Chapter 431 The Invisible Black Hand

"Is there anything the prefect Gongsun wants to do this time?"

Liu Yu was a little upset, and immediately put on an official air.

Gongsun Zan saw that Liu Yu had changed his face, and knew that he had made a mistake.

"It's like this, the last time the subordinate officials sent troops to attack Xianbei, the reward promised by the adults."

The last Xianbei rebellion, when Gongsun Zan sent troops to quell it, Liu Yu promised to provide certain supplies.

"Wen Gui!"

When Liu Yu heard that Gongsun Zan had come to ask for money, he immediately turned into a bitter face.

"It's not like you don't know about the affairs of the imperial court. After the death of the first emperor and the succession of the new emperor, all the rules have changed. I didn't even see a penny for the reward I promised us!"

In fact, the rewards from the imperial court had already come down, but they were withheld by Liu Yu privately, and he sold his official position in the capital.

The old bastard!
Gongsun Zan cursed in his heart.

It is obvious that you are greedy for ink, but you want to push it to the court, it is really shameless.

Who in Youzhou doesn't know that you sent people to the capital to buy officials?
I have money to buy an official, but I have no money to promise rewards to my subordinates?

Gongsun Zan was also very upset.

When he knew that Liu Yu went to the capital to buy an official, he was still very happy.

With Liu Yu gone, Youzhou is his Gongsun Zan's world.

He also longed for Liu Yu to leave?
Therefore, Gongsun Zan turned a blind eye when he knew that he withheld his reward to buy an official.

But now, Liu Yu failed to buy an official, so he was a little reluctant to part with those rewards.

"Master Taiwei, you can't say that."

Gongsun Zan snorted, and said, "I sent troops to Beiping for state affairs, not for my own private affairs. The emperor doesn't send out hungry soldiers. Could it be that the court has the heart to let brothers go hungry to fight? If that's the case, next time, who will you fight?" Will it still work?"

He is also not a good tempered.

Immediately began to pick and choose.

Hearing this, Liu Yudeng panicked.

Because this Youzhou couldn't do without Gongsun Zan.

"Wen Gui, don't worry!"

Liu Yu hurriedly grabbed Gongsun Zan who was about to leave.

"Naturally, the imperial court will not lose money to the soldiers. This reward is definitely indispensable. But you also know something about the capital. The changes are too fast. Now it is a mess, and everything has to be slowed down. Don't worry!"

He patted his chest and said: "I, Liu Yu, as the shepherd of Youzhou, how can I treat my soldiers badly. How about this, you go to the warehouse to withdraw [-]% first, and first appease the hearts of the soldiers, and I'm left to figure out a way? "

Thirty percent?

Gongsun Zan snorted and said, "Master Mushou should talk to the soldiers of You Beiping himself."


Liu Yu gritted his teeth and said, "Honshu Mu will collect the rest for you in three months."

it is good!
Gongsun Zan stood up.

"Then the officer will take it seriously."

His face darkened, and he said: "If you don't see other rewards for three months, the officer will be powerless to appease the angry soldiers."

Said and walked away.

This bastard!

Looking at Gongsun Zan's back going away, Liu Yu gritted his teeth.

With Youzhou's external troubles and internal troubles, he really has had enough.

If possible, why would he not come to this ghostly place?

Speaking of this, Liu Yu sighed again.

He can't hear the word money the most now.

Youzhou's finances have always been unable to make ends meet. It would have been better if there was border trade in the past, at least it could raise taxes to make up for the deficit.

Later, Guo Jia opened a border trade in Zhongshan, promised merchants protection without money, and attracted a large number of merchants in a short period of time. Basically, there were no border trades in other border counties.

In this way, it is tantamount to cutting off the financial resources of other border counties.

Youzhou was originally remote and cold. After Guo Jia cut off the border trade, the finances became even worse.

The reason why Liu Yu targeted Guo Jia was also for this reason.

If you are full, others will have nothing to eat. If they don’t hate you, who do you hate?

Now the most difficult thing is how to raise money?

Liu Yu really had no choice, so he went to the capital for activities and wanted to transfer to a rich place, but he was destroyed by Guo Jia again.

Guo Jia, you bastard!

The mention of this name made Liu Yu's teeth itch with hatred.

Yunzhou has a strong army, horses, horses and wealth that can rival a country, so even if he has complaints, he dare not act rashly.

Because it seems that those who dare to play Yunzhou's idea will not end well.

But Gongsun Zan is not a good stubble. Once his benefits are cut off, Liu Yu may not be so stable in the future.

The top priority is to raise some money to tide over this difficulty.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu's heart suddenly moved.

"Let that person come to see me."

A waiter turned and walked away.

After a while, a man in black with a bamboo hat walked in.

"I've seen Lord Taiwei!"

The person's voice was very hoarse, like the sound of the tip of a knife rubbing.

"How are things going?"

Liu Yu asked.

"Back to Mr. Taiwei, the villain has been lurking in Yunzhou for many years, and he has already understood their operations."

The man said in a low voice.

it is good!
Liu Yu nodded slowly.

"Then tell me, how can we build our own border trade?"

In fact, Liu Yu was very envious when he saw that Yunzhou was making a lot of money, and planned to build a border trade distribution center according to Zhongshan's model.

The address has also been selected, which is in Zhuo County, which borders Yunzhou.

It's a pity that Yunzhou's border trade status is stable, and even if he wants to push out Zhuo County, he has more energy than he wants.


The man said indifferently: "Yunzhou has an excellent geographical location and a very stable political situation. In addition, there are sufficient troops to provide sufficient protection for businessmen. These are things we don't have."


Liu Yu couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

He naturally knows the difficulty.

If it is not difficult, what else can you think of?
"You have been lurking in Yunzhou for so many years, did you just bring back some nonsense?"

Liu Yu was a little upset.

This person was rescued by him by accident. He has been lurking in Yunzhou for these years, and he only came back recently.

"Master Taiwei! Why do you have to learn the Yunzhou model?"

The man suddenly asked back.

Liu Yu snorted, and said, "The frontier trade in Yunzhou brings in money quickly, and other means can't compare. Cut the nonsense, can you do it?"

The man was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "If you say that you want to copy the model of Yunzhou, it is completely impossible based on the current foundation of Youzhou. But..."

He suddenly paused.

"The villain has another quick way."

Quick way?
Hearing this, Liu Yu was shocked.

"tell me the story!"

If there is a quick way, he is naturally happy to use it.

"Actually, we don't need to apply the Yunzhou model, we can take back everything in Yunzhou."

said the man.

Liu Yu was taken aback.

Yunzhou is so rich that it can rival a country, so the one around is not tempted?
If they could rob it, they would have robbed it many times, but it is a pity that the Yunzhou Army's combat effectiveness is also very powerful.

As strong as the southern Xiongnu, even the Yunzhou army beat them to their knees and begged for mercy. How can Youzhou's strength be their opponent?

(End of this chapter)

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