Chapter 463
Very simple!
Guo Jia said slowly: "With so much food burned, Yunzhou has suffered heavy losses, so it is natural for someone to cover the position. Now that the profiteers represented by the Zhang family have come to our door, how can I, Guo Jia, let them go?"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said sharply: "This time, I will let him go bankrupt. Don't they want to raise the price of grain? Then let them stir up the price of grain, it is best to let the price of grain fly to the sky."


The people of the Su family didn't understand.

Food is the foundation of the people, and once it flies into the sky, it is the people who will suffer.

Guo Jia has long been successful.

"At that time, I will let Yunzhou enter a state of emergency, implement a food rationing system, provide everyone with food supplies that will not starve to death, and reduce the crisis of the common people. Then release the warehouse in small quantities and let the food flow into the market. In this way Those profiteers who want to continue to raise the price of food must buy it at a high price. The inventory of the government's Su family and Zhen's family will definitely support them. What the Su family has to do is to cooperate with the government to raise the price of food and let them take More money to buy. When these people can’t bear it and want to cut their meat and evacuate, I will blockade the entire Yunzhou, so that they can’t transport a grain of food or a string of money. At that time, it will be killing or cutting, what do we think? That's all. The previous few times, I endured it for Yunzhou's reputation and let them leave. This time, I will definitely not let them have a chance to stand up."

Hearing Guo Jia's plan, the members of the Su family couldn't help but gasp.

What a poisonous plan to draw fire from the bottom of the pot.

Boil the frog in warm water, Guo Jia is trying to spare those people's wealth.

If this is the case, these profiteers may go bankrupt.

Soon, people with quick brains immediately smelled business opportunities.

This is a great opportunity to make a fortune.

As long as the Su family follows Guo Jia's wishes and sells their own grain at a high price, and then buys it back at a low price while those profiteers are cutting the meat, it will be a steady profit without losing money!

Only then did they understand Guo Jia's purpose.

People are here to send money.

They also understood what Guo Jia meant.

To save Yunzhou is to save the Su family.

Yunzhou is doomed, the Zhang family has succeeded, and the Su family has no good fruit to eat.

If they help Yunzhou, the Su family can not only keep their status, but also make a lot of money.

It is clear at a glance which is better and which is worse.

Most of the Su family have already been tempted, except for one person of course.

"Guo Jia!"

Su Yun said sharply: "What about you killing my son?"

He was still a little brooding.


Guo Jia shrugged.

People can't be resurrected after death, and he really has no good way.

But once in a while, he killed Su Cheng without hesitation.


Su Ze's face darkened.

"Although Su Cheng is a member of our Su family, he is also a general of Yunzhou. Since he violated the military regulations, he must act in accordance with the military regulations. Besides, the mistakes he committed, he deserves death."


Su Yun cried sadly: "That's your own grandson!"

State-owned state law, family has family rules!
Su Ze's face remained unchanged.

"Since he killed himself, he can't blame others. This is the end of this matter, don't talk about it in the future. Let's all go down, I want to say a few words to Guo Jia alone."

Although Su Yun was not reconciled, he didn't dare to disobey his father's wishes, so he could only step out.

Soon there were only Su Ze and Guo Jia left in the room.

Su Ze narrowed his old eyes and stared closely at Guo Jia.After a while, a word came out.

"When you came, you really weren't afraid that the Su family would kill you?"

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "Even if I'm afraid, I'll come."

He stretched his waist and said calmly: "Sincerity is the most important thing in a gentleman's relationship. If I can't even do this, how can I persuade the Su family to change their minds?" "

Ha ha!

Su Ze nodded slowly.

"Guo Jia, you really are brave and resourceful, the old man really saw the right person."

He still appreciates Guo Jia's courage.

Otherwise, the treasure would not have been placed on him in the first place.

in fact……

Guo Jia said indifferently: "All this, Su Lao has seen the truth very well. Don't you also want to use my presence to appease the different opinions of the Su family?"

Sure enough, I can't hide it from you!

Su Ze gave a wry smile.

Since the outbreak of the plague, merchants fled Yunzhou, and the Su family was divided into two factions.

One faction advocated moving the business to Zhuojun, led by Su Mian.

The other faction advocated to wait and see the changes, led by Su Yun.

Originally, the two parties were evenly matched, but Su Cheng's sudden death aroused Su Yun's dissatisfaction with Guo Jia. Su Fang took the opportunity to speak out, and the two parties seemed to be colluding.

As the Patriarch of the Su family, Su Ze, at such an advanced age, he naturally didn't want to leave his hometown and go to Zhuo County, but if he couldn't persuade the clansmen, it would definitely cause the Su family to split.

This was something Su didn't want to see.

The arrival of Guo Jia just convinced those who advocated leaving Zhuojun, and made the Su family unite again.

Thank you!

Su Ze said slowly.

From this matter, he would also like to thank Guo Jia.

If Guo Jia didn't come, the Su family's influence would gain the upper hand, and Su Ze could use his own prestige to force him down, but this would definitely weaken his department's right to speak.

It's better for him to be alive. Once he dies, the successor Patriarch will definitely not be convinced.

Mr. Su!
Guo Jia suddenly said: "There is something I want to tell you. In fact, when I came to Anguo, the arsonists were found. They are all children of the Su family. I have brought them here. Outside. This is their confession."

Su Fang?

Seeing this confession, Su Ze's expression became ugly.

The children of the Su family set fire to it.

Whose idea is this?

Su quickly thought of a problem.

If the granary catches fire, it will definitely benefit those who advocate leaving.

Su Fang?

A murderous intent flashed across Su Ze's eyes.

"Is it really him?"

He gritted his teeth.

Su Fang burned Yunzhou's grain depot, but Su was not interested.But this guy's attempt to split the Su family made Su feel murderous.

The Su family has been passed down in Zhongshan for hundreds of years and must not be defeated by him.

very good!

Su Ze took a deep breath and said, "Leave this matter to the old man, and the old man will definitely give an explanation to General Guo!"

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

"In this way, Lao Su will be old!"

Jiang is still old and hot, and he still has no doubts about the old man's wrist.

He was able to rule the Su family for decades, so he was naturally not a simple person.

The matter is completed, and Guo Jia is about to leave.

Su Ze suddenly stopped him.

"Elder Su, what else do you want?"

Guo Jia asked in surprise.

Su didn't answer, but just looked at him with great interest.

"Boy, you killed the old man's grandson and just walked away like this? Didn't you bully our Su family?"

(End of this chapter)

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