Chapter 436

Some are happy and some are worried!
Yunzhou was bleak, and when Xi Zhong and others were struggling, Liu Yu from Youzhou was smiling.

Under his preparation, Zhuojun became the second Zhongshan.

There are many merchants pouring in every day.

The influx of merchants brought a large number of commodities, and the abundance of commodities attracted surrounding merchants.

In just one month, Zhuo County has formed a large scale.

Many businessmen also saw the business opportunity and began to buy land in Zhuo County wantonly.

They learned the experience in Zhongshan.

Once Zhuojun became the second Zhongshan, the first thing to be nervous about was the land.

In time, the land in Zhuojun will inevitably be worth an inch of land.

Soon, Liu Yu obtained a lot of property by virtue of land transfer.


Looking at the account in his hand, Liu Yu laughed triumphantly.

No wonder Guo Jia was able to rise so quickly. The Zhongshan model really brought in money quickly.

Just one month is worth half a year's income of Youzhou.

Since taking office, Liu Yu has been troubled by money and food, and had to ask his grandfather to tell his grandmother to raise food and grass for the army.

It's different now.

Youzhou is rich.

As long as you are willing to pay, the food will naturally be delivered to your door by merchants.

While sitting to collect money, while sitting to collect grain.

This feeling is really cool.

It is said that this is the first time Liu Yu has felt what it means to be rich and powerful.

"Going back to Taiwei, fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life!"

The man in black appeared beside Liu Yu.

This time, the turmoil in Yunzhou was definitely due to this person.

good good!
Liu Yu reached out and patted his shoulder.

"The old man really did not misunderstand the person, you have done a good job. I will reward myself."

The man smiled lightly and said, "The villain doesn't want rewards."

I know!
Liu Yu nodded, and said: "Don't worry, since the Taiwei has promised you, he won't break his promise and get fat."

it is good!
The man also nodded.

"The villain just got the news that Guo Jia has led his troops back to Yunzhou from Ye County."

Guo Jia is back?
Hearing this news, Liu Yu couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

For some reason, he always felt a little afraid of this neighbor.

It seems that after Guo Jia's debut, those who don't deal with him will end badly.

Qiang Qu, Ding Yuan, He Jin, which one didn't die violently?

If he knew that he was behind the knife, disrupted Yunzhou, and robbed his business, how could this person let it go?

How can Youzhou be the opponent of Yunzhou army at this moment?

"Is what you did clean? He won't suspect the old man, right?"

Liu Yu asked in panic.

The man in black smiled faintly, feeling very contemptuous of Liu Yu in his heart.

Those who achieve great things must dare to act and act. This person is a cunning who wants to take advantage of it but does not want to take risks.

While swallowing the fruit of Yunzhou, while worrying about attracting Guo Jia's hatred, how can there be such a good thing in the world?

This Liu Yu is an incompetent person, and he will be finished sooner or later.

"Master Taiwei, do you think Guo Jia can't figure it out?"

Liu Yu's expression changed drastically.

Yunzhou is in chaos, and Youzhou is benefiting, even if Guo Jia is a fool, he can see it.

Since he could see it, how could he
He suddenly regretted it.


Liu Yu hesitated for a moment and said, "Shall we send these merchants back?"

Even if he is sent back, he will not suffer.

During this period of time, he made a fortune as a cashier of the land.

Ha ha!

The man in black smiled.

The sound is very ugly.

At this point, Liu Yu is still fantasizing about reconciliation, which is really naive.

"Master Taiwei, do you think Guo Jia will let it go?"

Liu Yu was silent for a while.

He also knows Guo Jia's character very well.

That is definitely a master who would rather die than suffer, and desperately take advantage. Originally, this guy was eyeing Youzhou, now he found a reason, how could he let him go so easily?

Liu Yu was very disturbed.

When the man in black put forward this plan of dredging the bottom line, he hesitated, but in the end he was still overwhelmed by greed.

At the same time, he also took chances.

Guo Jia led the army this time, and he will definitely be stationed in Luoyang, and will not come back for a while. When he returns, Zhuo County's position will already be stable.But what he didn't expect was that Guo Jia came back with the army as soon as he got the news of the epidemic in Yunzhou.

Once this guy comes back, he will definitely not let it go.

How is this good?
Liu Yu murmured: " killed the old man."

By now, he was complaining again.

Ha ha!

Contempt flashed across the eyes of the man in black.

When collecting money back then, Liu Yu's eyes lit up with excitement, but now that he was at risk, he began to complain about himself.

But even if he complained it was too late.

When Liu Yu agreed to this plan of drawing salary from the bottom of the pot, he was already at odds with Yunzhou.

"Master Taiwei, now is not the time to complain, let's think about how to deal with Guo Jia's anger!"

The man in black said lightly.


How to deal with it?

Liu Yu smiled miserably.

He misjudged Guo Jia's actions, which led to some miscalculations.

The Youzhou Army will not be the opponent of the Yunzhou Army.

Liu Yu knew this very well.

If Guo Jia could give him a year and a half, he could calmly use the money from the border trade to recruit soldiers and horses to buy equipment, but Guo Jia did not give him this opportunity.

In this way, once the war starts, the Youzhou Army will undoubtedly be defeated.

A flash of light flashed across the eyes of the man in black.

"Master Taiwei, you are also aware of the situation in Youzhou now. There are external troubles and internal troubles, and there is such an evil neighbor as Guo Jia. Sooner or later, he will be swallowed up by him. Instead of sitting and waiting for death, it is better to take the initiative. Cutting off the border trade in Yunzhou is just a matter of time." The first step. Cutting off the food supply in Yunzhou is the top priority."

Cut off food?

Liu Yu looked at this man in surprise.

This is easier said than done?

"Master Taiwei!"

The man said calmly: "Businessmen are born after profit. The reason why Yunzhou has a steady supply of grain is because Yunzhou is a border trade center, and the grain cannot be sold there. Now Yunzhou Yunzhou is about to become a dead city. In this way, merchants will be less motivated to deliver food. As long as we are making trouble for him, no one will deliver food to Yunzhou. In this way, Yunzhou has a population of nearly one million We are all in danger of running out of food. At that time, as long as we hold on to Zhuojun, we will not give Guo Jia any chance. In a few months, Yunzhou will collapse without a fight."

Will the plan come out?

Liu Yu suddenly regained his spirits.

After hearing what the man in black said, he laughed again.

Just do it!

Liu Yu slapped his thigh, and a look of color flashed across his face, as if Yunzhou had already become his possession.

The man's eyes flashed for a while, and he nodded slowly.

The reason why he was so aggrieved to serve such a villain as Liu Yu was to subvert the entire Yunzhou.

This is his ultimate goal.

(End of this chapter)

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