Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 451 Pity the world's parents heart

Chapter 451 Pity the world's parents heart
Guo Jia!

Murong Yuer hesitated to speak.

"whats the matter!"

Guo Jia looked at the girl in confusion.

In my impression, this prairie pearl has always been straightforward, hesitation is not her style!
After hesitating for a long time, she whispered: "My brother sent someone here, he wants to..."

Murong Guang!
Guo Jiadeng narrowed his eyes.

It seems that the Murong tribe has benefited from him in recent years.

What does he want?
Guo Jia asked lightly.

Murong Yu'er hesitated for a while, and then said in a low voice: "He wants to buy some kind of flaming weapons."

Ha ha!

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

"Sorry, this weapon is not for sale."

A look of disappointment flashed across Murong Yu'er's face.

In fact, she is also very clear.

Gunpowder weapons are the core secrets of Yunzhou. Guo Jia moved the gunpowder workshop to a secret place long ago and sent heavy troops to guard it.

Even the high-level officials in Yunzhou may not be able to get in touch.

Over the years, Murong Yu'er had secretly inquired about it, but she never had any clue.

"Guo Jia!"

Murong Yu'er begged bitterly: "Kebi in the Eastern Xianbei tribe can grow stronger and cannibalize the surrounding tribes constantly. Our Murong tribe is under pressure. My brother has no choice but to ask you for help. If you can provide that A weapon that can shine and fire, we can definitely defeat what Kirby can do."


Guo Jia flatly refused.

Gunpowder is the core secret of Yunzhou, and it must not be passed on to the outside world. This is a matter of principle.

Once it falls into the hands of outsiders, it is a small matter to threaten Yunzhou. If the secret of gunpowder is mastered by foreigners, then Guo Jia will become a sinner for the Han people in the Central Plains.

Murong Yu'er's complexion became very gloomy.

One is her own tribe, and the other is her own man. She is caught in the middle and is a bit in a dilemma.

Guo Jia calmly said: "You can repay Murong Guang. If Kebi can invade Murong's Ministry, I, Guo Jia, can send troops to help him repel the invaders. But don't mention the gunpowder."

Murong Yu'er's face showed joy again.

Although he couldn't get the gunpowder, he got Guo Jia's promise, which can be regarded as an explanation to the tribe.

If the Yunzhou army can send troops, there is still some hope for the Murong tribe to defeat Kirby.

Thinking of this, she lowered her head again.

"Thank you husband on behalf of the Murong tribe."

Ha ha!

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

He was very satisfied with Murong Yu'er's transformation.

Although gunpowder cannot be given, Guo Jia is still happy to help Murong Guang unify Xianbei.

The Murong Tribe is a barrier that Guo Jia placed outside the country. Once Kirby can swallow the Murong Tribe, he will extend his black hand to Yunzhou.

Therefore, the Murong tribe must be protected.

After all, the two parties are still related by in-laws, Guo Jia can't see this brother-in-law being annexed because of emotion and reason.

Besides, without the barrier of the Murong tribe, the north of Yunzhou would become a hunting ground for the Xianbei people.

This is not in line with Yunzhou's strategy.

The Xianbei occupied a vast area that originally belonged to the Huns, and it was very difficult to eliminate them.

Therefore, Guo Jia intends to learn from the Han Dynasty's tactics against the Huns, fight one faction and pull another faction, support the Murong tribe, and attack the powerful Kebineng.

But we can't let the Murong tribe get bigger, otherwise it will form a force that cannot be lost.

The best thing is to keep the two sides in a state of division, hate each other and fight each other, so that Guo Jia has the opportunity to be a fisherman.

Of course, this is also the goal of the next step, and now Guo Jia is going to deal with Liu Yu from Youzhou.

When Guo Jia was focusing on the struggle in Luoyang, Liu Yu suddenly attacked Yunzhou, creating a plague to confuse businessmen to open the border trade port of Zhuojun. If it weren't for Hua Tuo's superb medical skills and Guo Jia's timely arrival, Yunzhou would have almost become The empty city almost allowed Liu Yu to succeed.

Liu Yu!

A cold light flashed across Guo Jia's eyes.

In history, Liu Yu was quite famous, and he had some skills in governing Youzhou, but he was a little ambitious and incompetent, and died at the hands of his subordinate Gongsun Zan.

All along, Guo Jia didn't take this Liu Yu seriously.

But after the turmoil in Yunzhou, he realized that Liu Yu was a great enemy.

Since Guo Jia's debut, Yunzhou has experienced countless ups and downs, only this time it almost capsized in the gutter.

"Husband, do you want to sleep for a while!"

Murong Yu'er got Guo Jia's promise, and she was in a good mood, with a smile on her face.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to cover Guo Jia with a blanket.

When she lowered her head, she showed her chest, and the spring light inside was immediately revealed.

He didn't wear anything under his clothes!

This girl must have done it on purpose.

Guo Jia glanced in with disappointment.

In the past three years, Murong Yu'er has also grown from a young girl to a graceful young woman.

Every move reveals the charm of the alien race.

Seeing Guo Jia's expression, Murong Yu'er was overjoyed, she really wanted to seduce Guo Jia.

Because the two have not been intimate for a long time.

As a mature woman, she needs it both physically and psychologically.

After marrying into the Guo family, Murong Yu'er once again understood a truth.

A woman wants to compete for favor, but her body is her greatest asset.

However, Murong Yu'er still has some confidence in her body and appearance.

Back then, she was known as the pearl on the prairie.

Even Qiang Qu Khan of the Huns had heard of her name.

Although several years have passed now, her appearance has not changed at all, but it has added a bit of mature charm to her.

She is still at the pinnacle of beauty.

no need!
Guo Jia waved his hand.

In fact, he also has enough energy to spare.

After eating a bowl of porridge, he already has some strength, but he still has more energy to eat Murong Yu'er.

Besides, this time is not suitable.

After all, Guo Ye and Diao Chan haven't really escaped yet.

"I'll go see Ye'er and the others!"

Guo Jia struggled to get up.

Although Murong Yu'er was somewhat resentful, she still nodded docilely.

Anyway, there is a long time to come, so it's not too late.

Soon with the help of Murong Yu'er, Guo Jia was already fully dressed.

It was already dark.

But Mushou Mansion was still brightly lit, and Guo Jia's wives and concubines were still asleep.

Especially Zhang Ning, she stayed by her son's side all night.

"Huang Tian Shelter!"

The faith that had been lost for many years was picked up again by her.

The loss and recovery of her son gave her confidence in her faith again.

"How is Ye'er?"

Guo Jia walked in, and his eyes fell on the sleeping Guo Ye.

The kid's face was no longer as sick as before, it became a little ruddy, and his breathing was even.


Zhang Ning immediately threw himself into his arms, and said excitedly: "After taking the medicine of Hua's doctor, I'm already much better. Thank God, if something happens to Ye'er, I...I don't want to live anymore!"

He burst into tears while talking.

(End of this chapter)

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