Chapter 44
With Zhang Kai's death, the mighty Zhang family has come to an end.

When the Zhang family is over, Guo Jia is naturally the biggest beneficiary.

After Xu Shu Mao Jie and others counted the Zhang family's property, everyone present was very surprised.

Everyone knew that local tyrants were rich, but they didn't expect them to be so rich.

Among other things, the Zhang family's decades of savings in Zhongshan and the mountains of food and grass have already made Guo Jia smile.

In other words, he sold his family property to buy this official position, and took in so many civil servants and military generals along the way, he was already clinking poor.

Now that he has the Zhang family's savings, at least he won't have to worry about money and food for a few years.

No wonder later generations are keen to fight against local tyrants to divide the land?

Defeating the Zhang family is enough to feed Guo Jia for many years.

In addition, Zhangjiawu Fort is tall and strong, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is a very good fortress for stationing troops.

After clearing out the Zhang family's direct lineage, Xi Zhong immediately put up a list to comfort the people.

The chief culprit must be punished, and the servants will not be investigated. He distributed the Zhang family's land to the tenants and gained their support.

This is a happy situation for everyone, but Guo Jia can't relax yet, [-] Taihang bandits are still on their way to and from Zhongshan.

The outside must be safe first!

This was the proposition of Xu Shu, Xizhong and others. The two offered a plan to take advantage of the Taihang Mountain army to get rid of the internal support of the Zhang family first, and then deal with Zhang Yan with all their strength.

The Zhang family was successfully eliminated, and Wubao became Guo Jia's trophy.

With the Wubao of the Zhang family, Guo Jia had a little more hope in defeating Zhang Yan.

"The ban!"

Guo Jia suddenly clicked again.

Subordinates are here!
Yu Jinyue came out and knelt down on one knee.

After these two fights, Yu Jin has already demonstrated his outstanding intelligence and talent, faintly becoming the leader of the generals.

Looking at Yu Jin who looked tired but still full of energy, Guo Jia was very satisfied.

"I'll give you two thousand soldiers and horses, can you defend this dock?"

The Wubao of the Zhang family is located in an excellent location, the city is solid, and the water and food are sufficient. It can be used as a small fortress. Guo Jia sent a large army to station here, and it can be a horn with Lunu City.

"The subordinates will never disappoint the lord's expectations."

Yu Jin said impassionedly.

Confidence comes from strength, and after a lot of tempering, Yu Jin also has confidence in his own ability.

The Zhangjiawu Fort city is strong and easy to defend and difficult to attack. Two thousand soldiers are enough to guard it.

In addition, guarding Wubao alone, does this make him alone?
It can be seen that Guo Jia trusts him.

very good!

Guo Jia immediately allocated two thousand soldiers to Yu Jin?
Among the two thousand soldiers, there are one thousand veterans and one thousand new recruits.

The so-called veterans refer to the [-] private soldiers of Su Zhen's family who have experienced fighting with the Zhang family. After this battle, these people have completed their transformation and become veterans who have experienced battles.

Although he was damaged in the confrontation between the two armies, Guo Jia filled the gap with Zhang's pawns.

As for the recruits, they are naturally the newly recruited peasant army brought by Zhang He and Zhang Fei.These people have no experience in battle, and they are still rookies on the battlefield, so they have to go through some training.

So Guo Jia broke them up and mixed them with the veterans.

In order to make up for Yu Jin's lack of resourcefulness, Guo Jia deliberately left Xi Zhong and Man Chong in Wupu.

Xi Zhong is thoughtful and far-sighted, and he is a relatively comprehensive adviser.

Although Man Chong is not as good as Xi Zhong, he is capable of governing the country, with perseverance and courage, and can be regarded as an outstanding talent in certain aspects.

With two people in Wubao, Guo Jia was able to relax and concentrate on dealing with Zhang Yan.

"Zhao Yun!"

Guo Jia suddenly shouted.

Subordinates are here!
Zhao Yun also came out more and more.

Although Zhao Yun's performance in this battle was not as eye-catching as Yu Jin's, but his command of troops was neat and strict, and he was quite loved by his subordinates.

"I will give you a thousand cavalry to station around Wubao and move flexibly. Remember that you only need to harass and not face the enemy head-on."

Guo Jia exhorted carefully.

After getting rid of the Zhang family, Guo Jia got a thousand good horses again, so he selected some of the Zhang family's soldiers and the veterans of the Su Zhen family to form a thousand-man cavalry team.

In this way, Guo Jia had two thousand cavalry under his command.

Guo Jia handed over the original [-] veterans to Zhao Yun, who was good at fighting, and the remaining [-] recruits to Xu Huang.

Although Xu Huang is not as brave as Zhao Yun, he has his own way of commanding the army, and Guo Jia is also very relieved to entrust the newcomers to him.

"My lord, please rest assured!"

Zhao Yun knelt down on one knee.

The characteristic of cavalry is flexibility and maneuverability. If there is a cavalry who appears and disappears, Zhang Yan and others must be afraid and dare not attack the city with all their strength.

Guo Jia waved his hand in order to complete the formation of Wubao.

"The rest of the people will follow the prefect to guard Lunu City and fight against the bandits."

The crowd cheered in unison.

Zhang Yan!

Guo Jia's eyes flashed for a while.

This person is not simple either!
When Yuan Shao was at his strongest, he occupied the land of the four prefectures, and he had hundreds of thousands of armored men, but he still couldn't do anything to Zhang Yan.

It can be seen that Zhang Yan still has some standards in commanding troops.

In addition, Cao Cao pacified Yuan Shao. Facing the threat of Liu Bei and Liu Biao in the south, Zhang Yan took the opportunity to lead the crowd to surrender.

It can be said that Zhang Yan's surrender was very appropriate, just when Cao Cao needed it, so this person also has a certain strategic vision.

Later, Zhang Yan became a marquis, and his descendants also became high-ranking officials in Cao Wei. It can be regarded as a complete cleansing and becoming a winner in life.

In fact, when dealing with people like Zhang Yan, Guo Jia planned to subdue them.

Zhang Yan is different from Zhang Kai. One is a bandit on Taihang Mountain, and the other is the emperor of Zhongshan. If Guo Jia wants to control Zhongshan County, he must kill Zhang Kai first, so the two sides have been rivals from the beginning.

But Zhang Yan was different, the two sides basically didn't have much conflict, and besides, this person was quite famous among the bandits in Taihang Mountain.

If Zhang Yan is subdued, it will be of great benefit to Guo Jia in pacifying the Taihang Mountain bandits in the future.

Besides, Zhang Yan has 3 troops at the moment, even if the troops are divided, there are still 1 people.

Although Guo Jia ate up the Zhang family and collected about three or four thousand soldiers, and barely reached [-] soldiers, most of them were untrained and their strength was uneven. It would take a considerable amount of effort to defeat the opponent. Big price.

Besides, these soldiers and horses are Guo Jia's family background and the capital for him to rule the world. It is impossible to use them for shopping until the critical moment.

According to his thinking, it would be better to be able to surrender Zhang Yan. If he couldn't, then he would have to fight with swords.

After all, Guo Jia could not tolerate the emergence of such a powerful gang of bandits under his rule.

The Zhang family was Zhang Yan's internal support in Zhongshan. Now that the Zhang family has been completely eliminated, Zhang Yan and the others seem to have lost an arm.

(End of this chapter)

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