Chapter 432 The Invisible Black Hand

"Aren't you crazy?"

Liu Yu's eyes widened.

"How did Qiang Qu die, and how did Ding Yuan die, do you want me to follow in their footsteps?"

He had some doubts about this person's purpose.


The man remained unhurried.

"The reason why the Yunzhou army is strong is because of the border trade. The profits of the border trade are large enough to allow them to support so many troops and afford such good equipment. Although the business comes in quickly, it has great disadvantages. There is no Farming is stable. Their food supply depends entirely on transportation from other places. Once their food transportation is cut off, a food crisis will inevitably erupt. It is like building a tall building in the sand, and the foundation is unstable. Once something goes wrong, everything in Yunzhou will be over. "

Makes sense!
Liu Yu was overjoyed.

Merchants do not actually create value, they just exchange things from one place to another.It is still a thing in essence, but the cost is increased during the transportation process, and these increased costs fall on the merchants.

If there were no merchants, there would not be such a large cost.

Throughout the dynasties, farming was encouraged and merchants were suppressed, with the purpose of preventing commercial prosperity from neglecting farming.

After all, people take food as their heaven.

Therefore, the first priority of local officials is to focus on farming.

Guo Jia is a different kind of guy, and he is the only one who dares to risk the world to support business.

Although it was successful, it also planted a hidden danger, that is, the instability of farming.If farming is unstable, there will not be enough food.

This is also the disadvantage of emphasizing commerce and suppressing agriculture.


Liu Yu didn't understand. Yunzhou's commerce and trade extended in all directions, and there would be a steady stream of food and other commodities added every year. It would be impossible to cut off people's food supply.

Besides, with the strength of Youzhou's troops, it would be impossible to fight even if you want to.

"Master Taiwei, don't worry, just do this!"

The man suddenly whispered a few words.

Liu Yu was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing.


Yunzhou Lunu City!
Mi Zhen's maid walked out of Mushou Mansion as usual.

The Mi family has a great career and is a well-known rich man in the world. When Mi Zhen married into the Guo family, the dowry given by the Mi family was also amazing. There were dozens of maidservants alone.

They are all Jiangnan beauties.

Considering the space in the backyard and the feelings of the other sisters, Mi Zhen took the initiative to cut them down to two.

Mi's family opened a branch in Zhongshan, and they would often send some things to the young lady. Of course, Mi Zhen would not leave the house easily, so naturally, such errands were handed over to the two maids.

When Mi Zhen's maid went out, several figures immediately followed behind her.

These people are all members of the intelligence network. When they discovered the clues of the Mi family, Guo Jia ordered them to closely monitor, but not to act rashly.

Mi Zhen's girl walked around outside a few times, instead of going to Mi's shop, she came to a room and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened, revealing a fairly delicate face, it was Xiangkai, a fortune teller from Pingyuan.

The intelligence officers in charge of surveillance waited patiently outside.

It took only a cup of tea before Mi Zhen's maid came out.

The intelligence people took it down immediately.

On a certain day of a certain month and a certain year, how long did Mi Zhen's maidservant meet with a certain person in a certain place...

They have counted this kind of similar information dozens of times.

After counting, they left. The lord didn't give an order, and they didn't dare to startle the snake for a while.


After seeing off Mi Zhen's maid, Xiang Kai was about to close the door when Leng Wei stretched his arm in.

"Master, is it closed so early?"

The person who came was wearing a broken bamboo hat, his face was wrapped in a white cloth, only half of his face was exposed.

You are……

Xiang Kai froze for a moment, only felt that the voice was somewhat familiar, but couldn't remember the face clearly.

Ha ha!

The man smiled, like supper.

"A few years ago, a poor boy was instructed by a high-ranking person, sneaked into a place, started as a small official step by step, and finally succeeded. When he was about to ascend to a high position, disaster struck. He died tragically in the chaos of the army. In the end, he realized that he was tricked by someone. He is just a chess piece, a chess piece that can be discarded at any time."


Xiang Kai's face changed drastically, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

He was the one who instructed that poor boy back then, and he just wanted to take advantage of this poor boy, so under his guidance, this poor boy ascended to a high position step by step.

Seeing that it was about to succeed, it was a pity that it fell short in the end, and this person died.

If you die, you will die, and Xiang Kai doesn't care about it.

That's the rule of their business.

Chess pieces naturally do not need sympathy.

The man smiled slightly, took off the bamboo hat, and untied the white cloth on his face.

"It's you, you're not dead?"

Xiang Kai turned pale with shock.

It never occurred to him that the pawn he used back then was still alive.

Ha ha!

The man touched his face.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it myself, but I saved my life in such a situation. Hehe, all of this is thanks to you!"

He said and walked a few steps forward in a gloomy way.

Xiang Kai turned pale with shock.

"Are you... are you a human or a ghost?"

He had already received definite news that that person was dead.

But the person in front of him was standing in front of him alive. Although his face was mutilated, he vaguely still looked like that person.


The man laughed again.

The voice was hoarse, like a ghost crying.

"Sometimes, I don't know whether I am a human or a ghost. In order to survive, I have to hide among the dead. I live with snakes, rats and maggots every day. There is no water, no food. Can you imagine what my life is like? day?"

He suddenly grabbed Xiangkai's neck, exerted a little force with his right hand, and immediately picked him up.


Xiangkai was like a duck whose neck was pinched, trying to say something but couldn't say anything, his throat made uh uh.

"do you know?"

The man said word by word: "All this is thanks to you. I lay down among the dead for seven days and finally survived. From then on, I decided not to eat meat again. Guess why?"

uh uh!

Xiang Kai was terrified, feeling sick for a while.

This person can survive among the dead, and he can't think of any way other than cannibalism.

He subconsciously grasped the man's wrist with both hands.

But the man's wrist was very strong, and soon, Xiang Kai stopped struggling.

The man suddenly let go of his right hand, and Xiang Kai immediately collapsed to the ground without breathing.

After killing Xiangkai, that person seemed to let out a bad breath.

Originally, he also had a decent future, but it was ruined by two people, one of whom was naturally Xiang Kai.

As for the other person...

The man suddenly took a deep breath and looked outside.

"Zhongshan, I'm back!"

(End of this chapter)

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