Chapter 437
A group of people appeared on the official road.

"My lord, the frontier is the boundary of Qingzhou!"

Yan Liang pointed to the place ahead and said.


Yuan Shao's face showed joy, he finally had a place to settle down.

How hard it all came.

In addition, Yuan Shao was defeated by Mengjin and ruined the future of the Yuan family. He did not dare to go back to see Yuan Kai, so he had to take thousands of remnants of the defeated generals and stationed in Hanoi County.

The prefect of Hanoi County was originally Zhu Jun, but when Zhu Jun went to Beijing and became the captain of Sili, Yuan Shao naturally took over the magpie's nest unceremoniously and drove out the prefect appointed by the court.

Anyway, the county soldiers of Hanoi County have been brought into the capital by Zhu Jun, and the new prefect can't resist without soldiers.

The new prefect was naturally dissatisfied, so he appealed to the court.

Yuan Shao at this time was still wearing the hat of rebellion.

But at this time, Guo Jia had already left Luoyang, Huangfu Song and Lu Zhi were good at fighting, but they were no match for these old fritters in politics, and the government soon fell into the hands of Yuan Kai, Wang Yun and Dong Zhuo.

I don't know what method Yuan Kai used to find a surrogate for Yuan Shao to replace the crime of treason.

Yuan Shao also became ignorant for a while and was blinded by traitors, and the major incident was reduced to a small one. In addition, the new king succeeded to the throne and amnesty the world, and he was soon innocent.

Although he is fine, he cannot stay in Hanoi anymore.

But with so many people under Yuan Shao's command, it's not a small number of people to eat horses, and it's a problem to settle down in every place.

Although Yuan Kai intends to find a place for Yuan Shao, but he has just been charged with the crime, it would be a bit ugly to show his merits now.

At this time, Liu Yu suddenly wrote to the court, stating that Yuan Shao was the governor of Qingzhou.

Coincidentally, the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou came back, and Yuan Kai also pushed the boat along the way to let Yuan Shao take the crime and make meritorious service to put down the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou.

After coming and going like this, Yuan Shao became the governor of Qingzhou.

Therefore, Yuan Shao accepted Liu Yu's favor very much.

Of course, Liu Yu's favor was not given in vain, he also asked Yuan Shao for it.

Guo Jia!

Yuan Shao's eyes flashed sharply for a while.

"Let's go and see!"

With a big wave of his hand, he said: "After entering Qingzhou, immediately dispatch sea ships to patrol and prohibit the passage of merchant ships at sea."

promise!Everyone responded in unison.


Nanyang County.

Yuan Shu, the new post-prefect general, looked at everything around him with satisfaction.

Through the operation of his uncle Yuan Kui, he has ascended to the position of Nanyang prefect.

Nanyang is the largest county in Jingzhou and even in the whole country, with a population of millions, fertile land and superior geographical location.

Yuan Shu now has tens of thousands of soldiers and sufficient food and grass. He is like a local emperor, far better than being a nominal general in the capital.

Just then, one of his men came to report.

"My lord, there is a letter from Taiwei Liu Yu."

Liu Yu?

Yuan Shu was slightly taken aback.

Does he have any friendship with Liu Yu?

After opening the letter and taking a look, he immediately burst out laughing.

"Okay, okay, since they are all aimed at Guo Jia, I don't care about adding insult to injury. Where is Ji Ling?"

Subordinates are here!
A tall and mighty man appeared in front of Yuan Shu.

He is the new recruit Ji Ling, from Shandong, who wields a two-edged and three-pointed saber, very brave, and quite adored by Yuan Shu.

"Order the army to block all major roads in Nanyang and prohibit businessmen from going to Yunzhou."

Ji Ling responded and immediately went down.

Guo Jia!

Yuan Shu chuckled and said, "This time, I'm afraid you are doomed."


Chenliu prefect's mansion.

