Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 449 Diao Chan's Determination

Chapter 449 Diao Chan's Determination

No, no!
Diao Chan shook her head hastily.

"it's me……"

Guo Jia interrupted her again.

"What happened to Ye'er is not your fault, it's my fault. If I could come back earlier, things wouldn't be like this."

He's already got Skynet's investigative report.

This time the plague incident was not accidental, but man-made destruction.

Because on the day of the outbreak, Xiangkai, a yin and yang god stick under the surveillance of Skynet, and two maidservants from the Mi family died at the same time, and these two maidservants were the original source of infection in the mansion.

These three people have been under the surveillance of Skynet. In order to find out their purpose, Guo Jia has not acted rashly.

However, on the day when the plague broke out, all three of them died strangely. This is definitely not a coincidence.

Guo Jia's eyes flashed sharply for a while.

If anything happens to Guo Ye, he will never let the Yin Yang family and the Mi family go.

"Feng Xiao, I..."

Diao Chan hesitated for a moment, and wanted to say something, but Guo Jia said sadly: "If only we had Jin Ji Nashuang here, you and Ye'er will be saved. Everyone will be saved."

Diao Chan froze for a moment.

Guo Jia explained: "It's a kind of tree, this kind of tree can resolve your illness."

Diao Chan's eyes flashed with excitement.

She originally paid for her own death, but when she heard that there was a life-saving medicine, her heart immediately became active.

"Feng Xiao, we can let people buy it! Yunzhou is the largest commercial center, what kind of medicine can't be bought?"

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled bitterly.

It would be great if you can buy it, but it's a pity that this kind of book is far away in America, which is thousands of miles away. Even if Guo Jia Shipbuilding has someone to mine it now, it's too late.

"It's too late, this thing is far away."

is it?

Diao Chan's mouth revealed a trace of bitterness.

Her last glimmer of hope was also dashed.

But it was nothing, she had already seen through everything.

"Feng Xiao!"

Diao Chan grabbed Guo Jia's hand and said calmly: "Meeting you is the happiest thing in my life. It's a pity that I can't be with you for a long time. But it's a good thing. After a few years In the end, when you think of the slave family, you will have a good impression."

Guo Jia was a little puzzled.

What Diao Chan said today was a bit weird.

When he wanted to ask again, Diao Chan suddenly came to some wild flowers and weeds slowly, and picked some wild flowers lightly.

"Now is the time when Artemisia annua flowers are in full bloom. When I was young, my favorite thing was to pick Artemisia annua flowers and weave them into wreaths to wear on my head. The yellow bones are very beautiful."

He said and put the wreath on his head.

"Feng Xiao, am I beautiful?"

Diao Chan turned her head and looked at Guo Jia bewilderedly.

Suddenly looking back, people are more charming than flowers!
"Beautiful! Just like a fairy!"

Guo Jia nodded slowly.

Diao Chan was born very glamorous, purely in terms of appearance, she is the number one in Guo Jia's harem.

There is no room for more than Yu Linglong.

The yellow garland of Artemisia annua was worn on her head, setting off her beautiful face, it was more like a painting that went up and down.

But Guo Jia frowned.

He seemed to have a flash of inspiration in his head just now, and thought of something, but the time was too short, so he didn't catch it for a while.

Diao Chan didn't notice Guo Jia's strangeness.

She picked many flowers again and weaved a long necklace, which she put on her chest.

When she came out this time, she didn't intend to go back alive.

In Lunu City, she saw the ugliness of the dead.

Diao Chan has a peerless face, she doesn't want to become that ugly after death.

Therefore, she wants to leave the most perfect appearance in front of Guo Jia.

"Feng Xiao, remember my appearance! You will remember me every year when the Artemisia annua blooms."

Diao Chan smiled, aiming the dagger in her sleeve at her heart.

The next moment, she will stab in.

Rather than turning into that ugly state after death, she would rather commit suicide.

Because suicide can maintain the current state, and Guo Jia can remember himself for the rest of his life.

After listening to Diao Chan's words, Guo Jia suddenly yelled, and stared blankly at the yellow Artemisia annua flower that didn't move.

His eyes widened, his breathing became extremely rapid, and his face turned red.

What's wrong with you, Bong Hyo?
Diao Chan was startled and stopped moving.

Guo Jia suddenly grabbed her arms and asked anxiously, "Cicada, what did you just say?"

Diao Chan was caught with both arms, unable to kill herself for a while, she could only say: "I want you to remember my appearance."

Not this sentence!

Guo Jia shook his head hastily, and looked at Diao Chan expectantly.

Diao Chan frowned slightly, thought for a while before saying: "When the Artemisia annua blooms every year, you will remember me."

Artemisia annua, yes Artemisia annua!
It’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes.

Guo Jia suddenly burst into laughter, dancing excitedly.

"Feng Xiao!"

Diao Chan turned pale with fright, not knowing why Guo Jia was going crazy, and the suicide move naturally couldn't go on.


Guo Jia suddenly hugged her and kissed her face a few times.

"You are my lucky baby, I really love you to death. Qinghao, haha, why didn't I think of that?"

Diao Chan was quickly confused by Guo Jia's intimate behavior.

"Feng Xiao, what happened to you?"

She asked a little dumbfounded.

Guo Jia didn't have time to explain to her, and immediately came to those bright yellow flowers, picked one carefully, looked it over carefully, and showed a sure look on her face.

"It's saved, you and Ye'er are saved, everyone is saved."

Diao Chan was shocked again.

Guo Jia gave her too much stimulation today.

After a while, she asked cautiously: "You mean, you found the Jin Hana tree?"


Guo Jia smiled and said, "It's a cinchona tree."

His eyes fell on the plants with yellow flowers again, and he said word by word: "Although I didn't find the cinchona tree, I found something more effective than it. Well, it's this Artemisia annua."

Diao Chan was stunned again.

Artemisia annua is everywhere, especially in the north, where it is almost endless.

Can this thing cure diseases?

It was the first time she had heard of it.

"Of course it can cure diseases, and it is specially for malaria!"

Guo Jia smiled and said: "I'm so stupid, I just remembered. There is not only one Cinchona cream for malaria treatment. This Artemisia annua can extract artemisinin, which is a good medicine for malaria. As long as you have this Qinghao Haosu, you and Ye'er will definitely be able to recover. Not only you, but the entire Yunzhou people can be cured."


Diao Chan asked excitedly.

True, truer than true!
Guo Jia smiled and nodded.

Diao Chan's heart nearly jumped out of her chest.

Ants are greedy for life, and she is no exception.

A heart that was already dead was revived instantly.

She hurried forward a few steps, trying to hug Guo Jia, there was a clang, and a delicate dagger slipped from her sleeve and fell to the ground.

Guo Jia's gaze immediately fell on the dagger, and he understood everything.


Diao Chan's face was a little embarrassed, as if she wanted to say something.

A big hand suddenly hugged her in his arms.

"Silly girl, don't do this in the future! I will feel bad."

Guo Jia said affectionately.

Diao Chan's nose became sore again, she hugged Guo Jia and cried loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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