Chapter 438
Let's say Guo Jia led [-] people all the way north, and finally arrived at Wuji County, the southern gateway of Yunzhou.

Due to Liu Yu's conspiracy, a plague broke out in the entire Yunzhou, and Wuji County was naturally unavoidable. Fortunately, Hua Tuo and the students of the medical school were there, and the man-made plague was quickly brought under control.

Although it was under control, it caused a lot of panic, and a large part of the merchants flowed out.

"Your official, Zhen Yan, pays homage to the general!"

As soon as Guo Jia arrived at the county seat, he saw the county magistrate Zhen Yan leading several officials to greet him.

"Second brother, don't be too polite!"

The two were related by marriage, and the Zhen family was one of the two major families that supported Guo Jia to take over Zhongshan, so Guo Jia naturally had to be more polite.

"How's it going?"

Guo Jia didn't have time to be polite, and asked straight to the point.

Zhen Yan's face darkened.

"A plague broke out suddenly in Wuji County, and more than 100 people died in one day and one night. Most of them were the elderly, the weak, women and children. If the medical students hadn't arrived in time to control the epidemic, the consequences would have been unimaginable."

He hesitated for a moment, then said: "If that's the case, nearly a thousand people died."

Is that much?

Guo Jia was also very moved.

He pondered for a while, and said, "Go and see the situation!"

Talking about asking the army to garrison outside the city, he followed Zhen Yan into the city with his entourage.

Why put the army outside, it is to prevent infection, the army is densely populated, if it is infected, it will be over.

The streets were empty and sparsely populated. Most people fled Wuji County on the day the plague broke out.

The business gathering place that was originally crowded with people has almost become an empty city.

"General, please!"

Zhen Yan brought Guo Jia to a compound.

Guo Jia and his men put on masks and followed Zhen Yan into the compound.

It used to be a warehouse inside, but since the businessman has fled, it is now empty, and people in white coats come and go, all of whom are medical students.


Seeing Guo Jia coming in, the leading doctor immediately stood up.

The medical school was established by Guo Jia, who is also the honorary dean of the medical school.Hua Tuo and famous doctors from the north were hired to teach, and a large number of medical talents have been trained in the past three years.

"So it's Wu Pu!"

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

This Wu Pu and Fan A are both Hua Tuo's disciples, and they are also the first students of the medical school. Now they have become the backbone of Yunzhou's medical system.

"How's the situation?"

Guo Jia came to Wu Pu's side and looked at the patient lying on the bed.

"Returning to the dean, this disease has a fast onset and spread quickly. If there is no treatment after the onset, the mortality rate is still very high. However, after taking the master's cold and heat powder, plus other treatments, the survival rate is still very high. High."

As Wu Pu explained, he untied the patient's pocket.

"This person got sick the day before yesterday. When we brought him here, we immediately cooled and disinfected him and took cold and heat powder. The temperature has dropped significantly in the past two days, and the abscess on the body surface has shrunk a lot. He is basically out of danger."

it is good!
Hearing this, Guo Jia let go of his heart.

It seems that this plague is still under control.

As long as you can control it, everything will be much easier.

Through Wu Pu's introduction, Guo Jia also realized that after the intervention of the medical department, the plague was basically brought under control, and the casualties continued to decline.

"You guys have been waiting a lot."

Guo Jia cupped his fists.

Fortunately, he formed the medical school three years ago.

Otherwise, the plague would have destroyed Yunzhou long ago.

"The dean is polite, this is what we should do!"

Wu Pu hastily returned a salute.

After inspecting several temporary resettlement sites, Guo Jia was about to leave with the crowd.

"Dean, please stay!"

Wu Pu hurried out with a student holding a pot.

The pot was still steaming.

This is……

Guo Jia looked at Wu Pu strangely.

The latter said in a low voice: "The dean and all of you have just arrived here. In order to avoid infection, please drink some medicinal soup. These are all boiled out of the remaining medicinal residues from cold and heat dissipating. It’s still somewhat defensive.”

it is good!
Guo Jia praised again.

He drank a bowl first, followed by Dian Wei and the rest of his subordinates.

Although they are not afraid of death, they also do not want to contract the disease.


Wu Pu suddenly hesitated to speak.

"What's the matter, you say?"

Guo Jia admired Wu Pu very much.

Wu Pu slightly hesitated, and said: "Principal, there is something that the students want to tell you. Although the plague is basically under control, if we want to cure it completely, we must increase the supply of cold and heat powder. But our The medicinal materials have almost been used up, and Mr. Xifu is also a bit stretched."

No more medicine!
Guo Jia waved his hand and said, "This is easy to handle, County Magistrate Zhen, go buy it right away."

Yunzhou is a center of border trade. As long as you have money, there is nothing you cannot buy.

As soon as these words came out, Zhen Yan on the side looked a little uncomfortable.

what happened?
Guo Jia looked at him suspiciously.

Zhen Yan hesitated for a while, then said in a low voice: "General, this is not a place to talk, let's go back to the county government to discuss in detail!"

Guo Jia's heart sank immediately.

What's wrong?

Everyone followed Zhen Yan to the county government office.

The road is empty, here is a big county government office, and only a few followers of Zhen Yan are taking care of it.

"General, Zhen Yan is incompetent!"

After returning to the county office, Zhen Yan suddenly fell to his knees.

Brother please get up!

Guo Jia immediately helped him up.

"What the hell is going on?"


Zhen Yan was ashamed and said: "The plague caused a large number of merchants to flee. The most direct loss of merchants' fleeing is that there will be no goods flowing into Yunzhou. Without goods, there will be no merchants. This is a vicious circle. There is nothing else. The most important thing is the medicinal materials. There are no medicinal materials on the market for a long time. Our medicinal materials are still in stock. Now we use a little less, and Xifu Lord is also very embarrassed, so we have been controlling the amount of medicine in various places."

And this thing!
Guo Jia narrowed his eyes.

He has been keenly aware of the crisis.

Medicinal materials are the key to controlling the plague. Once the medicinal materials are gone, the situation that has been so easy to control may collapse.

Now Yunzhou is caught in a plague, and the commercial roads outside are also cut off, medicinal materials cannot come in, and the amount of inventory is far from enough compared to consumption.

If the plague spreads, it will be a disaster for the entire Yunzhou.

The most urgent thing is to get the medicinal materials.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia suddenly said: "Dian Wei, make a list of the missing medicinal materials, and send a letter to Xu Shu in Jizhou to hurry up and gather the scarce medicinal materials in Yunzhou."

Dian Wei responded, turned around and went out to make arrangements.

Now he is not only a bodyguard, but also a terminal of Skynet.

(End of this chapter)

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