Chapter 459
Mi Zhu is a person who does big things, even if he wants to give up Guo Jia, he will do it cleanly and beautifully, not Mi Fang who is so muddled.

It seems that Mi Fang is playing tricks on all of this.

But what is his purpose in doing this?

Guo Jia couldn't figure it out.

"Husband, the second elder brother has been whispering in my ear, saying that you are too stingy and don't let him be an official or something."

Mi Zhen complained softly.

Ha ha!

Hearing this, Guo Jia immediately understood.

Perhaps this is the reason!
When Mi Fang came to Yunzhou, she revealed many times that she wanted to be an official, but Guo Jia ignored them.

Because he knew whether this character was good, he didn't arrange any position for him.

It was probably because of this incident that Mi Fang held a grudge.


Guo Jia took a deep breath and said, "You write a letter now, tell Mi Zhu, and see what he says?"

it is good!
Mi Zhen nodded without thinking.


She hesitated again, and said with a wry smile: "But even if I send the letter now, it may take more than a month for the elder brother to reply."

"You don't need to worry about this! I am confident that he will get the news within a few days."

Guo Jia smiled lightly.

With the speed at which Skynet transmits messages, it will take only a few days to receive a reply from Mi Zhu.

This is entirely due to Cai Yu.

Over the past three years, she has formed a huge intelligence transmission network.

"I'm going to write it now!"

Mi Zhen said excitedly.


Dian Wei walked in quietly.

"After Mi Fang left Lu Nu, she went to Anguo soon."

very good!

Guo Jia nodded.

He has listed Mi Fang as a key surveillance object.

"Let's not be idle, let's go to Anguo!"

Guo Jia said with a smile.

It will come eventually.

This time, he is going to Su's house to make a deal.


After Mi Fang left Lu Nu, she came to Anguo non-stop.

After he settled all his subordinates, he came to a courtyard alone.

"Zi Fang is here!"

Seeing Mi Fang coming in, everyone in the room stood up.

Only one person was still sitting. This person was wearing a cloak and wrapped in black clothes. It was the mysterious person beside Liu Yu.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Mi Fang, the second head of the Mi family in Xuzhou, and also Guo Jia's uncle! But now he is our partner."

The man in black said gracefully.


Then everyone clasped their fists together.

Don't dare to be!
Mi Fang returned the gifts one by one, he looked around carefully, and found that most of them are colleagues, but they are not well-known in the circle, and they do some deceitful things. He actually knows the leader, Yuyang Zhang Zhang Fang from home.

The Zhang family in Yuyang is a powerful party, closely related to Xianbei and Wuhuan, and well-known in the business world, of course it is notorious.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time!"

Mi Fang cupped her fists.

where, where?
Everyone was polite.


The man in black suddenly said, "Does Guo Jia ask you to borrow food from you?"

Not bad!

Mi Fang nodded.

He still respected the man in black.


The man suddenly laughed.

The sound was like a broken gong.

"Everyone believe it now, there is no food in Yunzhou now, otherwise, why would Guo Jia ask Brother Zifang for help?"

Mister is lucky!

Zhang Xinyue was convinced.

These people are all members of the profiteering group, and they have organized groups to supply the grain market in Yunzhou many times, but every time they are beaten up by Guo Jia.

The grain in Yunzhou seems to be endless. Many times, they used up their net worth without disturbing the grain market in Yunzhou.

So I have always had lingering fears about Guo Jia.

This time, the mysterious man in black came to his door and asked them to join forces to attack the grain market in Yunzhou again.

Zhang Fang, who had suffered many losses, was like a frightened bird, and refused without thinking.

Because he knew that there was a large granary in Yunzhou, and there were countless stocks in it.

Their worth can't disturb the grain market in Yunzhou at all.

However, the man in black seemed to give them a reassurance.

He told everyone that the food in Yunzhou would be tense in a short time.

Zhang Fang and others naturally didn't believe it, but within a few days, news came from Yunzhou that a large granary around Lunu City was on fire.

The grain market in Yunzhou, which had been quiet for several years, suddenly rose.

All of this should be due to the man in black.

"Everyone, the opportunity has come. As for whether you want to make money or not, that's not something I'm considering."

Don't worry sir!

Zhang Fang patted his chest and said, "In the past few times, we have been tricked by Guo Jia. This time, Mr. took action to cut off his inventory. There is no food in Yunzhou, so naturally we will not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

He gritted his teeth and said, "This time, I will definitely cause the entire grain market in Yunzhou to collapse."

Not bad!

The crowd complied.

They fell into Guo Jia's hands many times and suffered heavy losses. This time, they wanted to get rid of Guo Jia no matter what they said.

it is good!
The man in black patted the table and said, "Then, I will wait for the good news."

Just wait for the good news, sir!

Everyone nodded and left the room one after another.

This time, they will have a showdown with Guo Jia.

Soon, many shares of capital entered Yunzhou to buy up the grain on the market, and the price of grain naturally continued to soar.


Sujiawu Fort!

"Father, you have to make the decision for the child. The child is now over 50 years old, and there is only such a son. But Guo Jia killed him involuntarily."

Su Cheng's body had already been sent back. Although Guo Jia had killed someone, he found a good coffin to hold it and sent it back to the Su family.

Su Yun, the eldest son of the Su family, knelt in front of Su Ze and yelled heartbreakingly.

Su Cheng is Su Yun's son.He is also the grandson of Su Ze.

"This Guo Jia is ungrateful, and he didn't even think about who put him in the position of prefect. Our Su family paid for the troops, how many people died in the southern and northern wars, and Cheng'er has made great contributions over the years. .Guo Jia doesn't even show any affection."

Su Yun said with snot and tears.

Su Ze narrowed his eyes and said nothing.


Another middle-aged man also said angrily: "This Guo Jia doesn't take our Su family seriously. The young master who is a direct relative will kill us as soon as he says so. How can he take our Su family seriously? Since he is not benevolent to us It's not righteous, so let's just move the whole family to Zhuojun."

The plague in Yunzhou caused a lot of trouble, and many tycoons were thinking about relocating, and the Su family was no exception.

This middle-aged man was called Su Fang, and he was also one of the representatives who strongly advocated the relocation.

However, Su Ze is the one who is talking about the Su family. The old man has a strong sense of homeland and has never expressed his position on this matter.


Su Fang coughed, and said earnestly: "The latest news is that Yunzhou is about to run out of food. Once it really runs out of food, there will be disasters. If those people are red-eyed, all the wealthy households in Yunzhou will be doomed. We still It’s better to plan early. Besides, Liu Taiwei is opening up Zhuo County to accept merchants from all over the world, this is a great opportunity.”

(End of this chapter)

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