Chapter 435 Sudden Disaster
After receiving Xi Zhong's request for help, Xu Huang immediately rushed back to Lunu City with [-] cavalry.

At this time, Lunu City has lost most of its merchants, and the rest are still a little unsteady, and may leave at any time.

On the one hand, Xi Zhong personally led his men to appease the merchants, and on the other hand, he asked Xu Huang to enter the city to block Lu Nu. It was only by using both soft and hard methods that some merchants were left behind.

But Anguo Wuji was a little miserable.

A suspected plague caused the loss of [-]% of the merchants in the two counties, almost turning them into empty cities.

The lost merchants naturally all went to Zhuojun.

There is the newly opened border trade center by Liu Yu, Mu Liuyu of Youzhou.

Xi Zhong stabilized the situation while flying a horse to report to Guo Jia.

Things have changed beyond Xi Zhong's control. At this time, he can only hope that he and Guo Jia will come back soon.


Let's say that after Guo Jia settled everything, he immediately led the army to Jizhou.

Jizhou is the biggest gain this time.

With this piece of land, Yunzhou's strategic space has been extended, and more importantly, its fertile land has provided Yunzhou with food security.

The governor of Jizhou is located in Ye County, Wei County, which is not far from Luoyang.

In a few days, the army arrived at the city of Ye County.

Under the deterrence of the army, Xu Shu, the new governor of Jizhou, handed over his duties smoothly.

Wang Fen was sent to Jiaozhou by a piece of paperwork, but his life was saved.

With a large army on the other side, Jizhou's tyrants naturally did not dare to say more, and they all supported the new governor.

That night, the governor's mansion rewarded the army.

As the protagonist, Guo Jia naturally became the focus.


Xu Shu was very excited and drank a few more glasses.

"Xu Shu is a scholar from a poor family. He was recommended by Mr. Shui Jing to study in the academy. At the beginning, Xu Shu's biggest wish was to be a small county magistrate and benefit one side. But now he never expected to become a governor of one side."

He raised his glass.

"All of this is the master's fulfillment."

Ha ha!

Guo Jia clinked his glass to him, and both parties drank it down.

The reason why Xu Shu can get to where he is today is not only his support, but also his own efforts.

In Yunzhou, besides Xi Zhong, he trusted Xu Shu the most.

"Yuanzhi, Jizhou is our backyard, we must stabilize it and encourage farming."

Subordinates understand!

Xu Shu nodded.

Although business is prosperous, food is the foundation.

The reason why Guo Jia tried everything possible to get Jizhou was to have a grain base.

People take food as their heaven!
Xu Shu is still very clear about this.

In the future, Yunzhou will be the pocketbook of Jizhou, and Jizhou will also be the granary of Yunzhou. Only by complementing each other can we have a long-term future.

"Wen Rules!"

Guo Jia suddenly called Yu Jin's name.


Yu Jin stood up.

Once he led the army, he never drank alcohol.

"Jizhou is newly acquired. The interior is unstable, and the outside is also covetous. A general must be left to guard. You are one of the few generals in my Yunzhou who can be alone. Now I have ordered you to lead an army of [-], supplemented by Zhou Cang, to garrison Ye The county helps Yuanzhi manage Jizhou."

Yu Jin didn't show any expression.

It seems that in his eyes, as long as it is Guo Jia's order, it doesn't make any difference.

What a shame!

Guo Jia nodded secretly.

Jizhou is very important and must be guarded by a prudent general, and Yu Jin is the best one.

These years, he has been able to train Yu Jin, and now he can finally be on his own.

Hearing that the former boss was able to lead an army alone, the generals were all happy for him, and at the same time they were envious in their hearts.

It is the wish of these generals to be able to lead an army alone.

Now Yu Jin is the first to fulfill this wish.

This time Guo Jia led 5000 troops to the expedition, and lost nearly [-] people in the two wars. However, after the war, the captives recruited from the official army in Mengjin filled the establishment.In addition, there are nearly [-] more craftsmen.

These craftsmen are all talents, how could Guo Jia let them go easily?

Yu Jin guarded Jizhou, and Guo Jia left him two cavalry and [-] infantry.

These ten thousand soldiers and horses are more than enough to defend Jizhou.

Gao Shun took over the remaining infantry.

He is also a rare general in Yunzhou, and is qualified to replace Yu Jin as the new commander in chief.

Just when everyone was congratulating Yu Jin, a figure suddenly barged in outside the door, it was indeed Dian Wei.

He just received the news from Skynet, and immediately sent it to Guo Jia.

After Cai Yu stayed in the capital, the terminal for Skynet to transmit messages came to Dianwei.

Dian Wei hurriedly handed Guo Jia a secret letter, and Guo Jia's face changed drastically after reading it.

"My lord, what happened?"

Xu Shu keenly sensed that something was wrong.

Guo Jia has always been a person who can talk and laugh freely when the sky is falling, but now seeing Mi Xin's face changed drastically, something terrible must have happened.

"Give me an order, and the army leaves for the journey. Commander Zilong's cavalry is one step ahead of me, and Commander Gao Shun's infantry followed with his wife."

Guo Jia passed the news to Xu Shu, but it was too late for him to explain to Xu Shu.

Something truly extraordinary happened this time.

Seeing the information sent, Xu Shu immediately gasped.

The plague in Zhongshan this time is strange, and the border trade promotion of Liu Yu in Youzhou is so timely?
With Xu Shu's wisdom, he immediately figured out the connection.

"Yuanzhi can see it too!"

Guo Jia said with a sneer.

Xu Shu nodded.

"At this time, someone wants to draw the bottom line!"

Border trade is the foundation of Yunzhou. Once the border trade is gone, Yunzhou will be finished.

This plague must have been intentionally caused by someone, with the purpose of causing the order of Yunzhou to collapse. As for who it is, we only need to see who benefits in the end.

Liu Yu!

This person took the opportunity to stab Yunzhou.

Very deadly.

It is the nature of businessmen to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Yunzhou is in danger, and they will naturally move to other places.

If it is not handled properly, Yunzhou may never recover from a fall.

"My lord, you must handle the affairs of Yunzhou properly."

Xu Shu said in a low voice.

The stability of Yunzhou is an important condition for the formation of border trade. If you want to take back those merchants, you must stabilize Yunzhou.

"I see!"

Guo Jia nodded.

This time the crisis is severe.

The enemies are also very powerful.

The flaws in the Yunzhou model can be seen at a glance.

A fatal blow!
What made Guo Jia even more worried was that the surrounding Youzhou took the opportunity to open up Zhuo County, and wantonly received merchants from Yunzhou.

Businessmen are born for profit.

Once it stabilizes in Zhuojun, it will be a disaster for Yunzhou.

Seeing Guo Jia like this, everyone knew that the situation was serious.

Zhao Yun immediately went to the barracks to prepare for the expedition.

In addition to the 3000 cavalry left for Yu Jin, the remaining [-] cavalry immediately set off for Yunzhou.

Guo Jia explained a few words to Cai Yan, and immediately rushed to Yunzhou with cavalry.

He wants to go back as soon as possible.

In addition, Gao Shun took over 1 infantry and [-] craftsmen to protect Cai Yan, and quickly chased after him.

(End of this chapter)

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