Chapter 462 Convincing the Su Family
it is good!
Guo Jia then clapped his hands.

"The Su family is really rich and powerful. Is 600 million shi of grain just a little food in the eyes of the Su family?"

600 shi?

Hearing this news, the members of the Su family were also surprised from ear to ear.

They are businessmen, and they have known for a long time that Guo Jia has a mysterious grain stock.

The grain routine in Yunzhou has been staged many times, and all profiteers have fled, thanks to Yunzhou's massive grain stocks.

600 million stone is not a small amount.

Intuitively speaking, one stone of grain is about 600 renminbi, and the 30 million renminbi is [-] million renminbi.

Even if all the property of the Su family is included, it is still less than one hundred million yuan.

The fire lost three Su families.

In other words, even if the Su family went bankrupt, they couldn't plug this hole.

How could Guo Jia not be annoyed that so much food was burned by a fire?
Su Cheng's death was not wronged.

Everyone stopped talking immediately.

You must know that at this time, an adult's food for a month is only about one stone. 600 million shi is enough to feed a Yunzhou with a population of one million for half a year.

"It's no wonder that the food in the market is soaring. It turns out that the food stored by the government is being burned. I said, why did General Guo come to the door, so he came to ask for help?"

Su Ze nodded slowly.

He is an old man, and after hearing the news from Guo Jia, he immediately realized Guo Jia's intentions.

Guo Jia's visit this time really has nothing to do with Su Cheng. If it wasn't for the fact that his granary was burned and he couldn't fight against those profiteers who were about to move, Guo Jia wouldn't have come to Su's house at all.

This result was something he hadn't expected.

"Old Su!"

Guo Jia clasped his fists again and said, "The food supply is skyrocketing, and Yunzhou is in danger. I also ask Mr. Su to help Guo Jia."

Ha ha!

Su smiled slightly.

This person is very interesting, killing his grandson, now it is really unreasonable to ask him to save the city.

"Food prices are skyrocketing, because there is a problem with supply and demand. General Guo doesn't want to call in food to fight the fire. Instead, he asks the Su family to help you again. Do you think the Su family will help?"

This is impossible?

Everyone nodded.

Although they were taken aback by Guo Jia's grain inventory, they quickly understood Guo Jia's situation.

Right now, Guo Jia needs the help of the Su family to work together to crack down on those profiteers who are eyeing them.

Most definitely!
Guo Jia said firmly: "Saving the grain market in Yunzhou is saving Su's family!"


Su Fang laughed again.

"Guo Jia, stop scaremongering here."

He flicked his sleeves and said: "A barracks made of iron, soldiers of flowing water. Our Su family is a barracks, and you, Guo Jia, are soldiers of flowing water. Even if you are finished, and General Zhang and Li will come up in another day, they will definitely regard our Su family as their own." Guests of honor."

This is the difference between a powerful and a lowly official.

Liuguan is like leeks, one crop after another is harvested.

However, the tyranny is deeply rooted, and it is a big tree that cannot be plucked out.

In other words, even if Guo Jia is finished, their Su family can still live a prosperous life by relying on their influence in Zhongshan.

After all, Liuguan needs the support of powerful people.

is it?

Guo Jia smiled lightly, and said, "If I say that it is the Zhang family from Yuyang who plotted to harvest the grain market in Yunzhou this time, I wonder if everyone can take it so lightly."

The crowd changed again.

The Zhang family in Yuyang is the same family as the Zhang family in Zhongshan. At the beginning, the Su family helped Guo Jia to wipe out the Zhang family in Zhongshan. If the Zhang family in Yuyang gained power, they would not let the Su family go.

Mr. Su!
A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

"Can we talk now?"

Skynet has found out that the behind-the-scenes instigator of the grain merchant is the Zhang family in Yuyang.

The Zhang family in Yuyang is of the same clan as the Zhang family in Zhongshan. Back then, the Su family cooperated with Guo Jia to eradicate the Zhang family.

Now that the Zhang family in Yuyang cooperates with Liu Yu to attack Yunzhou, once they gain power, the Su family will naturally be doomed.

So they help if they don't.

This is Guo Jia's reliance on daring to come in alone.

The Su family has no choice but to help Guo Jia.

Su applauded again.

"It seems that our Su family can't do anything. If that's the case, General Guo, let's discuss it in detail, please!"

He said and made a gesture.

Mr. Su, please!
Guo Jia nodded slightly, followed Su Ze into the hall.

This time, members of the Su family gathered together, digesting the news Guo Jia brought back.

The Zhang family in Yuyang is the mastermind behind the soaring food supply, and they want to take advantage of Yunzhou's weakness to deal a fatal blow to Guo Jia.

The downfall of Guo Jia had nothing to do with the Su family.

They are the tyrants of Yunzhou, no matter who comes to power, they will look up to them.

But it can't work now, because the Zhang family is behind it.

The Zhang family is not a lowly official, they don't need the support of powerful people, the Su family joined forces with the Zhen family to destroy all the Zhang family in Zhongshan, and after the Zhang family in Yuyang returns, they will definitely not let them go.

So, no matter what, they stood by Guo Jia's side.

Because Guo Jia is their only amulet.

"General Guo!"

Su Ze narrowed his eyes: "I don't know how much you know about the food price increase."

Since the establishment of Yunzhou, the grain market has also experienced many storms.

But how can ordinary merchants be Guo Jia's opponent?

So it fails every time.

The danger in it is naturally beyond the imagination of outsiders.

Is such that!

Guo Jia stood up and told the story of the fight between the two sides in these years, and finally said: "Originally, Yunzhou has sufficient food stocks. Even if the Zhang family thinks of something, it will not shake the price of food in Yunzhou. But... everyone I also know that due to the burning of the grain depot, Yunzhou no longer has enough food, and it is somewhat powerless to deal with the invasion of the Zhang family."

Of course it is!

A thought flashed through everyone's mind.

With the 600 million shi of stored grain turned into ashes, Guo Jia naturally couldn't afford much grain to fight a price war with the grain merchants.

"Elder Su, don't worry!"

Guo Jia smiled lightly and said, "Although we have lost so much, Yunzhou still has 400 million shi of grain in stock."

Everyone was stunned again.

There are still 400 million shi, how much grain does this Guo Jia store?
No wonder there is less food, people are still not in a hurry.

As far as the 400 million shi of grain is concerned, the Zhang family may not be able to eat it this time around?
"Since there is still so much food in storage, General Guo can easily clean up the Zhang family. Why did you come to the Su family?"

Su was a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that with so much food stored, Guo Jia would not be afraid of the Zhang family.

"Old Su!"

Guo Jia clasped his fists and said, "This time, I plan to ask the Su family to do me a favor."

What are you busy with?

Su Ze asked.

"Go up food prices!"

The crowd fell again.

What is this with what?
The Zhang family drove up the price of grain, Yunzhou should increase the supply on the market, why is it still driving up the price of grain, maybe he still thinks it is not chaotic enough.

"what do you mean?"

Su narrowed his eyes.

He suddenly became curious about this Guo Jia.

(End of this chapter)

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