the savings and food of the Zhang family for decades. With these savings, Zhang Kai can make a comeback.

"Don't go away!"

"The prefect has an order, hold Zhang Kai, and reward him with a thousand taels!"

The cavalry behind shouted.

Zhang Kai was scared out of his wits.

"Open the city gate quickly, open the city gate quickly!"

Desperately beat the mount.

Da Wanma felt the pain, and immediately galloped away, leaving the people around him behind in an instant.

Owner beware!

The rest shouted in unison.

Zhang Kai turned a deaf ear and just rode forward.

The cavalry behind were already catching up, so how dare he stay.

At this time Wubao opened a small door and opened the drawbridge.He opened his horse and ran in quickly.

"Quickly close the city gate, quickly close the city gate!"

This guy shouted loudly, not caring about his subordinates who were within a stone's throw of him.

"The owner is waiting for us!"

The men who opened the door were taken aback, and rushed forward desperately, trying to rush in before the gate closed.

But where is the time!
With a bang, the small door was closed and the drawbridge was pulled up.

A flash of despair flashed across the open hands.

They have lived and died for the Zhang family for so many years, but in the end they were abandoned by the family owner like grass.

"Open up you bastard!"

"I'm blind, why would I sacrifice my life for a bastard like you?"

"Open it, you will die!"

Everyone cursed.

In an instant, Zhao Yun and Xu Huang's cavalry had forced up.

"The prefect has an order, surrender to avoid death!"

Zhao Yun was drenched in blood, pointed his spear, and said majesticly.

Everyone looked at each other, and suddenly they all dropped their weapons, got off their horses and knelt down on the ground.

"I am willing to surrender."

They don't bother to work for such a bastard.

very good!

A smile appeared on Zhao Yun's face, and he immediately ordered his men to tie up these people.

They were the elite of the Zhang family's private soldiers, and Guo Jia had ordered them to stay.

"Master General!"

One of the members of the Zhang family said angrily: "This bastard Zhang Kai is not a thing. We have lived and died for the Zhang family for decades, and now he doesn't even give us a chance to wait for a moment. We know the inside of Wubao like the back of our hands. If the general wants to attack Wubao, we are willing to take the crime and do meritorious service."

My lord, please allow us to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds!
Everyone petitioned.

A mysterious smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Zhao Yun's mouth.

"Wubao, no more."

As he spoke, he rode his horse and walked a few steps, then suddenly turned his head and said, "You are very lucky that you didn't rush in, otherwise I wouldn't be able to save you."

Everyone froze for a moment, and looked at Zhao Yun in puzzlement.

Soon, they understood what Zhao Yun meant, and they were all glad that they didn't go in.


The side door of Wubao opened, Zhang Kai rushed in recklessly, and immediately ordered the city gate to be closed.

The pursuers were right behind his buttocks, so he naturally didn't dare to stay.

As for the others, Zhang Kai didn't bother to care so much, as long as he lived on his own.

He ran all the way in, got off his horse, and lay down on the ground.

It's good to be alive!
Zhang Kai looked up at the starry sky and sighed.

He suddenly felt that the starry sky was also very charming.

The cavalry were chasing after them, and the cavalry couldn't break through Wubao, so Zhang Kai didn't bother to think about it.

It's better to take a good rest, drink some wine to calm down the shock, and then find two singers to defeat the fire.

Speaking of escaping all the way, he was full of evil fire.


Zhang Kai lazily shouted.

No movement!

"Are they all dead? Come!"

Zhang Kai was a little angry.

Nima was abused by Guo Jia outside, but if she came to her own territory, she would still be angry with these slaves?

Still no movement.

It was only at this moment that I felt something was wrong when I opened it.

He stood up slowly and found that there was no one in the big square.


Zhang Kai was a little dumbfounded.

Come on!
Gathering his breath, he let out a loud roar.

Tattat, two figures walked in.

Seeing that someone finally came, Zhang Kai breathed a sigh of relief.

These slaves are really hateful, they have been shouting for so long, yet they only come out now.

"You bastards, you all hope that the master will die outside, don't you? Today, the master, I will punish you well."

He greeted him cursingly.

After walking a few steps, Zhang Kai smelled a bloody smell.

Then the two lit torches.

Seeing the appearance of the two people, Zhang Kai couldn't help but be smart, and collapsed on the ground.

Where is this person?
It is simply the demon god who ran out from the Shura battlefield just now.

The two were naturally Xu Chu and Dian Wei, they took down Wupu after a fight, Zhang Kai came back before the match was over.

This time, the two had a new goal.

Where are you butchers from?
Zhang Kai said tremblingly.

Except for the word butcher, he couldn't think of anything else at all.

"Fat pig, how dare he call you a butcher?"

"Ugly ghost, is he talking about you?"

"It's a joke, a certain family doesn't look like a butcher. It's more like you when you are round and chubby."

"Hey, you still dare to cancel a certain house. With your appearance, you don't need to kill a pig, and a pig can be scared to death just by looking at it."

"Fat pig, you can't fight if you want to!"

Dian Wei's eyes began to glow.

He doesn't like others to say he is ugly, although he is really ugly.

"Hit it! Who is afraid of whom?"

Xu Chu is not to be outdone, he also refrains from being called fat, even though he is really fat.

The two of them faced each other with needles, and they had sex again.

In other words, this night, the two had a lot of fights, even when killing people, they wanted to kill one more than the other.

Zhang Kai was a little dumbfounded to see the two of them working together, but soon became ecstatic again.

Taking advantage of the time when the two were fighting, he had quietly turned around and fled.

Who knew it would be fine if he didn't run, this run immediately attracted the attention of the two gods of death.

"Don't run, boy!"

The two killing gods chased after each other, grabbing an arm each, and the two sides fought again.

It's a pity that Zhang Kai has been pampered for a long time, so naturally he is not as resistant as Zhang Chun.

Chi la, gone!

(End of this chapter)

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