Chapter 458 The Cold-toothed Mi Fang

very good!

Guo Jia nodded slowly.

The last bit of hope he had for the Mi family was also shattered.

"In that case, you go back first!"

Guo Jia said nonchalantly.

Mi Fang cupped her fists, turned and walked away.


Zhen Jian wondered, "Is this still a relative?"

Guo Jia is in trouble, and the Mi family, who are in-laws, does not help, which makes Zhen Jian very surprised.


Guo Jia smiled lightly and said, "Perhaps, it won't be soon!"

After this temptation, he has firmly determined to eradicate the Mi family.

Zhen Jian was taken aback.

It seemed that he had heard something extraordinary.

"How much food reserves does the Zhen family have now?"

Guo Jia immediately changed the topic.


Zhen Jian thought for a while, and roughly said the number.

Not enough, not enough!

Guo Jia shook his head.

At the beginning, he taught with profiteer groups and knew their background.

Right now, more than half of the grain in the granary has been burned. Although the Zhen family has some background, it is far from enough to fight a trade war.

"Uncle, you can go to the Su family about this matter, the Su family must have enough food."

Zhen Jian leaked a piece of news.

The Zhen family and the Su family have always been the two strongest in Zhongshan County, and they know each other's strength very well.

Su family!

Guo Jia scratched his head again.

If it had been changed before, he would have gone there without even thinking about it, but if he had just beheaded his grandson and then asked for help, wouldn't he be asking for embarrassment?

But besides the Su family, Guo Jia really couldn't think of anyone who could help Zhongshan deal with these profiteers at this time.

"Okay, leave this matter to me, you go back and prepare, and put food on the market at any time."

Guo Jia exhorted.

Uncle, don't worry!

Zhen Jian nodded hastily.

The Zhen family still attached great importance to Guo Jia's orders.

After seeing off Zhen Jian, Guo Jia returned to the backyard again, he wanted to see Mi Zhen.

This might be the last time he saw Mi Zhen.

As soon as they walked to the door, they heard a quarrel coming from inside.

It was Mi Fang and Mi Zhen brothers and sisters.

"Little sister, are you still obsessed with your obsession? Yunzhou is about to end, brother, this is also for your own good, let's take this opportunity to avoid this calamity."

Mi Fang persuaded earnestly.

"Second brother, what nonsense are you talking about? Where is the crisis in Yunzhou?"

Mi Zhen naturally didn't believe it.

"Haha, don't you really know? Yunzhou is in the midst of a plague, and the food is cut off. The majestic governor of the state can't deal with a few profiteers, and we have to ask our Mi family to help. I think Guo Jia is the governor. It's the end."

Mi Fang said gloatingly.

" can you say that. Feng Xiao, he is also the son-in-law of our Mi family!"

Mi Zhen looked at Mi Fang in disbelief.

She never expected that this brother would look at her man like this.

All right!

Mi Fang waved her hand.

"Let's gossip less, we invested in Guo Jia because he could bring us profits. Now that he is dying, we should invest in Mingzhu again. If you really want to hang yourself on a tree, don't blame brother remind you."

He then said in a low voice: "Zhen'er, you have been with Guo Jia for so long, and you don't have a son and a half, how can you gain a foothold beside him? Besides, he is going to die now, why should we die with him? Follow my brother's words and come with me. I will take you to Zhuojun."

Mi Zhen was taken aback again.

"Are you going to Zhuojun?"

She couldn't believe her ears.

Not bad!

Mi Fang nodded, and said: "It's not just me, all the property of the Mi family in Yunzhou will go to Zhuo County. I have already climbed up to a celebrity next to Liu Taiwei, and he will definitely be able to help us."

Mi Fang!

Mi Zhen suddenly said angrily: "Is this what you mean, or what Big Brother means?"

A moment of unnaturalness suddenly flashed across Mi Fang's face.

"Of course it's what Big Brother means!"

Mi Zhu is far away in Xuzhou, and Mi Fang has been taking care of this place.

I do not believe!
Mi Zhen shook her head.

She didn't believe that Mi Zhu would do such a thing.

"I want to write a letter to my elder brother and ask him what's going on? Why did the Mi family abandon Guo Jia?"

As he said, he was going to find a pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

This is Mi Fang's complexion suddenly changed.

"Okay, you write it. Even if you write it, it will take a month or two to spread it to Xuzhou and then back. It is not known whether Yunzhou can last for three or two months. If you insist on waiting here to die, then don't blame it Brother didn't remind you."

Said and walked away.

Mi Zhen's liver and intestines were cracked, and she felt dizzy for a while.

The Mi family actually wanted to abandon Guo Jia and abandon her.

This is something she cannot accept anyway.

Mi Zhen closed her beautiful eyes and shed tears of resentment.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the room, it was Guo Jia.

Ah, my husband!

Seeing Guo Jia coming in, Mi Zhen couldn't help but tremble, and said, "How long have you been here?"

Not long!

Guo Jia said calmly: "I have heard everything that should be heard."

Mi Zhen's body trembled again, and said: "This must be Mi Fang's own idea, my elder brother will definitely not do this."

The Mi family and Guo Jia are related by marriage, but now they want to abandon Guo Jia, which is really shameful.

Guo Jia's eyes fell on Mi Zhen.

"What Mi Fang said just now makes sense. Why don't you go? If you go out in your current identity, no one will stop you."


Mi Zhen wept again and said: "My concubine married into the Guo family. I was born as a member of the Guo family and died as a ghost of the Guo family. How could I leave you? No matter what the Mi family is, I will always be loyal to my husband. .Unless my husband doesn’t want me anymore.”

Guo Jia didn't speak.

It took a long time before he came in front of her in big strides, and hugged the woman forcefully into his arms.

Guo Jia had doubts about Mi Zhen when he found out that the maid of the Mi family was having an affair with a Yin-Yang person.

But after experiencing the scene in front of him, Guo Jia realized that this woman had a deep affection for him.

"Silly girl!"

Guo Jia reached out and touched her hair.

"You are so kind to me, how could I not want you?"

Hearing this, Mi Zhen was slightly relieved.


She raised her head again, and said pitifully, "Mi Fang, he..."

Mi Fang?

Guo Jia smiled faintly: "He is him, and you are you. You don't have to bear the sins he has done."

In fact, he should have thought that the problem should appear on Mi Fang.

In history, this person was not very loyal, and in the end he betrayed his in-laws Liu Bei, which led to the disastrous defeat of general Guan Yu's expedition to the north.


Mi Zhen obediently said: "My elder brother thinks highly of you, he will definitely not do such a thing."

Mi Zhen still believes in the character of the elder brother.

When the two first met, Guo Jia was an unknown person, but Mi Zhu regarded him as a guest of honor and married her as his younger sister, which created a good story.

Now that Guo Jia is in full swing, how could Mi Zhu do such a short-sighted thing?

Not bad!

Guo Jia also nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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