Chapter 457 Food Crisis

People take food as their heaven!
Since the birth of farming civilization, food has been the root of the people.

But it is also a tool for businessmen to make profits.

They first bought the grain stored by the local people at a price higher than the market price.

Seeing their own grain sold at a high price, these people were very happy. The market sells one hundred cash, and others pay one hundred and two. How can there be such a stupid person in the world?
As a result, every household took out pure grains in exchange for Huang Chengcheng's money.

Anyway, as long as they have money, they can still buy low-priced grain from the market.

But they forget one thing, businessmen are all chasing profits, they never do business at a loss.

When they bought almost all the local people's grain reserves, they started to increase the price. Those who sold their grain in exchange for money realized that the grain price had risen, panicked, and took the money to buy back their own grain.

If you run out of money, you can make more money, but if you run out of food, you will starve to death.

In this way, if the whole people buy grain, the grain price will naturally soar.Merchants naturally sit and count their money.

Only then did the common people realize that it was absolutely impossible to buy back their own grain with the money they sold at the beginning, and they had to use their savings to buy grain as a last resort.

In this way, the food is still their own food, but their savings have fallen into the pockets of the merchants, and some people even went bankrupt because of this.

This is the routine of food.

This food routine has been tried and tested since there were merchants.

Sometimes this simple routine is worth millions of troops.

The rise of Yunzhou has made this barren land the most prosperous place in Dahan.

The prosperous business has brought a lot of business opportunities and income to the local people, but also brought some disadvantages.

Some backward and inefficient production capacity will be eliminated soon.

Farming is one of them.

It is better to work for a month than to grow an acre of grain. As time goes by, no one will grow grain.

Therefore, Yunzhou has become a pure food import place, which provides a basis for merchants to use routines.

When Yunzhou was growing, many businessmen also took the idea of ​​the people of Yunzhou and started to play food routines.

But they met Guo Jia, a master of routines.

Regarding the disadvantages of Yunzhou, Guo Jia knows better than anyone else.

Others are fine, they can be left to the market, but the pricing of grain must be in the palm of your hand.

In response to this situation, Guo Jia established a granary guarantee system.

As long as the grain price in Yunzhou tends to rise slightly, Guo Jia will definitely throw the huge amount of inventory in the grain depot to the market.

The businessman used up his savings by buying grain at high prices, and failed to collect all the grain on the market in Yunzhou City.

In this way, they can only reluctantly cut their flesh and get out.

After the merchants were eliminated, the grain prices on the market returned to low prices, and Guo Jia bought back a large amount to fill the warehouse.

In this way, many businessmen's property has been harvested.

After doing this several times, the merchants realized that Yunzhou's food was not to be messed with, and this was a bottomless pit.

Therefore, few people dared to take Yunzhou's idea.

But now the grain depot is empty, and the merchants are making a comeback at this time, and Yunzhou is really in danger.

But Guo Jiayou couldn't use the army to intervene with those profiteers.

Because from the very beginning, Guo Jia promised never to intervene in the market, at least not to intervene on the surface.

If Guo Jia really sent troops to arrest those profiteers, Yunzhou's reputation would fall again.

Guo Jia took a deep breath and said, "Notify the Mi family immediately, the Zhen family and Lu Nu from the Su family to discuss matters."

The Yunzhou government couldn't handle this matter alone, and had to seek foreign aid.

"My lord! This Su family..."

Xi Zhong hesitated a little.

It's nothing more than the Mi family and the Zhen family, the key is that Guo Jia just killed the grandson of the Su family, how could they let it go?
It's fine if you don't make trouble, and helping Guo Jia is naturally impossible.

Guo Jia frowned.

Su Cheng neglected his duty and deserved his death, so he naturally has no regrets.

But all of this happened by coincidence. If he had known this would happen, he would not have killed Su Cheng immediately.

"Let the Zhen family and the Mi family come to see me first!"

In any case, Guo Jia couldn't let the food prices in Yunzhou City skyrocket.


Mi Fang, the second head of the Mi family, was in the city. After the Zhen family received the news, they immediately asked Zhen Jian to come immediately.

"Master Mushou!"

Seeing Guo Jia coming in, the two stood up immediately.

Please sit down!

Guo Jia was a little more polite.

After all, this matter is dependent on others, even the most suspected Mi family, he can't get angry now.

"You two know about the food price increase in Yunzhou, right?"

Guo Jia said straight to the point.

The two nodded slowly.

As big businessmen in Yunzhou, they are naturally well-informed.

"The reason why food prices in Yunzhou have been fired is entirely because of those bad businessmen. They are attacking Yunzhou when Yunzhou has just experienced the epidemic and is weakening. In order to save the lives of Yunzhou, I need you two family to help. Use your own food to annihilate the invading enemy.”

Guo Jia said bluntly.


The two looked at each other, and they both saw each other's doubts.

They all understand that Guo Jia wants them to fight a trade war with those profiteers.

In the past, those profiteers also made plans for Yunzhou food, but every time they were defeated by Guo Jia.

They also knew that the Yunzhou government owned a large granary with a large amount of grain reserves.

It is also because of this that Guo Jia defeated several food routines of profiteers.

Is it true that, as the rumors say, the granaries of the officers and soldiers are empty?
Whether empty or not, the Zhen family is Guo Jia's reliance.

Zhen Jian immediately stood up.

"Master Mushou, please don't worry. My wife and the second lady have given orders when I came here. As long as the Zhen family is needed, the Zhen family will definitely go all out."

it is good!
Guo Jia nodded, this is the quality that the alliance should have.

No matter what happens, as long as Guo Jia needs it, the Zhen family will go all out.

The Zhen family expressed their opinion, but Mi Fang remained silent.

"Is there any difficulty?"

Guo Jia's eyes fell on Mi Fang.

Lord Mushou!

Mi Fang wondered: "The Mi family has always been focusing on tea, cloth and silk. They have very little food intake and not too much inventory. I am afraid it will be difficult to use it."

He paused, and continued: "Besides, the Zhensu family in Yunzhou is the world's richest family, so there is no problem with their help. The Mi family will not get involved this time. Of course, if Master Mushou needs it, we can also Make a little effort and contribute your own inventory."

Guo Jia frowned.

He still knows the Mi family's business situation very well. It is true that the Mi family rarely gets involved in the grain industry, and even if they have some stocks, they must not have much.

Originally, Guo Jia called Mi Fang to come, and he didn't intend to ask him to do much, but just gave them a chance for Mi Zhen's sake, as an excuse in the future.

I didn't expect this guy to turn it down.
(End of this chapter)

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