Chapter 444
"You bastard, how dare you bribe this general!"

Dian Wei was furious.

He immediately picked up Zhen Ji and threw it aside.

"This person intends to bribe the patrol officers, and his intentions are wrong. Come here, and take them all down."

The inspectors dressed as Tiger Guard soldiers immediately surrounded them.

This cart is full of gold, silver and jewels, how can the people of the Zhen family be willing?

The two sides immediately pushed and shoved.

How dare you obstruct law enforcement?
Dian Wei was furious again.

"Call someone!"

The soldiers of the Tiger Guards couldn't be more polite, so they acted immediately.

There are many people brought out by Zhen Ji, but how can they be the opponents of these soldiers?

The beaten one knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Report to the general, a large amount of gold and silver jewelry has been found!"

Dian Wei strode forward and opened a box.

"Bold thief, where did you steal?"

He was also instructed by Guo Jia to wait here for Zhen Ji and others.

"Master, Lord!"

Zhen Ji scrambled to Dian Wei's side.

"I am really from the Zhen family. Guo Mushou is our son-in-law, and the magistrate of Wuji County is my nephew."

is it?

Dian Wei sneered, and said, "If you say yes, I don't know if you are a fake."

Military Lord, Military Lord!
Zhen Ji wept bitterly: "We are really members of the Zhen family. When Guo Mu guarded Zhongshan, we also did our best. In order to protect Zhongshan, my two nephews and one brother died in battle."

Hearing this, Dian Wei was also a little moved.

He didn't understand why Guo Jia let these despicable people go, but now he understands.

No matter what these people are now, Guo Jia really did contribute when he took control of Zhongshan.

This is also the real reason why Guo Jia let them go.

"If that's the case, show us a proof, otherwise we will arrest you and confiscate your belongings in the name of spies."

Dian Wei said sharply.

good good!
Zhen Ji nodded hastily, and said, "I'll find someone to prove it later." "

After speaking, he sent someone back, hoping to let the people of the Zhen family intercede.

But the people who were sent soon came back in disgrace.

"what happened?"

Zhen Ji asked puzzledly.

The visitor hesitated for a moment, then said: "Miss Er said, before we separated, we were one family. Now that we have separated, we are two families. They have no right or obligation to help us."


Zhen Ji was a little embarrassed.

He just had a falling out with the Zhen family, so it's a little unreasonable to ask them to help now.

But if the Zhen family didn't help, it might be very difficult for them to escape from the hands of these soldiers.

Thinking of this, Zhen Ji gritted his teeth, and personally brought a few people to Zhen's house.

At this time, the door of the Zhen family was tightly closed.

"Open the door, I'm Zhen Ji!"

Zhen Ji shouted loudly.

There was no movement at the door.

Zhen Ji had no choice but to say loudly: "Is Second Miss there, Zhen Ji asks to see you!"

At this moment, he is already a bereaved dog, and he no longer has the prestige of the second master of the Zhen family.

The gate remained silent.

Zhen Ji took a deep breath, and said loudly again: "Second Miss, for the sake of the same clan, please let us live."

Their intestines are green with regret.

If they knew this earlier, why would they go out of this door.

"Oh! Isn't this the second uncle? What's wrong with you?"

Zhen Tuo's figure appeared on the tower.Beside her were Mrs. Zhen Zhen Yan and others.

The Zhen family is a powerful local, and Wubao is a small military fortress.

"Second miss!"

Zhen Ji's face was a little feverish, but he still clasped his fists and said: "I, Zhen Ji, have worked so hard for the Zhen family for so many years, and there is hard work without credit. Please, for the sake of the same clan, Miss Second, let us live!"

Ha ha!

A smile appeared on Zhen Tuo's face.

"Isn't that right? If you want to separate your family, I'll help you too. Have you ever made things difficult for you?"

Zhen Ji suddenly had nothing to say.

Indeed, it was the inspecting soldiers who made things difficult for him, not Zhen Tuo.

"Second Miss, we ran into some trouble on the way out. You are a lot of adults, please do me a favor, Zhen Ji is very grateful."

is it?

Zhen Tuo folded his arms around his chest.

"Since the family has been separated, you are no longer a part of the Zhen family in Wuji County. Why should our Zhen family protect you? Besides, the Zhen family can't take care of their own affairs, so how can we bother to ask other people's affairs?"

Zhen Ji's face twitched.

Isn't this a draw?

He already has some regrets.

"Second Miss, just help us out for the sake of the same clan."

Zhen Ji begged hard.

"Anyway, we have all done our best for the Zhen family."

Seeing Zhen Ji bowing his head, Zhen Tuo suddenly felt happy.

Not long ago, the old guy was aggressive and made her hold her breath, and now she has finally released it.

it is good!
Zhen Tuo nodded slowly and said, "Since you have said so, then I will do you one more favor."

Thank you Second Miss, thank you Second Miss!
Zhen Ji was overjoyed and bowed again and again.

"You can ask me to come forward if you want! 500 million dollars!"

Zhen Tuo slowly stretched out his five fingers.

Zhen Ji couldn't help being surprised.

However, he also knew that Zhen Tuo would not help them so easily.

In other words, I will make a lot of money myself.

it is good!
Zhen Ji nodded and said, "I'll send the money right away!"

Although it was a bit painful, he almost agreed.

"It's 500 million each!"

Zhen Tuo said with a smile.

Zhen Ji felt his mind go blank for a while, his body shook a few times, and he almost fell to the ground.

No matter what, there are twenty or thirty families who ran away with him this time, and now they have hundreds of millions of dollars.

Almost half of their total property.

"Second miss, you are not giving us a way to survive!"

Zhen Ji said in despair.

Zhen Tuo sneered and said, "Separating the family means two families. What you do in the future has nothing to do with me. This time, it is already an act of benevolence and righteousness. If you commit crimes in the future, I will take the risk. No nonsense Said, if it is too expensive, you can solve it yourself."

As he said that, he was about to walk back.

Wait...wait a minute!
Only then did Zhen Tuo realize that he had fallen into the second lady's pocket.

He took a deep breath and stood up unsteadily.

"We give...we give!"

People are knives and I am fish, what else can they say now?
it is good!
A smile appeared on Zhen Tuo's face.

"That Miss Ben is being generous once, so please help me!"

She handed out a scroll casually.

"Tell the inspecting generals to leave the equivalent gold beads and let them go!"


Zhen Ji couldn't hold it any longer, and couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of old blood.

It turned out that this second lady was responsible for all this. Otherwise, how could her letter make those patrolling soldiers evacuate?
It seems that from the very beginning, they fell into the scheme of this second lady.

It never occurred to him that a young girl would play with him in his dozens of years.

What a failure!

Zhen Ji swayed, fell limply to the ground, and was carried away.

(End of this chapter)

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