Chapter 445
With Guo Jia's help, Zhen Tuo naturally won a complete victory.

Not only did he get rid of Zhen's plans to split the Zhen family, but he also won the respect of everyone.

After this battle, everyone in the Zhen family looked at this second young lady with admiration, and were even in awe.

Guo Jia!

After returning to Zhen's house, Zhen Tuo was very excited.

"Thank you very much. Without your help, the Zhen family might be in some trouble this time."

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

"You don't need to thank me, these are all your own credit. Without your awe-inspiring righteousness, how can we have the current results. Girl, you opened your mouth with a lion at the end, and you are quite a profiteer who just sits on the ground and raises prices."

In fact, Guo Jia made Dian Wei difficult for Zhen Ji, not because of the surplus money in his hands, but because he wanted him to come back and beg Zhen Tuo.

In this way, Zhen Tuo can also show his face in front of the Zhen family.

Unexpectedly, this girl opened her mouth like a lion and killed Zhen Ji again.

This knife was so powerful that it almost killed Zhen Ji.


Zhen Tuo laughed happily.

"A profiteer and a profiteer. There is no profiteering. Our Zhen family was originally in business, and the blood of a profiteer is in our bones. In fact, my father wanted to train me to take over the business of the Zhen family?"

She does not reject the title.

No wonder!
Guo Jia smiled and nodded.

At first, he was also a little surprised why this girl knew so much about the Zhen family's business. It turned out that Zhen Yi had already thought about it.

This Zhen Tuo is decisive in killing and attacking, he can afford it and let it go, but he is a material for doing business.

From this point of view, she is much better than her brothers.

Guo Jia narrowed his eyes.

In order for Yunzhou to develop and grow in the future, business must also be brought under management.

But there are quite a few civil servants and military generals around him, but not many who know business, so it is a bit difficult for them to manage these cunning businessmen.

Since ancient times, laymen cannot lead experts.

Originally, Guo Jia asked Mi Zhen, but because of the unclear relationship between the Mi family and the Yin-Yang family, this matter was shelved.

Now the appearance of Zhen Tuo made Guo Jia see hope again.

Judging by her performance today, this is the right thing to do.

"Girl, do you want to be an official?"

Guo Jia is persuasive and seductive.


Zhen Tuo was taken aback for a moment.

"Can women be officials too?"

She was a little unsure.

of course!

Guo Jia said proudly: "Hua Mulan and Mu Guiying can be generals, why can't Second Miss be an official?"

Zhen Tuo suddenly became happy.

She has great admiration for the two heroines Guo Jia mentioned.

As a woman, if someone can be a general, why can't she be an official?
Besides, she has always disliked being a woman who cares about her husband and children at home.

"When can I be an official!"

Zhen Tuo couldn't wait any longer.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly, and said, "There's no rush, you should deal with the Zhen family's affairs first."

There is one thing that I still don't understand!

Zhen Tuo hesitated for a moment, and said, "Why did you let them go?"

She has a question in her mind.

This is it!
Guo Jia smiled lightly and did not speak.

If it was his previous temper, he would definitely not let Zhen Ji and the others go, but after experiencing so many things, he has also changed a lot.

How can I say that Zhen Ji did his best back then, but now he just wants to leave, not doing anything rebellious, and Guo Jia can't do things too extreme, otherwise it will hurt other people's hearts.

The atmosphere became awkward for a while.

It seems that this is the first time the two have been alone together.

Guo Jia had the opportunity to take a good look at this sister-in-law.

After not seeing each other for a few years, this sister-in-law also appeared slim, and soon Guo Jia's eyes fell on Zhen Tuo's waist that was grasped gracefully.

This girl's waist is very thin, and her figure is perfect. Although she is not very old, she should be convex or concave.

There was also a subtle fragrance emanating from her body, which caused Guo Jia's index finger to twitch, and couldn't help holding her hand.

Seeing Guo Jia's fiery eyes, Zhen Tuo blushed with shame.

Although the status of the two of them was already doomed, Guo Jia had never touched her or even acknowledged her status, which made Zhen Tuo a little embarrassed.

The young girl Huaichun also has a desire to be favored by Guo Jia, but unfortunately she has never had the chance.

Now, here's your chance!
At this moment, Zhen Yan ran over out of breath.

He is just a nerd, he didn't notice the small movements between the girl and Guo Jia at all.

"Feng Xiao, Feng Xiao is not good."

Zhen Yan's arrival immediately broke the calm.

Although Zhen Tuo longed for Guo Jia's favor, he was ashamed to be in front of Brother Nai.

"Say it, I'm leaving first!"

Said and left without looking back.


Guo Jia couldn't help shaking his head.

"Fengxiao, Fengxiao, Mr. Xifu has just sent urgent news that something serious has happened, and you need to hurry back to the mansion as soon as possible."

I see!

Guo Jia nodded, and immediately gave Zhen Yan a few instructions, before he had time to say goodbye to Zhen Tuo, he immediately rushed back to Lunu City overnight with Dian Wei and others.


Lunu City Shepherd's Mansion!

Xi Zhong, Xin Ping and the others looked hesitant, watching and waiting anxiously.

The plague in Lunu City was finally suppressed, but the plague in the prefect's mansion became more and more serious. Before that, only two maidservants died, and then the maidservants and guards in the mansion fell ill one after another, and finally spread to several wives .

Fortunately, the genius doctor Hua Tuo treated her in time, except that Diao Chan was weak and still under treatment, and the wives gradually got out of danger.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, another unfortunate news came that Guo Jia's only son, Guo Ye, also fell ill.

There is no good cure for this kind of disease, it depends entirely on personal physical fitness plus decoction to assist.

Therefore, relatively more old and weak women and children died.

Guo Ye is just a child, his body's resistance is naturally not as good as that of an adult, and gradually he can't stand it anymore.


As the biological mother, Zhang Ning was naturally distraught and shed tears all day long.

She wanted to rush in to accompany her son many times, but was isolated by a kind of isolation.

"Sister, don't worry! With the miracle doctor Hua around, Ye'er is probably fine."

Murong Yu'er on the side persuaded.

Cai Yan left, and only Zhang Ning, Mizhen, Diaochan and Murong Yu'er were left in the backyard.

Now that the plague has broken out in the backyard, the girls naturally have to support each other.

"Don't worry ma'am!"

Xi Zhong also said with relief: "Mr. Hua is the master of the world, and he also controlled the epidemic in the city. The little master will definitely be fine."

Guo Ye is his future son-in-law, so he, the father-in-law, naturally needs to take care of him.

"Thank you Mr. Xi!"

Zhang Ning said with tears.

She still respects Xi Zhong very much.

Now that Xi Zhong has said so, Zhang Ning's heart is a little more relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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