Chapter 450 Solving Malaria
I don't know how long it took before Guo Jia woke up slowly.

What came into view was indeed a tent, where did the governor's mansion get the tent?

Guo Jiazheng was a little puzzled, and after careful observation, it was indeed a house decorated in the form of a tent.

He was lying on a thick carpet, surrounded by curtains made of cooked cowhide.

The furnishings inside are all in the style of the prairie.

Silver milk teapot, horseshoe oil lamp, surrounded by bows and arrows and weapons.

Just when Guo Jia lost his mind,
A tall figure appeared in the room, it was Murong Yu'er.

"you're awake!"

She was holding a plate with ten thousand steaming soup bowls on it.

Guo Jia nodded.

In fact, you don't need to think about it, you already know whose room it is, except Murong Yu'er, the pearl of the prairie, who would dress up the room as a tent?
I haven't seen her for a while, but this girl is still so beautiful. Although she is wearing Hanfu, she still exudes the primitive charm of the grassland.

Murong Yu'er put the soup bowl in her hand on the small table, came to Guo Jia's side, and knelt down slowly on the ground.

At this moment, she was only wearing a short skirt, and when she knelt down on the carpet, her two slender legs were exposed.

"It's not hot anymore, the fever has subsided!"

she whispered.

"Do I have a fever?"

Guo Jia asked in bewilderment.

After purifying artemisinin, he was very tired and passed out after going out, and he didn't know what happened afterwards.

Murong Yu'er said: "What did you say, when you had a fever back then, everyone was terrified. They thought you had contracted malaria. Later, Divine Doctor Hua came and made a diagnosis, saying that you had a cold. After a few injections and another decoction, the fever was finally gone tonight."

Guo Jia suddenly felt his stomach growling, and couldn't help but look at the bowl of porridge.

Murong Yu'er also noticed Guo Jia's strangeness, she pursed her lips and smiled, and gently brought the soup bowl.

Thank you!

Guo Jia hastily stretched out his hand, wanting to take it.

But as soon as he moved, he felt a little sore all over, and couldn't help grinning with some teeth.

"Don't move, Doctor Hua said, your fever has just subsided, so it's not suitable for activities."

Murong Yu'er took out a cushion and placed it on Guo Jia's back, causing his body to tilt slightly, then picked up the soup bowl and stirred it with a small spoon, scooped up a spoonful, and put it on the rosy red lips While blowing gently.

Open your mouth!

She picked up the spoon and handed it to Guo Jia, like a little wife serving a man.

Guo Jia's heart warmed up, and he immediately opened his mouth to eat.

Murong Yu'er was born in the grassland and grew up in the grassland. She rides a strong horse and draws a hard bow. Guo Jia has always been regarded as a female man, but she didn't expect to have such a gentle side.

"You know, the moment you fell down, everyone's hearts were almost broken, and they thought you were sick too."

"Doctor Hua said that you are fine, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, as if seeing light again in the darkness."

"Sister Zhang Ning is most worried about you. One is her man and the other is her son. Her heart can't wait to be divided into two."

Murong Yu'er was feeding Guo Jia porridge while talking to herself.

Perhaps because Guo Jia rarely accompanied her these years, her personality changed a lot, from the original fire rose to the empty valley orchid.

At some point, she fell in love with this nagging way of speaking.

It seemed that this way allowed her to better express her loneliness.

Guilt flashed across Guo Jia's eyes.

It is said that since he brought Murong Yu'er to Yunzhou, he has been around Sister Cai Yan whenever he has time.Murong Yu'er didn't know when the tent was set up.

It seems that these years, he has really neglected the women.

Soon, a bowl of porridge was wiped out by Guo Jia while Murong Yuer was talking to herself.

But Guo Jia felt that something was not enough, he opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Murong Yu'er.

"Doctor Hua said that you just recovered from illness, so you can't eat too much, a bowl of porridge is just right."


Guo Jia smiled wryly again.

It seemed that he had no room to speak at all.

"How long have I slept?"

Guo Jia suddenly remembered this question.

Murong Yu'er stretched out two fingers.

"Two hours?"


"Two days?"


"How much is that?"

"It's two days and two nights!"

Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't help but sit up.

Two days and two nights, no wonder how hungry he was.


Guo Jia seemed to think of something, and hurriedly said: "What about the new medicine, have Yeer and Diaochan escaped danger?"

As he said, he was about to put on his clothes and go out to have a look.

After such a long delay, the condition of the two of them may become more serious, Diao Chan may be able to hold on, and Guo Ye may be in a bad situation.

A smile appeared on Murong Yu'er's face.

"Don't worry about it. It only took one day for Master Hua to figure out the characteristics and effects of the new medicine. He prescribed different prescriptions according to different people's constitutions. After Guo Ye and Diao Chan took his prescriptions , the physical condition has stabilized, and I'm afraid he will be able to recover in a short time."

Only then did Guo Jia let out a sigh of relief.

Hearing that the two were out of danger, his heart was completely relaxed.

Hua Tuo was originally a genius doctor in the world, and the reason why he was helpless against malaria was because there were no corresponding medicinal materials.

Now Guo Jia has developed artemisinin, which has given Hua Tuo the greatest help. With this anti-malarial weapon, Hua Tuo can naturally cure the disease with twice the result with half the effort.

very good!

Guo Jia couldn't help but nodded.

Finally caught up.

If it was a few days later, I'm afraid he could only be separated from Guo Ye by yin and yang.

In that case, even if Guo Jia won the world, he would probably have regrets.

"Guo Jia!"

Murong Yu'er suddenly touched his face with emotion.

"What kind of a person are you to build glowing weapons and a cure for malaria?"

Her eyes were full of adoration.

In fact, the most feared thing on the grassland is not war, but plague.

A war may not be able to wipe out the entire tribe, but the plague can easily do so.

Since ancient times, malaria has been one of the demons that have ravaged the grasslands. Once infected with malaria, the entire tribe will sometimes be wiped out.

The prairie tribes who lack medical means are even more helpless against malaria, and sometimes they have to brutally burn the infected people to death.

With these medicines from Guo Jia, the grasslands would no longer be afraid of malaria.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly, with a slight color on his face.

What the genius doctor Hua Tuo couldn't solve was that he could easily solve it by relying on the medical knowledge of later generations.

This is the cultural crush in 2000.

He is not at the same level as the people of this era in terms of knowledge accumulation.

(End of this chapter)

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