Chapter 443 Digging a Pit
After getting the result, Zhen Tuo submitted it to Zhen Ji.

"Take a look, there is nothing wrong with it!"

After Zhen Ji got it, he calculated it carefully. According to Zhen Yi's original agreement, there was no difference in what they got.

It's even a bit generous.

"Since there is no problem, let's start dividing!"

Zhen Tuo had already been instructed by Guo Jia.

The property of the Zhen family consists of two parts, one is real estate such as land deeds and house deeds, and there are grain goods and cash.

The division is very detailed, how many houses, land, food, money and goods are available for each family.

Zhen Ji and the others could not say anything.

very good!

Zhen Tuo nodded.

"Everyone is aware of the current situation. The division of land and money will take some time, so everyone reluctantly waits for a month. When everything is ready, we will officially separate the family. Since everyone has no objections, let's start signing the pledge!"

As he spoke, he asked people to prepare pens, inks, papers and inkstones.

Zhen Ji suddenly said: "Second Miss, since the account is already clear, why wait a month. How about dividing it now!"


Zhen Tuowei: "It's not like you don't know that there are a lot of goods that need to be processed, and three months is fast. Now that the accounts are clear, how much time is left?"

Don't bother!

Zhen Ji waved his hand and said: "I don't want the land, the house, Zhen Ji, please give me the discount, Second Miss."

Now that the two sides have been torn apart, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, it is better to get it as soon as possible.

Who knows what will happen next month?
Besides, he still wants to go to Zhuojun to buy a house and land as soon as possible?
After offending the Zhen family, he can no longer hang out in Wuji County, and it is useless to ask for those land and houses, so it is better to leave earlier without changing the money.

Do you want to discount?

Zhen Tuoruo looked at Zhen Ji meaningfully.

Not bad!

Zhen Ji nodded.

The people behind him had the same idea as him.

You all want to discount?

Zhen Tuo suddenly raised his voice.

Not bad!

Everyone nodded in unison.

Second Miss!
Zhen Ji coughed and said: "Our land and other things that cannot be taken away can be transferred to you. With your family's strength, it is not difficult to come up with some cash. Why do we have to wait so long? ?”

Not bad!

Everyone behind him said yes.

it is good!
Zhen Tuo was also unambiguous.

"Since that's the case, then I will fulfill you. Our Zhen family will buy your land and real estate at market price. If you want to discount it, write it down."

Zhen Ji wrote his name on the back without hesitation, and the people behind him also wrote their names.

Seeing the contract written by everyone, Zhen Tuo showed a smile on his face.

She was waiting for this moment.

"Come on, let them do the math."

Several housekeepers crackled and counted again.

After a long time, they took out a receipt again.

Zhen Ji just glanced at it and immediately cried out.

"Second Miss, this is wrong."

Everyone also shouted.

What's wrong?
Zhen Tuo asked back.

Zhen Ji pointed to the scroll in his hand.

"The price you discounted is only one-third of the actual price. When did the land in Wuji County get so low? It's not right!"

The discounted price that Zhen Tuo gave them was only one-third of the market price. How could they suffer such a big loss?
"Yes, I bought a few lands a few years ago, but the price was three times the price."

"Second Miss, you can't be so foolish."

"It's not fair, it's not fair! In this case, we won't discount it."

Everyone shouted.

Zhen Tuo's face suddenly darkened.

"It's written in black and white, buy at the market price, don't you sell it if you don't want to? Do you really think our family is easy to bully? Second brother, you are the county magistrate, what should these people do if they dare to breach the contract?"

Second sister don't worry!

Zhen Yan sneered and said, "Since you have signed the contract, you must follow the regulations. Whoever dares to violate the contract, I will definitely not let him go."

He has been squeezed by these people all the time, and finally had the opportunity to fight back, how could he let it go so easily.

Everyone's faces turned pale with shock.

Only then did they realize that they had been fooled by Zhen Tuo.

However, this time and that time.Back then, Wuji County had a lot of land and gold, but now it has plummeted because of the plague.If not, why did they leave?

Nowadays, merchants and landlords are selling off their real estate one after another, and the entire Yunzhou is basically priceless.

Even if they are allowed to sell it themselves, who knows that they can sell it in the Year of the Monkey?


Zhen Ji hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll sell it. But the money must be paid immediately!"

Although Zhen Tuo's price was low, he sold it anyway.

rest assured!

Zhen Tuo sneered, and said, "The Zhen family will not short you of this little money!"

Zhen Tuo asked people to bring out boxes of gold beads and distribute them to these people.

Zhen Ji looked at the golden bead in his hand, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Although their net worth has shrunk greatly, they have taken money from the Zhen family anyway.

That being the case, they didn't stay for a long time, and immediately packed up their belongings, formed a cavalry team, and rushed to Zhuojun mightily.

Seeing Zhen Ji and others leaving with their belongings, Zhen Yan looked at the girl with admiration.

I didn't expect this girl to be so capable.

Nearly half of the property of these people was cut off at once.

"Second sister, you are amazing!"

He said it sincerely.

The second girl has means!

Madam Zhen also laughed from ear to ear.

Although Zhen Jifen took away a lot of belongings, the big head still stayed in Zhen's house.

Ha ha!

A smile appeared on Zhen Tuo's face.

"Is this just the beginning?"

What do you mean?
Zhen Yan looked at Naimei puzzled.

Zhen Tuo seemed to have slipped his lips, so he pursed his lips into a smile and said, "It's nothing, we should do whatever we want. Don't bother with this matter anymore."


Let's say Zhen Ji and others' convoy was stopped by a group of army horses before they left.

"I was ordered to search for spies, and everyone stopped for inspection."

The leading man was none other than Dian Wei.

Zhen Tuo was the first mover, and Guo Jia was naturally the second mover.

Naturally, he would not let so much wealth flow out.

Zhen Ji's face changed slightly.

"Chaye, we are from the Zhen family in Wuji County!"

He said carefully.

In view of the relationship with the Zhen family and Guo Jia, the Zhen family has basically never been made things difficult by the sergeants.

is it?

Dian Wei looked at him coldly.

"Is there any proof?"


Zhen Ji and the others looked at each other.

Usually, it is only necessary to report the name of the Zhen family, and the soldiers will naturally get out of the way.

What proof do you need now?
They are in a hurry to leave, where is there any proof?
They parted ways with the Zhen family just now, and naturally they don't bother to pay attention to them when they go back to the Zhen family.

Zhen Ji hurriedly jumped out of the car.

"Master Jun, my name is Zhen Ji, and there is no one in this area for tens of miles who doesn't know it. Just be accommodating."

As he spoke, he handed two gold cakes to Dian Wei's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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