Chapter 433 Sudden Disaster


A few men in black appeared in front of the man.

"everything's ready!"

very good!

The man nodded.

"Do it, this time, I will make Guo Jia pay a heavy price."

Everyone responded in unison, and quickly dodged out.

Guo Jia!

A flash of resentment flashed across the man's eyes.

"This time, let's do the math."


Soon, a large-scale plague appeared in Zhongshan, and the number of people who got sick increased explosively.

"what happened?"

Xi Zhong hurried to the Lunu county government office, and he had just received the news.

"My lord!"

Xin Ping, the county magistrate, was sweating profusely: "We didn't know. So many people fell ill suddenly overnight. So far, there have been nearly a hundred people."

When Guo Jia ascended to the position of Mushou, he also received rewards for his subordinates one by one.

Although the magistrate of Lunu County is not a big official, it is a key position. The state capital and county are all in it, and it is also the largest border trade center in Zhongshan. It must be guarded by reliable people.

Xin Ping's ability is not outstanding, but he is cautious and loyal, so he became the magistrate of Lunu County.

With the development of border trade, Lunu City has become the center of Yunzhou, with an annual flow of [-] people, all of whom are merchants from all over the place.

so many people?

Xi Zhong's expression also changed.

Without saying a word, he came to the stronghold where the county government temporarily settled patients.

"The situation is very urgent. The epidemic broke out at the same time in the east of the city, the south of the city, and the north of the west city. Most of them were in the crowded inn area. The officials temporarily recruited four warehouses to accommodate these patients, and immediately separated them from normal people. The officer is thinking about whether to close the four doors."

While walking, Xin Ping briefly explained the situation to Xi Zhong.

Xi Zhong nodded repeatedly.

Although Xin Ping's ability is not outstanding, he still does things very safely.

This is also the emergency response measures formulated by Guo Jia.

Xin Ping did not violate a single word.

"Close the four doors immediately to prevent the news of the epidemic from leaking."

What the plague is most afraid of is infection. Once a large-scale infection occurs, it will be a disaster for Yunzhou.

But what Xi Zhong is more worried about is that after the news leaks, it will cause widespread panic and directly affect the stability of Zhongshan.

Xi Zhong said as he walked.

Soon the two came to the base where the patients were temporarily placed.

This was originally an abandoned warehouse, but now it is used as a ward for patients.

There are busy figures inside.

These people, dressed in white with a strange mask on their faces, were medical students.

Seeing Xi Zhong and Xin Ping come in, someone immediately handed them two pictures.

"It's called a mask. It was invented by Feng Xiao, who said it was to prevent infection."

An old man said without raising his head that it was the genius doctor Hua Tuo.

As soon as the incident happened, he brought the medical students to the treatment site.

After Xi Zhong asked how to use it, they put it on carefully and came to Hua Tuo.

"How is the situation, sir?"

Now, he has placed all his hopes on Hua Tuo, after all, this person is known as the world's miracle doctor.

At this moment, Hua Tuo was feeling the pulse of an unconscious patient.

"What a terrible symptom!"

Hua Tuo frowned, and said to himself, "I haven't seen the strong symptoms here for a long time."

Xi Zhong's heart skipped a beat.

"Sir... What kind of disease is this that is so severe?"

In just one night, nearly a hundred people in the entire Lunu City have been infected.

"This is not the place to talk."

Hua Tuo waved his hand and led them out of the room.

"The disease has a rapid onset, and it only takes a short time from the time of infection to the onset of the disease. The hands and feet are cold, but the body is hot, and pustules are all over within two hours. If the temperature is not effectively cooled, the pustules will burst and die soon. .”


Xi Zhong hurriedly asked: "Sir, can this disease be cured?"

Hua Tuo shook his head and said: "Whether this disease can be cured or not depends on the individual's constitution. Those who are healthy and supplemented with medicine may be able to survive, but those old and weak women and children may be..."

He didn't say the next words, but the meaning was obvious.

Although Xi Zhong was a little disappointed, he still clasped his fists and said, "So, please sir. Xi Zhong, on behalf of the people of Zhongshan, thank you first."

As he spoke, he gave a deep bow.

Please come up, Mr. Xifu!
Hua Tuo hurriedly helped him up.

"As the dean of Yunzhou Medical College, the old man is naturally duty-bound to save lives and heal the wounded. Besides, as a member of Yunzhou, I must contribute to Yunzhou. However, there is one thing that the old man is a little puzzled. County Magistrate Xin, the old man has A few words to ask you?"

His eyes fell on Xin Ping beside him.

"Speak, sir!"

Xin Ping hurriedly cupped his fists and said.

"When was the first patient discovered?"


Xin Ping was stunned for a while, and said with a wry smile: "Sir, the lower officials have asked about it a long time ago, and there is no first one, but the north and south of the city and the west and east of the city fell ill at the same time, and dozens of people fell ill in just a short period of time."

now it's right!

Hua Tuo nodded.

"Frozen three feet does not happen in a day. This kind of pathogen is usually formed after years of accumulation. The climate in Lunu is suitable and the sanitary conditions are also very good, and the hospital also regularly disinfects public places with spirits." , there should be no basis for an outbreak. Even if it is an outbreak, it can only be a one-point, slow outbreak. Now the outbreak is a bit suspicious. The old man speculates that there may be human factors in it."

Xi Zhong and Xin Ping's expressions changed drastically.

"Sir sure!"

This matter needs to be clarified.


Hua Tuo resolutely said: "Although the old man does not know what it is now, what is certain is that it is not accidental. At least Lunu City does not have the conditions for the formation of pathogens, so it must be brought in by outsiders. Not so much The plague is more like poisoning."


Xi Zhong and Xin Ping glanced at each other, and they both saw the other's worry.

Lunu City is the center of border trade, people come from anywhere, and it is inevitable that people will bring the disease.

But the question is, did he do it unintentionally or on purpose?
It can only be said to be unlucky if it is unintentional, but it will be a bit scary if it is purposeful.

Do you want to turn the entire Lunu into a dead city?

As if to verify their conjecture, an official came to the two of them in a hurry.

"My lord, it's not good. I just received the news that the plague broke out in Anguo and Wuji. The two county magistrates are rushing for help."

Xi Zhong and Xin Ping's expressions changed drastically again.

It is now clear that someone must have deliberately sabotaged it, otherwise the three business centers would never have had an outbreak at the same time.

"Immediately send a letter to the county magistrates of Anguo and Wuji, asking them to seal the four gates, isolate patients, and control the spread of the epidemic. In addition..."

Xi Zhong clasped his fists again and said, "I'm afraid it will be hard for Mr. and the medical students again."

Hua Tuo also knew that the situation was urgent, so he didn't refuse immediately, and immediately selected students with excellent medical skills to go to Anguo and Wuji.

(End of this chapter)

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