Chapter 452 Guo Jia's Anger

Poor parents in the world!

Guo Jia couldn't help feeling sad.

After all, Guo Ye is also in his blood. Seeing this kid dying, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

Guo Jia comforted Zhang Ning in a low voice, which restored her calm.

Guo Ye's good health let Zhang Ning relax, and gradually fell asleep in Guo Jia's arms.

These days, she is also very tired.

Her husband's shoulders gave her a lot of support, and she fell asleep deeply.

After Zhang Ning fell asleep, Guo Jia carefully placed her on the bed, covered her with a blanket, and left quietly.

After the mother and son Zhang Ning settled down, Guo Jia left the room and came to Diao Chan's room.

After a little thought, he knocked lightly on the door outside.

Diao Chan's symptoms were much milder than Guo Ye's.It should be better by now.

There was no movement in the room.

Guo Jia pushed open the door and found that Diao Chan had fallen asleep.

this girl!
Guo Jia shook his head slightly, and tiptoed away without disturbing Diao Chan.

After Guo Jia left, Diao Chan suddenly opened his eyes again with a complicated expression.


she whispered.


"Feng Xiao, we succeeded!"

As soon as he entered the temporary drug research and development room, Guo Jia was hugged by the excited Hua Tuo.

"We have successfully solved the stubborn disease of malaria. The illnesses of the patients taking the Qinghao prescription are basically under control, and their bodies are getting better day by day. Recovery is only a matter of time."

The old man's excited tone trembled a little.

Malaria has always been an incurable disease that kills a large number of people.

Now they are conquered by them.

Who would have thought that the Artemisia annua infused wine all over the mountains and plains could cure malaria?

All things have natural enemies.

Malaria is no exception.

Hua Tuo beamed and said: "Feng Xiao, with this method, we can mass-produce the drug. It will be popularized throughout the country. In time, this stubborn disease will be completely eliminated. The old man has also thought about the name, and it will be called Qinghao Fang. When the time comes, We will definitely be famous in Xinglin. At that time, this prescription will be famous forever."

As a doctor, Hua Tuo's greatest wish is to write books and make a name for himself in history like Bian Que.

Now the invention of Qinghao Fang gave him an opportunity.

After curing malaria, Hua Tuo's surgical diagnosis and treatment methods can also be recognized by Xinglin.

"The old man will write a letter to several Xinglin masters, asking them to consider this matter."

Hua Tuo said excitedly.

Guo Jia suddenly grabbed his sleeve.

This old man is very cute and has medical ethics. He overcame a medical problem and did not hide it to make a fortune. Instead, he helped the world as soon as possible. The so-called experts and scholars who have successfully applied for personal patents are a hundred times and a thousand times stronger.

Guo Jia admired Hua Tuo's character very much.But he didn't approve of his behavior.

"Mr. Hua, this matter cannot be publicized. Not only that, but we must keep it a secret. We must not let the secrets and prescriptions of Qinghao go out."

Guo Jiayu said earnestly.

Hearing Guo Jia's words, Hua Tuo froze for a moment, then frowned.

"Feng Xiao, why is this?"

His face was already a little dignified.

Could it be that Guo Jia wants to cherish his broom and keep it for himself to make a fortune?
If this is the case, Hua Tuo must fight for it.

Guo Jia smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Hua, do you think this malaria outbreak is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster?"

Hua Tuo frowned.

In fact, he had already thought about this question.

The formation of malaria pathogens is certainly not a matter of a day or two, and the possibility of a sudden outbreak in the counties of Zhongshan is basically zero.

"It should be a man-made disaster!"

He said with certainty.

As the top doctor of this era, Hua Tuo began to draw conclusions with this certainty.

"Heroes see the same thing! I also think it's a man-made disaster."

Guo Jia nodded slowly.

At the beginning, he also thought it was accidental.But combined with the news from Skynet and Youzhou Mu Liu Yu's strange actions, Guo Jia began to suspect.

When he returned to Yunzhou to investigate a large amount of information, he came to a conclusion that this outbreak of the plague was man-made.

Combined with the timing of Liu Yu's opening up of Zhuo County, Guo Jia concluded that this matter had nothing to do with Liu Yu.

In fact, this is also very easy to think of.

There is nothing in the world that harms others or benefits oneself. A plague broke out in Yunzhou, and Liu Yu of Youzhou enjoyed the fruits of border trade. No matter how you look at it, it is suspicious.

But the problem is coming.

What method did Liu Yu use to cause the plague to break out in Yunzhou?
Guo Jia's first thought was a suicide attack.

Send a person with malaria to Yunzhou and let him infect him.

But soon, he rejected the idea again.

First of all, Yunzhou has long established a special medical department, which attaches great importance to infectious diseases, and strictly checks the businessmen who come and go.

If it is a sick person, it must be screened out.

Secondly, if Liu Yu makes people commit suicide attacks, it will be difficult to control the disease and scale.In case Zhuojun is not ready yet, the detonation here will be in advance and all previous efforts will be wasted.

Therefore, the operability of this suicide attack method is very low.

There must be other ways.

"Mr. Hua, you are a genius doctor in the world, please think about it, how can you infect an otherwise safe city with malaria?"

Guo Jia asked solemnly.


Hua Tuo hesitated for a moment, then said: "The easiest way is to bring people with malaria into the city. With the disease's onset speed and degree of infection, once it is not treated effectively, it will soon spread to the entire city. .in addition,……"

His expression became dignified again, and he continued: "It may not be human beings, animals may be fine too. At the earliest time, the old man heard that malaria was transmitted by rats."


Guo Jia suddenly realized.

now it's right.

Compared with conspicuous things like human bombs, the targets of animals are much more hidden. Even the inspectors and soldiers in Yunzhou will only check people, and no one will notice what they bring.

Besides, the animals are easy to control, as long as they are released according to the regulations.

If adequate preparations are made, the possibility of causing malaria is still very high.

After figuring out this section, Guo Jia suddenly became enlightened.

This may be the first case of biochemical warfare!

If it was another opponent, I am afraid that he would have lost long ago.

Unfortunately, they ran into Guo Jia.

A top secret agent who has experienced countless life and death in later generations.

Travelers with more than 2000 years of cultural precipitation.

Liu Yu!

Guo Jia's eyes narrowed again.

This time, he was outraged.

Dare to use biological and chemical weapons on Yunzhou, this guy is really impatient.

(End of this chapter)

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