The prefect Zhang Miao and Cao Cao sat facing each other, and the two sides exchanged cups, which was very lively.

When they were in Luoyang, the two were very good friends.

Now that Cao Cao is in trouble, he immediately voted for this old friend.

Zhang Miao is known as the eight chefs, and he is quite like Meng Chang, so he also takes good care of this friend.

A small feast on three days and a large feast on five days.

Although life is comfortable, Cao Cao is uneasy.

He followed Yuan Shao to attack Mengjin, and now Yuan Shao has become a rebel, and Cao Cao has also become a rebellious party.

But Yuan Shao had soldiers and horses, and he was supported by a powerful uncle. Not only did he have no problems, but he became the governor of Qingzhou.

Cao Cao does not have such a powerful background as Yuan Shao.

Although his grandfather is powerful, Lao Tzu Cao Song is not very good, and he was able to become a captain and so on only with money.

The only one who can speak for Cao Cao is Sinong Zhangwen and Yuan Jingzhaoyin Sima Fang.

It's just that now that Cao Cao is involved in such a big event, the two of them can't talk anymore.

"My brother Meng De, don't worry."

Seeing that Cao Cao's application was lonely, Zhang Miao hurriedly comforted him and said, "Others don't know your talent, but I, Zhang Miao, know it. The present predicament is only temporary, and it will eventually pass. You can live here at ease, and everything will be fine." Don't worry."

As a friend, Zhang Miao really had nothing to say.

Thank you, Brother Meng Gao!
Cao Cao gave a wry smile.

I think he was originally one of the eight captains of Xiyuan, and he was considered number one in Beijing, but now he has suffered a complete defeat.

At this moment, a scribe came in a hurry, who was engaged in Chen Gong.

"Brother Meng De, brother Meng De, a good thing is coming!"

he said with a smile.

what good?
Zhang Miao asked curiously.

Chen Gong smiled, and said: "Taiwei Liu Yu recommended Brother Meng De as the prefect of Dongjun, and he will take office immediately. The appointment will come down soon."

Cao Cao was pleasantly surprised.

The imperial court didn't blame him, but let him be the prefect of Dongjun?


Chen Gong continued to laugh and said: "It's all thanks to the Taiwei, I heard he was the one who strongly recommended Brother Meng De."

Liu Yu!

Cao Cao was extremely grateful.

But what puzzled him was that he had no friendship with Liu Yu.

Zhang Miao was also a little puzzled.

Liu Yu's ancestors belonged to the royal family, and he, Cao Cao, was just a descendant of the eunuch, and the two of them were not in the same circle.

Why did Liu Yu talk to Cao Cao?

In addition...

Chen Gong smiled and said: "Liu Taiwei still has a letter to Meng De, maybe you will understand after reading the letter."

Cao Cao opened the letter full of suspicion, and after reading it for a few times, he suddenly realized.

That's it!

He nodded slowly.

"What did the captain say?"

Zhang Miao asked curiously.

Cao Cao showed a smile on his face, and said: "The Taiwei wants to deal with Guo Jia, let me be the governor of Dongjun."

Dongjun is the gate between Yanzhou and Jizhou. Once, uh, this gate is guarded, it will cut off the commercial route from Yanzhou to Jizhou.

"Not only that, but Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu also received letters from the Taiwei, and agreed to deal with Guo Jia together?"

Cao Cao broke the news again.

it is good!
Zhang Miao clapped his hands, and said: "Guo Jia is a thief who caused chaos in the court, he should have been killed long ago, and I, Zhang Miao, will also help."

Zhang Miao and others were born as scholars, so they naturally look down on the ten-time servants. Guo Jia has always been a ten-time servant. Now that everyone is attacking him, he doesn't mind stepping on it.

"So, thank you Meng Gao!"

Cao Cao thanked him, and immediately went to the village to summon his relatives and soldiers to take up the post in Dongjun.

(End of this chapter)

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