Chapter 454 On Fire
Zhangjiawu Fort.

A general led the crowd to inspect the warehouse.

This is the largest granary and material warehouse in Yunzhou. The grain is dry and fire is the most avoided, so fire prevention has always been the top priority.

"Hello General!"

The soldiers in charge of guarding the warehouse straightened up immediately when they saw the inspector coming.

"Give me some energy!"

The general shouted loudly: "This is our lifeblood, you must keep your eyes open, don't put a mouse in it."

The crowd responded in unison.

very good!

The general led the people away.

No sooner had he left than the guards began whispering.

People are lazy. After guarding for so many years, nothing happened, so they are also a little neglected.

At this moment, a few people from the inspection team slipped out suddenly, and the guards didn't notice it at all.

Not long after, a granary suddenly burst into flames.

The originally lazy guard suddenly screamed.

"It's not good, it's on fire, it's on fire, come and put out the fire!"

The whole camp was in chaos.

The guards rushed to the fire point with their fire fighting tools.

The moment they left, several figures slipped in again.After a while, many granaries caught fire.

The arsonists mixed in with the firefighting team, pretending to fight the fire, and ignited the flames and threw them to other granaries when people were not paying attention.

Not long after, half of the camp was engulfed in raging fire.


Guo Jia got some news from Mi Zhen, but didn't find anything unusual. When he was about to inquire about the relationship between the Mi family and the Yin-Yang family,
There was a sound of quick footsteps, it was Dian Wei.

"My lord, Jizhou urgent report!"

Dian Wei didn't care about anything else, and immediately took out a bamboo tube, which is the way Skynet transmits messages.

Guo Jia opened the bamboo tube and only glanced at it, and an angry look flashed across his face immediately.

"Dian Wei, immediately summon Xi Zhongxin, Zhao Yun, Xu Huang and others to discuss matters."

Dian Wei cupped his fists and strode away.

Although he didn't know what happened, he could tell from Guo Jia's expression that something must have gone wrong.

After a while, Xi Zhong, Xin Ping, Zhao Yun, Xu Huang, and Gao Shun came to the hall.


Seeing that Guo Jia recovered, everyone was very pleased.

All right!

Guo Jia didn't have time to greet everyone, so he took out the news from Skynet.

"Everyone, please take a look!"

Everyone's eyes immediately fell on the little note.

The above news was sent back by Xu Shu through the channel of Skynet.

Cao Cao garrisoned Dongjun with troops, Yuan Shu garrisoned Nanyang with soldiers, and Yuan Shao served as governor of Qingzhou!

Xi Zhong was the first to change color.

The message was very concise, but it was indeed a great shock to them.

As the general manager of Yunzhou, he knows the importance of these three locations, because these three directions are the nodes of Yuzhou, Yanzhou, Jingzhou and the sea leading to Jizhou. Once these three nodes are blocked, they will be cut off. The commercial road leading to Jizhou in the south.

In this way, it will be difficult for Yunzhou to obtain the abundant materials in the south, especially food.


Xi Zhong worried: "This Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and Cao Cao are all people who have a problem with Yunzhou. The court put them on these three nodes, and it must be aimed at Yunzhou."

An angry look flashed across his face.

"It seems that Yuan Kai's scar has healed and he forgot about the pain."

In the battle of Luoyang, Guo Jia thwarted the Yuan family's plot to seize power and reduced the Yuan family to a second-rate dignitary.

It stands to reason that Yuan Kai should be honest for a while, but he didn't expect that it didn't take long before he became a moth again.

"Hehe, it's not Yuan Kui!"

Guo Jia took out another scroll.

This is the information Cai Yu sent back from Luoyang.

"Lieutenant Liu Yu recommended Yuan Shao as governor of Qingzhou, and Captain Dianjun Cao Cao as governor of Dongjun? So it was him?"

When Xi Zhong saw the news, he suddenly realized.

Combined with Liu Yu's opening of Zhuo County, Xi Zhong quickly understood.

The black hand behind all this is Liu Yu.

He is trying to take advantage of the outbreak of the plague in Yunzhou to destroy the foundation of Yunzhou with all his strength and snatch the fruits of victory in Yunzhou.

One more thing!
Guo Jia said slowly: "Now there is evidence that the malaria outbreak in Yunzhou was also Liu Yu's conspiracy."

Everyone's faces turned pale again.


Xi Zhong couldn't believe it and said, "Is this really what Liu Yu did?"

Soldiers are not tired of deceit, and the use of conspiracy methods by the enemy and us to attack cities is within the normal scope of struggle.

But causing a plague in the enemy's territory is a bit deviant and unethical.

These are all the people of the big man!

Xin Ping was also dumbfounded in shock, and said after a while: "Liu Taiwei is quite famous in Youzhou, he probably wouldn't do such a horrific thing."

Quite famous?

Guo Jia smiled lightly.

"According to the survey of survivors, on the eve of the outbreak of malaria, some people in black frequently entered and exited the inn. After they left, the plague broke out the next night. This is the first doubt. After the outbreak of the plague, these people mixed into the hotel Among the team, they spread the news of the opening of border trade in Zhuo County to confuse those businessmen to go to Zhuo County. The most suspicious thing is that just after the plague broke out in Yunzhou, Zhuo County opened up immediately, and the two were almost at the same time. You still think it is a kind of Coincidence?"

Hearing this, everyone stopped talking immediately.

If this is the case, then this Liu Yu is really outraged.


Xi Zhong hesitated for a moment, puzzled and said, "How did they get in? Yunzhou has very strict screening for infectious diseases."

When Guo Jia built the border trade center in Zhongshan, he took this issue into consideration.And a special medical institution has been set up to strictly control the entry of suspected patients and prevent large-scale infectious diseases from invading.

Once an epidemic breaks out in such a city with a large population, it will be a big disaster.

Therefore, the prevention and control of the epidemic has become a major feature of Yunzhou.

The successor Xi Zhong, the prefect of Zhongshan, implemented this measure very well.

In the matter of epidemic prevention and control, Yunzhou still has sufficient funds.This is also the fundamental reason why after the outbreak of the epidemic, even in the absence of effective drugs, artemisinin, the epidemic can be quickly controlled within a controllable range.

All of this stems from the rigid regulations of Yunzhou.

But what Xi Zhong didn't understand was that they had already done so much, why would there still be patients in the room?

Guo Jia smiled slightly, and said: "Yunzhou's epidemic prevention work is doing very well, and it can basically be accurate to people. But it is not people who caused this malaria, but such a thing!"

Then he clapped his hands again.

Two medical students walked in fully armed, holding an iron cage in their hands, and several mice were locked in it.

After being reminded by Hua Tuo, Guo Jia's eyes shifted from people to animals, so he sent people to look for them overnight.

Finally, a large number of rats were found around the outbreak.

These mice have more or less symptoms of malaria, but their resistance is much stronger than that of humans, so although they have malaria, they can still live well.

(End of this chapter)

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