Chapter 455
These are the source of infection?
Everyone looked at these energetic mice in disbelief.

"Don't underestimate them!"

Guo Jia smiled lightly, and said: "Rats are animals with a strong sense of territory. Once they encounter an intruder from outside, they will attack them in groups. Just throw the sick rats in the corner, and they can quickly infect the entire population. Rat swarms. These infected rat swarms will infect other animals, and then infect humans. Since human resistance is not at the same level as rats, large-scale plagues will break out."

That's it!

Everyone suddenly nodded.

If a patient came in, he would definitely not be able to escape the guards' interrogation, but if a few mice were brought in, no one would notice.

After explaining for a while, Guo Jia immediately asked the two medical students to take the infected mice back to Haosheng to take care of them.

Rats are very resistant to viruses, which is far from comparable to that of humans. This is the source of living viruses, and it will definitely come in handy in the future.


Xi Zhong said angrily: "This Liu Yu is too insane, we must not let him go."

Although the others did not speak, they also showed anger on their faces.

This means has gone beyond the scope of normal struggle.

Liu Yu's death has successfully attracted everyone's anger.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded.

"Creating a plague, disrupting Yunzhou, and accepting merchants is only the first step for Liu Yu. The second step is to cooperate with other warlords to cut off the commercial routes of Yunzhou. Now Yuan Shu is in Nanyang, Cao Cao is in Dongjun, and Yuan Shao occupies Qingzhou, which has been cut off. After leaving Jingzhou, Yuzhou, Yanzhou, and the grain road leading to Jizhou on the sea, this guy has sinister intentions and wants to completely trap Yunzhou to death."

Cut off the food road?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Seeing that other people didn't quite understand, Xi Zhong coughed. As the general manager of Yunzhou, he has mastered all the logistics, so he is very clear about this matter.

"As the border trade center of Dahan, Yunzhou has tens of millions of people every year. The huge population needs to consume a lot of food. The land in Yunzhou is barren and the grain production is very little, so all consumption depends on external transportation. In the past, Jizhou was our largest However, with the successive changes in Jizhou in recent years, the grain that can be transported is limited. So we have developed three grain roads. One is from Jingzhou to Jizhou and then to Yunzhou, and the other is from Yuzhou to Jizhou The route, the last route is transported from Jiangnan to Qingzhou, and then to Jizhou. However, nails have been inserted into the route for these three days. That is to say, our food road from outside has been broken."

Only then did everyone turn pale with shock.

Food is the foundation of the country, once it is cut off, it will inevitably cause panic.

Not only that!

Guo Jia said indifferently: "I have also received news that the Wuhuan people in Yuyang are in turmoil. Under the leadership of the leader Qiu Liju, the [-] Wuhuan people are gradually approaching Yunzhou."

Cheng Yu, the prefect of Guangyang, immediately reported it to Guo Jia through Tianwang, and Zhang Liao, the captain of Guangyang, also made preparations for the battle.

Fifty thousand Wuhuan people!
Everyone's complexion is a little ugly.

Liu Yu is the captain of the Wuhuan school. Without his nod, these Wuhuan people would not have entered the border of Guangyang so blatantly.

It seems that this Liu Yu is ready to fight.


Guo Jia coughed.

"Gongsun Zan, the prefect of You Beiping, led an army of [-] and is rushing towards Zhuojun."

Gongsun Zan!
Everyone was annoyed.

This Liu Yu rubbed his nose.

Can [-] Wuhuan and [-] Youzhou soldiers swallow Yunzhou?


Zhao Yun clasped his fists and said: "We must not sit still and wait for death. Since the enemy has put a rope around our necks, we must fight back and finish them off."

"That's right, the enemy has sinister intentions, cut off our food roads, and surrounded us with heavy troops. We must strike first."

Xu Huang also nodded. Although they don't know much about politics, they also know that the situation is very critical.

He is still very clear about the combat effectiveness of the Yunzhou army. The Han army has almost no opponents.

Not busy not busy!

Guo Jia smiled faintly and waved his hands.

"Liu Yu took it for granted too much, thinking that if our food supply was cut off, we would be in a hurry. I'm afraid he never thought that we also have very rich food reserves."

As the creator of the Zhongshan model, Guo Jia is very clear about the pros and cons of this commercial center, so he formulated relevant measures early on.

Guancang is also an experience that Guo Jia learned from later generations.

As a purely commercial city, Yunzhou has always relied on food imported from other places, but Guo Jia knew that this was very dangerous.

Once the food is controlled by outsiders, Yunzhou's strategy will fall into a passive state.

So in order to solve this problem, Guo Jia established the concept of official warehouse early on.

When grain is cheap, a large amount is purchased and stored, and when grain price rises, a large amount is sold to stabilize the grain price, so that the grain price in Yunzhou has always been kept in a stable situation.

It is what the lord says!

A smile appeared on Xi Zhong's face.

"My lord has thought about the matter of grain for a long time. The official warehouse was established three years ago. When the grain harvest was abundant, a large amount of inventory was purchased. Even if there is no grain in the entire Yunzhou, we can still support it for more than half a year."

Only then did everyone heave a sigh of relief, and at the same time admire Guo Jia even more.

The lord had long thought of the issue of food.

If this is the case, these problems will be solved.

Just as everyone relaxed, an unexpected thing happened.

Several pawns ran in in a panic.

"It's not good, it's not good, the Wubao granary is on fire."

Guo Jia stood up in surprise.

Zhangjiawu Fort is where Yunzhou stores food and important materials. Once it is burned, it will definitely cause turmoil in the entire Yunzhou.

This just appeased everyone with food, and the food was burned in a blink of an eye.

It really doesn't take a night to slap your face!
"Go and put out the fire!"

Xi Zhong paused.

The firefighting was of the utmost importance, so the meeting could not go on.

Zhao Yun Xu Huang immediately led his troops to fight the fire.

The matter was so important that Guo Jia immediately led everyone outside Wubao.

Zhangjiawu Fort was left by the powerful Zhang family in Zhongshan. It is said to be Wubao, but it is actually a small military fortress with underground water sources and is very spacious.

Guo Jia has always regarded this place as a barracks for troops.

Later, the granary was rebuilt, supplemented by heavy military handles.

Unexpectedly, after all the calculations, there was a fire here.

Once the food stored in Yunzhou is destroyed, Yunzhou will be in danger.

As a result, countless armies began fire fighting campaigns.

Just as everyone was fighting the fire together, a black shadow flashed out of Wubao, and after a while, a carrier pigeon was released. The carrier pigeon flapped its wings a few times and disappeared into the distance immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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