Chapter 446 Guo Ye is Seriously Ill
Xi Zhong comforted Zhang Ning, but still looked in the direction of the room.

Although he said that, he didn't have a bottom in his heart.

After contracting this disease, the young and strong are better, and they can survive the treatment in time, but the old, weak, women and children are not so good.

So far, most of the dead are these frail people.

Whether Guo Ye can escape this catastrophe is really hard to say.

a long time……

Hua Tuo opened the door and walked out.


Everyone immediately stood up.

"Not very optimistic!"

Hua Tuo took off his mask and shook his head.

There was a thump in everyone's heart.

Hua Tuo is a genius doctor in the world, if he shakes his head, it means there is no hope.

"Sir, is there nothing we can do?"

Xi Zhong asked hurriedly.

Hua Tuo is a sincere gentleman, and he said solemnly: "Although the old man can help the patient stabilize his vitality with decoctions, in the end it depends on the patient himself. If he can't resist himself, the old man is a little helpless."

Xi Zhong's face darkened.

I'm afraid it really won't work.

Pity the kid.


Zhang Ning almost fainted when he heard this.If Murong Yu'er hadn't supported her, she might have fallen limp to the ground.

She hurriedly grabbed Hua Tuo's hand, and said heartbreakingly: "Sir, you are a genius doctor, you must save Ye'er, you must save him. As long as I can save him, I... I can give you anything." you."

Poor parents in the world!

Since the end of the Yellow Turban Taoism, this lady's heart has been placed on her son, and all inheritance and Huang Tian's orthodoxy have been left behind.

How Guo Ye contracted cold and fever, and was unconscious for a few days, and she even wanted to die.

Hua Tuo hurriedly supported Zhang Ning.

"Huiniang, you get up first."

"Sir, you must save him!"

Zhang Ning cried like a tearful man.

"Healers are parents, so I will try my best to treat them. But sometimes the needle stone is really limited."

He hesitated for a moment, then said, "There is one person who may be able to save someone."


Everyone came to the spirit immediately.

What Hua Tuo can't solve, is there anyone who can solve it?
Mr. Wujiao!

Hua Tuo said slowly.

Although he is a medical student and Zuo Ci is a Taoist, the two sides still have some similarities in some aspects. What cannot be solved by medicine may be solved by Taoism.

Guo Jia is an example.

Although Hua Tuo was able to help Guo Jia continue his life, it was difficult to fundamentally solve Guo Jia's persistent illness.

But Zuo Ci did solve it easily.

Hua Tuo was also amazed by the mystery.

Maybe Zuo Ci can create miracles.

my master!
Zhang Ning was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of this mysterious master Zuo Ci.

All these years' attention has been focused on his son, and he has indeed neglected a lot of this master.

When Hua Tuo mentioned it, she remembered the master's skills.

Without further ado, Zhang Ning immediately sent someone to look for Zuo Ci. Naturally, the master and apprentice had a secret communication channel.


Xi Zhong said cautiously: "Is there still time?"

Master Zhang Ning has some skills, but when it comes to curing diseases and saving lives, he is probably not as good as Hua Tuo.Besides, her master's whereabouts are unpredictable, who knows where he went now?
If you run away, even if you know, you won't be able to come back in time.

Hua Tuo was also a little uncertain.

It's better to give it a try than hopeless.

At this moment, the servants reported that Guo Jia had finally arrived.


Guo Jia traveled all the way to Lunu City.It was too late to settle the people, and they returned to the mansion with Dian Wei and others.



Seeing Guo Jia came back, everyone went up to welcome him.

Guo Jia slightly nodded, and immediately came in front of Hua Tuo before being polite.

"Sir, what happened to Yeer and Diaochan?"

He already knew that Diao Chan and Guo Ye were seriously ill.

Hua Tuo's expression darkened, and he said in a low voice, "It's not optimistic."

Hearing this, Guo Jia's expression immediately became solemn.

After Wu Pu's explanation from Wuji County, he also knew that this kind of epidemic requires the patient's own resistance.Children's resistance is very weak, and once infected, it is difficult to survive.

"What disease is it?"

Guo Jia asked in a deep voice.

Wu Pu also didn't know much about this disease, so Guo Jia didn't make it clear.

Now seeing Hua Tuo, Guo Jia naturally wants to ask clearly.

"It's a fever!"

Hua Tuo's expression darkened.

Guo Jia was at a loss.

Hua Tuo said slowly: "This is a very ancient disease. The word "malaria" has been recorded in the oracle bone inscriptions of Yin Xu. As early as "Su Wen", there were "On Malaria", "On Malaria", etc. The special article discusses the etiology, pathogenesis, symptoms, acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of this disease in a systematic and detailed manner.”

He hesitated for a moment, and said: "The old man has also integrated many medical skills. In addition to the prescriptions for cutting off malaria based on Changshan and Shuqi, he also uses verbena to treat malaria. But these can only be used as auxiliary means, can you Healing depends on one's physique. Young adults are better off, but women and children..."

Hua Tuo will not say the rest.


Guo Jia couldn't help but gasped.

After Hua Tuo's explanation, he already knew that this disease was the famous malaria in later generations.

Malaria, commonly known as diabolism, is a vector-borne infectious disease caused by infection with Plasmodium through the bite of Anopheles mosquito or the transfusion of the blood of a person with Plasmodium.The main manifestations of this disease are periodic attacks, chills, fever, and sweating all over the body. After repeated attacks for a long time, anemia and splenomegaly can be caused.

This is an incurable disease before Kinney cream is discovered.

It may be better for the young and strong, who can be supported by other auxiliary means, and the old, weak, women and children have no resistance at all.

Guo Ye is only three years old, and he can't resist the disease.

Could it be that his only son is leaving before he grows up?

Guo Jia took a deep breath and walked in with great strides.Let everyone shout and ignore them.

This is a large room in the backyard. The location is a bit remote. After the people in the mansion were infected with the plague, they isolated it and used it as a ward.

There are two beds inside, Diao Chan is lying on one, and Guo Ye is lying on the other.

Originally, Diao Chan was fine, but after Guo Ye got sick, she also got sick to take care of Guo Ye.

Both are now seriously ill.

Even so, Diao Chan took care of Guo Ye's affairs inside.She declined the offer to send someone to serve her, fearing that the disease would spread again.

When he came to the door, Guo Jia immediately heard the conversation inside, which made him stop.

A room that separates these two people.

With Diao Chan's company, Guo Ye didn't feel lonely.

The only thing that made him a little unhappy was that he never saw his mother Zhang Ning.

(End of this chapter)

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