Chapter 447 I'm Sorry

"Aunt Diaochan!"

Guo Ye closed his eyes and whispered, "Am I going to die?"

He is over three years old and already has a mind of his own.

After leaving for such a long time, Guo Jia couldn't help getting tears in his eyes when he heard his son's childish voice.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

At this time a gentle voice sounded, it was Diao Chan.

"Ye'er has a long life. Grandpa Hua has excellent medical skills, and he will definitely be able to cure you."

She reached out and stroked Guo Ye's forehead.


Guo Ye and his father were carved out of the same mold, even if Guo Jia wanted to, he couldn't let it go.

"Aunt Diaochan, I'm the one who hurt you!"

Guo Ye snorted and said, "If it wasn't for taking care of me, you wouldn't be sick."


Diao Chan replied again: "Auntie should take care of Ye'er. Besides, Auntie's illness is due to my own carelessness. It has nothing to do with you."

She stroked Guo Ye's forehead again.

"Ye'er, sleep well. Your father is coming back soon. When he comes back, he will definitely take you out for a horse ride."

Will not!
Guo Ye murmured: "Even if he came back, he would not take me to ride a horse. When he was at home, he never took me to ride a horse. Auntie, how I wish he could take me to ride a horse, even once .”

Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't bear it any longer, his nose soured and he almost shed tears.

Over the years, he really cared too little for this son.

Even this little request from his son was not fulfilled.

Some things are not precious until they are lost.

Don't let something become a permanent regret.

"Ye'er, I'm back for my father, I'll take you to ride a horse right now."

He strode to the bed and hugged Guo Ye.



Seeing Guo Jia's return, Guo Ye and Diao Chan were both surprised and happy.

At this time, Guo Ye's face was very ugly, but his eyes were shining brightly.

Guo Jia suddenly picked him up with both hands, and said calmly, "Shall we go horseback riding?"

Master can't!

Diao Chan struggled to stand up and said in a panic, "He's sick!"

I know!
Guo Jia's voice paused, and said, "I owe him this."

His eyes suddenly fell on Diao Chan.

This woman has followed him from the very beginning, and she is also the woman with the most seniority in Guo Jia's harem. She has worked hard in the past few years without any complaints.

"Let's go together! I owe you too much."

Said and stretched out his hand.

Diao Chan was stunned, tears flowed out suddenly, she nodded vigorously.


Seeing Guo Jia bring the patient out, Xi Zhong was startled.

"What are you doing?"

Go riding!
Guo Jia said lightly.


Hua Tuo hurried forward.

"The patient is in urgent need of recuperation, and must not go out."

Guo Jia's expression darkened.

As a latecomer, he knew the severity of malaria.

Before the invention of Cinchona Cream, this was an incurable disease.

Cinchona cream is extracted from the bark of the cinchona tree, but the cinchona tree is far away in North America. North America is tens of thousands of miles away from Dahan, and there is another tens of thousands of miles in between. Even if Guo Jia is now asking people to pick it, It was too late.

"Sir, this may be the last time Guo Ye rode a horse."

Hearing this sentence, Hua Tuo just let out a long sigh and stopped talking.

During these days, Guo Ye's situation went from bad to worse, and seeing that there were not many days left, there was nothing wrong with fulfilling his wish before he died.

Hua Tuo is an authority on medical skills, he didn't stop him, and others naturally wouldn't stop him either.

Guo Jia led the two of them out of the Governor's Mansion on horseback smoothly.

"I want to ride, I want to ride!"

When Guo Ye saw the horse, his eyes showed excitement.

It's a pity that he is too small.

Guo Jia held his son in his arms and got on the horse, then stretched out his hand.

"come together!"

Diao Chan nodded, and also got on the horse with a very light posture.

Guo Jia suddenly realized that although Diao Chan's body was weak, her movements were very skillful, obviously she had ridden a horse before.

This girl has been raised in a deep boudoir since she followed him, so if she has a chance to come out and ride a horse?

However, this idea just passed away in Guo Jia's mind, and he didn't take it to heart. Diao Chan is proficient in dancing and has a light body.

Guo Jia pulled the reins, hugged Guo Ye in his arms, and galloped out with Diao Chan behind him.

Dian Wei and the others mounted their horses and followed closely behind.


Xiao Guoye cheered loudly, his pale face flushed a little, although he was only a little sick, but he was still very excited.

This was the first time his father took him out riding a horse.

After galloping for a while, Guo Jia slowed down the speed of the horse, and the three hugged tightly on the horse.

After all, Xiao Guo Ye was young, and after riding for so long, he was already a little tired, and gradually fell asleep in Guo Jia's arms.

Although he was asleep, there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Guo Jia stopped, took out a blanket and spread it on the floor, and gently covered his son.

The past few days have been traveling day and night, and there is no time to rest. The horses carry the bedding with them, and they rest for a while when they are tired.

Seeing his son's happy expression, Guo Jia felt very guilty.

In recent years, he has indeed rarely been with this son.

In fact, sometimes happiness is very simple.

But it is such a simple thing, Xiao Guoye has never enjoyed it.

My own father really failed!
After settling Guo Ye, Guo Jia turned around again and gently carried Diao Chan off the horse.

Guo Jia said softly.

I don't know if he said it to his son or to Diao Chan behind him.

Diao Chan hugged Guo Jia tightly.

Although she has become Guo Jia's wife and concubine, she still maintains the previous relationship.

Guo Jia called her Cicada, and she called Guo Jia her master.

The moment she heard Guo Jia's apology, Diao Chan's heart trembled, and a mist flashed across her beautiful eyes.

In this era where men are superior to women, it is rare for a master to apologize to others.


"Stop calling me master!"

Guo Jia said softly.

Diao Chan was the first woman to follow her. Guo Jia has neglected her these years, but she still works hard.

Guo Ye was sick, and she took the initiative to take care of it, and it was because of this that she contracted malaria.

"You are my master!"

Diao Chan said softly.

"I'm your man, from the moment we met."

Guo Jia suddenly hugged Diao Chan tightly in his arms, and said word by word.


Diao Chan's nose was sore again, she suddenly hugged Guo Jia tightly and burst into tears.

At this time, she realized how important this man was to her.

"Feng Xiao!"

She suddenly choked up and said, "I'm sorry, I..."

It's me who should say sorry!

Guo Jia kissed her cheek.

"I'm sorry for you. If I could spare time to accompany you, these things would not happen."

(End of this chapter)

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