Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 460 The Disagreements of the Su Family

Chapter 460 The Disagreements of the Su Family


Su Ze suddenly looked at Su Fang meaningfully.

"You mean to let the Su family leave their hometown to see other people's faces?"

No, no!
Su Fang hurriedly said: "We can transfer part of it first, and then we can discuss it according to the situation. The current Zhuo County is full of waste, and it is time to show its strength. In time, it will definitely be another Zhongshan."

Another Zhongshan?
A mysterious smile appeared on Su Ze's face.

“There is only one in Zhongshan!”

Everyone froze for a moment, as if they still didn't understand what Su Ze meant.

At this time, a servant came in.

"Report to Patriarch, Guo Jia asks to see you!"

Guo Jia!

Hearing this name, Su Yun immediately lost his temper.

"This bastard killed my son, but he still dares to come to the door. Do you really think our Su family is easy to bully?"

Su Fang also took the opportunity to say: "Uncle, this Guo Jia is really deceiving people too much. We..."

Su waved his hand and stopped him from speaking.

"How many people did Guo Jia bring?"

"Going home, there are only 300 people."

The servant of the Su family said honestly.

300 people?

Su Ze narrowed his eyes.

Just come!

Su Yun said angrily: "Assemble the team immediately and kill this guy, at worst we go to Youzhou."

Big brother said so!

Su Fang also took the opportunity to say.

darn thing!

Su Ze slammed the table hard.

"Do you really think I'm dead?"

He didn't get angry easily, and this anger immediately became murderous.

Su Fang and Su Yun were so frightened that they immediately fell to their knees.

"Father/Uncle calm down."

The two said in unison.

Su Ze sneered, and said: "Come here, please. Since he dares to come, we dare to welcome him. I want to see what the hell this young man is doing?"

The servants went down immediately.

Guo Jia!

A complex look flashed across Su Ze's eyes.

Su Cheng was his grandson, and Guo Jia killed him without a word, which made the Su family very annoyed.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

He whispered a few words.


The suspension bridge of Sujiawu Fort opened.

"The head of the family has an order, please enter the castle, Lord Mushou."

A man appears outside the city.

Guo Jia took a closer look and found that it was Su Shuang, an old acquaintance.

Back then when Guo Jia came back from Zhuo County, he happened to meet Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping, and then got on the Su family's line.

It can be said that in the process of Guo Jia's power growth, Su Shuang is also a key node.

After the matter was completed, Guo Jia did not forget about Su Shuang.

Of course, Su Shuang was reused by the Su family because of this relationship, and now he can be regarded as a powerful figure.

"Master Mushou, no, it should be called Master General now."

Su Shuang looked at Guo Jia with a wry smile.

When they first met, Guo Jia was just a baseless prefect, but now he is a prince holding a heavy army.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly, and said, "When old friends meet, there's no need to be so polite."

Su Shuang laughed a few times.

In the past, the Su family and Guo Jia were close partners, but after Guo Jia killed the young master of the Su family, the relationship between the two parties became a little delicate.

"The family wants the general to come in alone!"

Seeing that the Tiger Guards wanted to follow, Su Shuang said hastily.

Hearing this sentence, Dian Wei immediately widened his eyes.

"What do you Su family want to do?"

He strode forward and lifted Su Shuang up.

"Evil is never rude!"

Guo Jia immediately stopped Dian Wei's violence.

"My lord! You can't go, the Su family clearly has bad intentions?"

Dian Wei was in a hurry.

Wouldn't it be extremely dangerous for the Su family to let Guo Jia in alone?
Didn't he forget how He Jin died in the first place?

The dignified general of the Han Dynasty, who held the power of soldiers and horses in the world, died in the hands of several eunuchs.

"The Su family wouldn't do that!"

Guo Jia smiled lightly.

my lord...

Dian Wei wanted to say something, but he stopped him.

"You wait outside with peace of mind, I will come as soon as I go!"

My lord, absolutely not!
Not only Dian Wei, but the rest of the Tiger Guards also knelt down.

As Guo Jia's guards, they naturally couldn't let Guo Jia enter the city by himself.

"This is a military order!"

Guo Jia immediately sank his face.

Everyone stopped talking.

The military law of the Yunzhou Army is strict, and the subordinates only have absolute obedience to the superiors.

Please lead the way!
Guo Jia said lightly.

So brave!
Su Shuang couldn't help admiring.


He suddenly lowered his voice.

"The general doesn't have to take any risks."

In this case, Guo Jiada can take a picture of one person to make peace, and there is no need to come and take risks in person.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia's eyes fell on Su Shuang.

"So, the Su family hates me, Guo Jia?"

Su Shuang stopped talking.

Su Cheng is the legitimate son of the Su family, and the only son of Su Yun, the young master of the Su family.Although old man Su didn't say anything, Su Yun naturally hated Guo Jia.

Now that Guo Jia came here alone, how could Su Yun let him go easily?

Sure enough, as soon as Guo Jia came in, the city gate was closed immediately.

A group of young people gathered around, each holding a weapon.

"Guo Jia, do you still dare to come to Su's house?"

"How many people in our Su family died because of you? How did you treat the Su family now?"

"That's right, Guo Jia, you are an ungrateful person, and it was in vain that our Su family has been loyal to you all these years."

"What are you talking about, kill him to avenge Young Master Cheng."

As he spoke, the crowd rushed forward, shouting.

stop, stop!
Su Shuang hurriedly stood up and said, "Young masters, it is the old man who wants to see him. Don't you even listen to the old man's words?"

After all, he has some relationship with Guo Jia, and he couldn't bear Guo Jia's death here.

Hearing the old man, everyone couldn't help hesitating.

At this moment, a person suddenly stood up and said angrily, "What are you still doing? The old man loves Su Cheng the most. Now that Guo Jia has killed Su Cheng, how can the old man let it go?"

It was Su Fang.

After he learned that Guo Jia had entered the city, he rushed over immediately.

This person has been lobbying the Su family to leave Zhuojun, but the Patriarch Su did not accept it.

If people from the Su family could be encouraged to kill Guo Jia, then the Su family would have to leave.

Guo Jia came alone, just as he wanted.

Therefore, Su Fang made the arrangements immediately.

He immediately bewitched the young people who had a good deal with Su to surround Guo Jia before Guo Jia saw Su Ze.

Young people are simple-minded, and they will become impulsive if they provoke them a little.

It would be best to kill him, even if Guo Jia couldn't be killed, if Guo Jia killed the young people of the Su family, he would have achieved his goal.

As long as the two sides turn against each other, the Su family will have to move to Zhuo County.

A few young people were fooled by Su Fang, so they rushed up with weapons.

Stop it, stop it!

Su Shuang's face was pale, and she wanted to stop it, but was pushed away.

Seeing that these people were about to rush over and cut Guo Jia into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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